I agree It was a long time ago and statistics point towards the youth being the problem, but statistics are only of the people who were caught. Yes there is defiantly a lot more younger people who get legless and think its a great idea to go for a joy ride(usually having an accident or somehow drawing attention to themselves) but its also just as easy to be over the limit and still look and drive normal. Generally people over 30ish won't get pulled randomly by the police for a "spot check" as they have no reason to usually, insured, taxed, driving sensible, look fine so the few glasses of wine they had with their dinner or quick pint or two after the golf or work don't matter as there is no reason for them to be pulled to get found out. Where as youths in chaved up cars will get pulled quite often for a check which then the beer they had with their dinner can be smelled from there breath and they'll get done. I'm not saying i'm right your wrong, just that drink driving (don't mean being legless just being over the limit) goes on a lot with older people totally unintentionally and will keep doing so as they are less likely to be caught and don't see it as dangerous as they aren't actually drunk. Good on you for still driving fast cars and not luxury barges at your age, I sometimes struggle getting in and out the 350z at 24!