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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. I wish I could cancel sky! we can't get virgin as they have no budget left for new cables in our area and can't get the half ars*d BT option either but can't remember their reasons. Cancelled the sports and movies at the end of the footie season to save £45 a month though.
  2. Cheers,Sounds like it could be a decent way to pass some time on a sunny Sunday. I'll just end up wanting to mod the car more or buy a new car to mod! Any pics of your car irfan? so we know what to look out for.
  3. Seems to be a few people going, never been before so going to ask a total noob question but what actually happens at it? I've no interest in taking the car on the track so not fussed about that, cause I'd write it off. But is there any entertainment, stalls?
  4. Would all depend on prices, just seen the black Z burger badge set on ebay for £100+ as i'm currently looking for something dark but not quite black to match my wheels and handles, so the one in the bottom right hand corner could be a possibility. Madness to spend a fortune on a few silly bits of plastic though.
  5. Noticed this was on this Sunday, anyone been before or going? Not much info about it on the knockhill website. If the weather was ok was thinking of dragging the Mrs along, is it worth my £20 to get in?
  6. Lincolnbaggie is spot on, The oil filter can have an effect on this aswell, may be a different spec if its not OEM. I'm sure I've read on here at some point one member runs with a low pressure oil filter, can't remember his reasons possibly lower pressure higher flow. I could just be talking sh*t though
  7. Seem a great car for the money, Good luck with the sale
  8. We keep getting phone calls wanting us to recycle our windows and doors, even after I politely tell them its a new build they still ask how old it is and if I would like my guttering updated whilst there doing the doors and windows. If I wanted new doors and windows i'd go looking for them!
  9. Good effort! I was raging at birds last week sh*tting over my car one day after I spent an hour washing it, if it happened after spending the time you did I think I'd be suicidal
  10. Good find! wish I could get a find like that. I fancy having a play with wrapping/painting some interior stuff but would prefer to do it on spares so I can still use the car while I mess around
  11. He'll end up like ghost rider if he keeps that up
  12. He can usually get you anything you need for a good price. I just got a window motor off him and fitted it a week or two ago
  13. Done this the other day aswell, Was worth the £25 for the line
  14. scobie140

    Quick wash

    First wash since I did the lights and wheels. Just a few more mods to do then i'll be finished, just need to wait till after the wedding to do anymore. Rain came on almost as soon as I finished!
  15. I agree It was a long time ago and statistics point towards the youth being the problem, but statistics are only of the people who were caught. Yes there is defiantly a lot more younger people who get legless and think its a great idea to go for a joy ride(usually having an accident or somehow drawing attention to themselves) but its also just as easy to be over the limit and still look and drive normal. Generally people over 30ish won't get pulled randomly by the police for a "spot check" as they have no reason to usually, insured, taxed, driving sensible, look fine so the few glasses of wine they had with their dinner or quick pint or two after the golf or work don't matter as there is no reason for them to be pulled to get found out. Where as youths in chaved up cars will get pulled quite often for a check which then the beer they had with their dinner can be smelled from there breath and they'll get done. I'm not saying i'm right your wrong, just that drink driving (don't mean being legless just being over the limit) goes on a lot with older people totally unintentionally and will keep doing so as they are less likely to be caught and don't see it as dangerous as they aren't actually drunk. Good on you for still driving fast cars and not luxury barges at your age, I sometimes struggle getting in and out the 350z at 24!
  16. Yeh your age must be helping! Cheapest I've found so far is £260 with MCE(not the policies with £1k excess) so almost£600 better than last year. Just a few companies to phone up but think that will be hard to beat. and must remember to tell ebike not to renew it automatically
  17. My biggest gripe about them is their reaction times. 17-30 may be a bit wreckless but its all part of the learning curve that is driving at least they can react when they make a mistake. Yes they are less likely to be on the phone but the drink driving is much different, they are from a generation where you could be hammered and all the police would do is tell them to get home(herd plenty of wild stories from older guys when this topic comes up at work). As the years have went on its became a more serious thing but most still have the mindset that a few pints doesn't make any difference or if they feel fine they are fine.
  18. Just knew it would be an OAP when I seen the micra. should have to retake your driving test every 5 years when you get your bus pass, would save a shed load of accidents and near misses.
  19. Did you ever check what was needed with the exhaust?
  20. I get the enter button not working on here quite often
  21. Nice one, I though I recognised the splitter! I did the same mod to my mgzr, like the look of it though so could be a future mod again. How did you find getting it to match the curve of the 350z bumper?
  22. Wish I was that cheap! last year I found a bike, did quotes (£630 was the best I could get), went to see the bike the next day, paid deposit to the guy, went to get the insurance sorted and the cheapest I could get was £840. I was raging, phoned them up with the quote ref no for the £630 quote and got told there system updated/ some other guff and that it was £840 or nothing. so had to bite the bullet. was worth it but glad its came down a good bit this year. I'll give you's a phone over the next few days and get a quote, worth a try
  23. Will need to remember you's do this for renewal time
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