I just think that it would be difficult to trade in a modded 350 and thats the only reason I made that statement, its a bit like colour, white is now probably the favourite but lots of owners like their black, silver, red or whatever colour. Its all down to being free to do whatever you like to your own car.
I think its an aging thing too as I can remember (just about) when I drove cars which I thought were the bee's balls and now I would describe them as more noise than speed, then as i matured I got to like the more stock look where I could side at traffic lights beside a hatchback diguised as a F1 car and proceed to leave it for dead when the lights turned green. A bit like the story of the young bull and the more mature bull walking down the road when they noticed a field full of cows and the young bull said will we run in there and do one of those cows and the older bull replied NO WE WILL SNEAK IN AND DO THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM.