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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. Wicked quotes wanted £1k ontop of my renewal price! its hard getting cheap insurance on a modified bike with so little experience. Bennets have been the cheapest so far, not including MCE with there policy of silly excess of over a grand. Seen that with a few car quotes aswell recently must be the new thing the companies are doing to get you in cheap then raping you on excess to the point its not worth having the insurance. No wonder so many people don't bother with insurance or a licence, the money they save on not buying it or lessons for a few years more than pays for any fines they will get.
  2. will try wicked quotes Yeh I've found go compare to be the cheapest of the comparison sites aswell, they've managed to knock £150 off my renewal which was already a lot less than last year, that means its more than halved in 1 year! just looking to see if any of the forum insurers could save me a little extra.
  3. Any of you companies on the forum do bike insurance? mines is due this month so on the hunt. Cheers
  4. zx6r J1 (silver and black) only passed last year so does as a first bike. Barely been out on it though due to the good scottish weather
  5. The mrs likes the vxrs but after having a total nightmare with her first car(corsa) don't think we will be going down the Vauxhall route again anytime soon, just need to keep looking
  6. didn't get it, needs new disks and pads soon of the front, belts are squeeling like mad, and one front tyre has a slit in the sidewall, oil filler cap was full of emulsified oil and dip stick was stuck solid and took a lot of force to get out. salesman turned from sound guy to bit of a knob when all this was pointed out, especially when I said It would need to be two new tyres as its poor practice to have different tyres on the same axle. being honest wasn't bothered about the brakes really as there not too expensive and a doddle to change but belts looked a nightmare to get into. had he change the belts and tyres he'd probably have been quids in. His loss
  7. Been to see loads of these the past week, all apart from two had rust at the rear arch and the rest were all in pretty poor nick apart from this one http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201244491132783/sort/default/usedcars/price-from/4000/price-to/8000/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/focus/make/ford/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/radius/30/page/1/postcode/fk29tl/keywords/st?logcode=p So going to phone up today and arrange a test drive for the weekend, overall seem pretty reliable cars so just need to see if it feels ok and if the mrs likes driving it. Shes not been to keen on my type r or 350 as there heavy on the pedals and steering, but she liked her dads normal focus so should be fine
  8. Sounds like a warped disc, could you get your wheel off then stick a clock guage on the disc and take run our readings. This will tell you if its warped or not. If it is you'll need it either skimmed or replaced but i would also be looking to see why it has wapred, seized piston, excessive use etc
  9. I came form an ep3 type r, its a good move. a totally different kind of driving experiance though. fuel wise i don't think i'm much worse off and reliability wise the 350z is just as good as the type r's, plus i found insurance to be cheaper!
  10. Good vibes then, would probably go for a st2 or st3 for the slight extra specs. Not fussed on the petrol consumption she struggles to reach 5k a year. Seems there's a few common issues to do with the power steering and some diaphram so will need to look into that a bit more.
  11. scobie140

    Focus ST

    Thinking of trading in the mrs little ibiza sc for a older style st since the prices have dropped loads for the earlyer ones, so she'll have a nice car and it'l be futureproof if/when we have a child. Anyone came from one of them to here could offer any words of wisdom on what to look out for when looking for one? i'll do the usual and have a look through thier forums for common faults etc but always nice to here from someone whos got experiance but nolonger blinded by the faults due to owning one. Thanks for help or advice folks
  12. was like watching a less extreme version of The Scheme
  13. scobie140

    JWT Filter Oil

    I was looking for this when i got my 350z as i was servicing it myself, after a bit of research i ended up just buying the K&N cleaning and oiling kit, only thing is that itl dye the filter a bit red, Doesn't bother me about colour as long as i know its clean and oiled i'm happy. up to you though if you want to spend extra cash to keep it blue
  14. Cheers sam, I looked through hundreds of his posts but ignored that tread as i thought it was just going to be a random fact! The pics were exactly what i needed, games a bogey with my plan to mess about and customise a standard exhaust. Sorry ninja won't be looking for an exaust now unless mines packs in, cheers for offering though
  15. Had a search but couldn't find anything and tryed P'Ming himii but he can't recive any new messages. hopefully he might notice this post and share an knowledge that he has. Ninja how much would you be looking for?
  16. Forgot to put that in, Falkirk. still cant find any pics or drawings.
  17. Anyone got any drawings or diagrams of the internals of the mid section and the backbox for the standard 350exhaust? actual pictures would be better. had a google and a search and can't find anything useful. If anyone local is selling these parts cheap i may also be intrested depending on my findings of the internals. Cheers for any help
  18. Puggy 106 1.5 XRD 156K was only on 65k when i got it and had it for a year and a bit
  19. Simple really the mrs car is about 3 years old so will be due its first mot. She is not the first owner but will the DVLA send her a reminder? as her road tax was due and she did it online and it never said anything about needing an Mot , so surely it must be due by the end of the month or sometime soon.
  20. Welcome, I went from a ctr to the 350z. Massive improvement however you realise you took the big easy boot for granted once you get the 350z
  21. Looks like i'll not be gettin my MOT's for £30 any more
  22. Last year we went looking for a new car for the mrs and the salesman hounded us instantly asking what she could afford to pay a month and asked us to come inside to see what finance was avalible to her. He was swiftly told to ram it he didn't even ask what car she was intrested in or anything, safe to say we walked away from there. An other garage the woman followed us and wouldn't give us space to talk. everntually at one dealership we met the best salesman i've ever delt with and probibly the best i'll ever deal with. he wasn't pushy just helpful and poilite and gave us space and time. He found us a good deal and got our commision. just amasing on how diffrent they can be and that they can even put you off looking at their stock with the wrong attitude
  23. Thought so! just the film looked tinted so thats what put me off just wipping them off
  24. Well sadly after trying all other insurance companies(Cheapest £1500) no one will come anywhere near admiral(£750) so will have to go crawling back to them tail between my legs after telling them to ram it for missinforming me and telling them i'd be going else where £200 more over am incident that i never got any compensation for and will be shafted for an other 3 to 5 years till i can tick the no box.
  25. Ended up going with this one http://www.leconcepts.com/products/lcd- ... ce=Froogle Picture is really good when on a good HD channel.Not watched a 3d film yet but had a look at a few 3d trailers and watched a bit of footy in 3d and was impressed. Not 3d the way i think of it(jumping out at you) but it does give the image alot more depth. Will only get used once ina blue moon anyway. The 2D to 3D conversion was pretty dissapointing, only notice it on a few things but when it does work it its ok. You can download apps for it i don't have an i phone or android phone so don't have a clue how that works yet. Still not played the ps3 on it yet so will need to get MW3 to try it out when the pups sleeping. So a good tv and if it last five years till the warrenty runs out i'll be chuft with that. The 3D glasses have a film tint on them with a tab at the bottom of the lens(inside and out) one blue one red, do i peel these off or just cut of the annoying tabs as it doesn't mention them in the instructions??
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