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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. Just seen this, Impressive write up & a good bit of work you've put in!
  2. Personally I've only ever used the super unleaded in mine and in all the cars I've owned which specify this. The manufacturer's spends fortunes on R&D, they don't just specify this for the banter
  3. Another vote for the ctek chargers
  4. PM sent I went down the different filter route, took a lot longer than the few min I thought it would
  5. I've got a brand new one in the garage if you haven't already bought it from torquen. £50 delivered if you want it?
  6. I've got a replica aps sump http://www.airpowersystems.com/350z/sump/sump.htm same as this without the aps logo. It has two ports for feed & return. I run a V3 so I have one blanked and my oil temp sensor fitted into the other one.
  7. With the age of these cars this could become a popular fix, great for showing how its done
  8. Its amazing how a tv series can generate and spur on peoples interest in this, lots of people talking about it now and more aware of it
  9. Glad you got it sorted. Sorry i forgot to take a pic, desperate to get to bed after night shift and totally forgot
  10. I recently swapped mine out for this https://buybearings.co.uk/product/gtx-600-8mx-20-gates-gtx-powergrip-8m-pitch-20mm-wide I'll have a look at my set up after work if i remember and check the washer lay out
  11. If you move away from bosh you can squeeze in an exide 77AH with a CCA 760, Its tight but it did fit
  12. I used this style of kit https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/162309309781?chn=ps ,I made a custom cup to get a better fit along with a bit of heat
  13. I spent a few min trying to work out why you would get your works shift pattern on your wrist before the penny dropped I've got a fair few and a sleeve. A few of my earlier ones are looking pretty poor/crap now but i'd never get them covered or removed as its memories of being young and daft. Only rule I have is they must be coverable by a long sleeve shirt.
  14. I run the JWT clutch with a lightened fly wheel and the clutch just feels like the OEM did, lightened fly wheel took a wee bit getting used to at first but well worth the slight chatter at idle.
  15. Use a dremil or something similar to cut it in half as much as possible then fold it back and forwards, twist it etc until it snaps. Pretty big job to remove it correctly & like others have said in those posts I doubt it serves much purpose with it being so thin and not really having anything connected to it. I'm no expert but that would be how I would tackle it.
  16. Your in good hands with Dynatune, Chris will get it sorted
  17. Took the old battery out and charged it for 2 days. The charger said it ha completed the regen cycle and it was fully charged, when I fitted it the next day it was dead again All those winters of never trickle charging it caught up with it. So sized up and got the biggest battery I could fit in the bay. Fits like a glove! Just need to clean the air filter an its ready for this year
  18. I found the biting point on my zed really high when I got it, I just lowered it by adjusting the pivot point on the pedal via a guide on here. It only took about 10min and made the bite much lower and more to my liking. Obviously if you've not bought it yet you can't try this out but you could test drive it to see if the clutch is actually slipping or just needs adjusted
  19. I used a solid bend to avoid any risk of the hose collapsing as its quite a big diameter with little structural support if you just use a silicone bend. A bit more detail on mine below
  20. I should know in a day or two If I can go
  21. I work in the Scottish one so I kinda cheated by having insider knowledge
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