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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. Full lock drifting sounded much better!
  2. Its amazing how stuff like this goes un noticed for years, yet people have probably been very close to it and just never knew they were there
  3. Just got 4 steelies with almost brand new tyres on all for £30 for my new winter scrapper! The joys of 13" wheels. I did loose a wheel trim on the trip home though
  4. I've only another 44k to go to catch up! Hope that was on the motorway at 60+mph haha
  5. Could possibly be the other sensor, I got the error code up and just changed them with a pair from Zmanalex^^ but try the spacers first since there cheaper.
  6. I'd like something deafeningly loud, so when you've got the road rage on its more satisfying
  7. Gearbox and diff oil if they haven't been done recently
  8. GM appeared behind me, both gave a wee flash and wave. Looked a good tidy z
  9. Use any paint that is okay to use outside. I got mine from Halfrauds. Good to know
  10. Just fitted some DRL's so have these for sale. As per title there from a 04 plate so prefacelift, Not a clear smoked though they are an orange smoked but its barely noticeable when fitted. can see it a bit in the pic. £20 delivered £18 collected from Falkirk
  11. This is a plan for the winter, take them off bead blast them then give them a nice new coat of paint. was just unsure of what paint to use
  12. If you stop youngsters driving at night then how will they ever get any experience at driving at night on backroads etc? or how would they get to their backshift/nightshift jobs? can't ban them from having passengers as what if the passenger of the car is their child?(only have to be 16 to legally have one) are they meant to send them in a taxi to the destination then follow them there? remove the speed limits form the motor ways and the halfwits will quickly wipe themselves out in the first few months.
  13. Look classy big beasts but unreliable apparently
  14. Sorted now mate, Looks good
  15. Kiss Knob? Local lady of the night?! It was a bloke in the car lol! Maybe the owner was bought it as a 'gift' when they previously owned a BMW X5.... Definitely not a Merc... Fair point, was early when i made that post!
  16. I just drive onto a few scaffolding boards to give me the extra clearance to get the jack in, really should invest in a low jack though much less hassel
  17. £4k on insurance! you must have a good job to be wasting that much on insurance rather than saving for a house etc
  18. I read that as snob plus, plus it was a merc so that justified my thinking
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