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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. I do this every year as its no fun in the ice and my street is on a hill that doesn't get gritted. Works out cheaper and easier to buy a scraper for £400 with a years mot and stick two winter tyres on the front then sell in the summer to recoup my £400. Plus i enjoy having a car i don't care about, great for putting the dog in etc My winter routine Sorn it I just give it a good clean and wax and left on the drive as it doesn't fit n the garage Let the fuel get down to the light being on so when it gets the better weather i can fill her up with fresh fuel Try to remember to start her once every trip home an let her run for 5-10min usually just till the rad fan kicks in leave it parked in gear with the handbreak off, give it a quick shuffle about the drive when its warmed up just to stop the breaks seizing Give it a service at some point before I plan on putting it back on the road I know i should put the battery on trickle charge etc but this works for me and batteries are only about £70 so not the end of the world if it dies.
  2. I'd try a PM to zmanalex ~ if you ask him nicely he may be able to tell you. Good shout, fired him a PM
  3. Sorry to hi jack but my question is kinda relevant. What size is the bolts and how many? Just to be prepared for when they all shear and need drilled and tapped.
  4. I stuck with hazard and costa for ages thinking they would come good, total tactical disaster
  5. Weapon of choice this year is a 1.2 punto 8v Zeds beed sorned since Nov The scrapper has already paid for itself as last week someone smashed into the back of it when we were sitting in traffic, boot is all burst and bent and bumper is sha**ed. £82 for replacements from the scrappies, happy days! Just glad it was the scrapper and not the Zed or the Mrs car
  6. When i fitted my Kinetix plenum I cut a new cork gasket for it, Opted for this over NAF as its softer and the torque settings for the plenum isn't very high. A little smear of Hylomar just for extra peace of mind and its sealed perfect.
  7. must be an interesting conversation declaring that to the insurance company
  8. scobie140

    Aerial base

    I just binned mine last month, Can you not drill and tap it? I had to do this a year or so ago
  9. Sorry never noticed this, Threads are all fine
  10. How does what is essentially just an oil storage container reduce carbon emissions?
  11. Got to admit i was expecting this to be loud, If this was proper loud like a truck etc i'd be up for it but sorry doesn't sound much louder than stock. When i blast the horn I want them to know I'm p!ssed off lol
  12. Haha shame they left the plate on but still chuft with the pic, I've told them where the spanner and bracket are stashed if they are taking more of them together later. Hopefully see yours finished soon!
  13. Sorry been away for a few weeks so never noticed your post, Cheers Jeff
  14. Would look good without the lines of masking tape everywhere
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