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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. Was just from ebay, on my phone just now but I'll try and get the link later Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  2. Noticed last time i was under the car that the bushing as per this pic Was looking pretty tired, nothings came up on my previous MOT's but would like to change them out while its still off the road before it goes for its MOT hopefully in the next few weeks. Just looking for confirmation that i'm sourcing the correct bushes as it's not something I've ever dabbled in http://www.whiteline.com.au/product_detail4.php?part_number=W52992&sq=21705 & http://www.whiteline.com.au/product_detail4.php?part_number=W52991&sq=21702 or if anyone can link the correct ones that would be great.
  3. Been away at Aberdeen training for a week but come home to some Royal purple. Without getting a lab to chemically analyse it I'd say i'm about 95% sure both are the same or very similar. Both are identical colour & viscosity seems the same. They both smell the same but the vortec oil had a slightly stronger smell but there wasn't much in it. Tried to get the pics as best i could but lighting was a bit off From what I've seen i'm more than happy to take the chance and use the Royal purple as a flushing fluid. I will still use the vortec oil to run with but will use the royal purple each change to give a good flush as it was only £16 for 1 liter.
  4. Yeh I had to change those brackets out when I replaced mine as mine were pretty rotten and every bolt bar one sheared off in them. Easy wee job Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  5. Well according to a post on an american forum its Royal Purple synthetic ATF re-branded as their own http://www.s197forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78201 If I can't find any more info I'll buy a bottle of that and try to compare them.
  6. Oil arrived from Torqen today but i'm still no further forward with finding out any specs of it. I'll keep digging and see what i can come up with
  7. Mobil Jet Oil II seems to be what the merc guys use or a general motors part number 12345982. Emailed vortech but not hopeful of a helpful response as they will just want you to buy their oil I'd think Yeah you wont get any help from them The Merc stuff is pretty close, I spoke to a few places when I had mine and they suggested it , there is no way Vortech make it it must be branded and rebottled Yeh its nothing special as its just a couple of high speed bearings and two gears they just want to make you go through them for it so they get more money. Surprisingly they have still not replied to my email. Is the merc stuff you are on about the General motors one? Nah thats not an issue for me. Knew that would be their answer totally unhelpful unless you are purchasing from them. At least you got a reply. Cheers for trying to help Reminds me i'll need to order a pack from yous for stock and a final flush as I only have one bottle just now. Don't suppose they supplied you with a material safety data sheet since you will be keeping it in storage? not sure if that would have anything on it that helps, I can't remember the last time I read one in any detail, Just glance at the PPE icons
  8. Mobil Jet Oil II seems to be what the merc guys use or a general motors part number 12345982. Emailed vortech but not hopeful of a helpful response as they will just want you to buy their oil I'd think
  9. Cheers Chris, I suspect that its nothing special but they keep it a mystery and claim terrible things of any other oils as it give them a steady income from customers. I'll keep digging. RichF I'll have a look at some of that and see what I can dig up. Worse case scenario I'll use a oil we use at work in the gear box's of sundyne pumps as that oil services the bearings, and gears at very high speeds very similar to the supercharger so should be of similar spec due to similar duties. But i'd like to try and do it right and remove the element of the unknown.
  10. Not yet but i did offer it up and yeh its going to need a date with the grinder aswel. My pipe is already well marked after trying to rush it one day when the rain came on I'm sure it will be one of many things that's going to need a bit of trimming come the end of this build
  11. Not yet going to order some from Torqen later this evening, Yeh was hoping someone had one lying about and could maybe shed some light on it
  12. Realised today that I've still not put oil in the supercharger or the engine for that matter yet. So thought i'd have a quick look to see how easy its going to be for access to fill. Popped out the breather cap and had a peek in to see something on the threads. Stuck the small magnetic screw driver down to find a few bits of old bearing i'm guessing. Initially I though "ahh f*ck" as it was sent away for overhaul prior to purchase, but thinking about it there is no need to remove a breather plug as part of an overhaul so it could easily have just been missed on the clean up. Just for peace of mind though I'd like to give it a good flush through since I've now disturbed it. Does anyone know the spec of the vortech oil so i can buy some cheap similar spec stuff for flushing? Then after wards i can flush through with the correct stuff and then do the final fill.
  13. Again not much progress due to work but got a few hours on it over the week. Got the intake fitted and finished so happy its another job ticked off. This was meant to show that it had a few mm clearance but my camera skills clearly failed This took a good bit of playing around with to get the right angle cut on the supercharger end so it would sit square I opted for a solid 90deg elbow to remove any worry of hose collapsing, its all good now but was a total ball ache and a lot of trimming plastic to allow it to fit All finnished I fitted a NRV to the brake servo line aswell but never took any pics of that. Few more weeks of over time then I should be back to having free time to push this on a bit more
  14. Is the £39+£5 delivery still applicable to forum members? as it differs from your website
  15. Haha Cheers, Its been daft little things that has taken more of my time than expected and doesn't help I've been doing it on the drive way contending with the Scottish winter weather I'm just glad i'm over the worst of it now and should get it finished when work quietens down. We have NGK 1 step colder plugs in stock, as well as all the plenum gaskets if you still need them. Cheers i'll keep that in mind for when they need renewed or if the denso's throw up any tuning issues
  16. Managed to squeeze in a little bit of work last week and today, Its frustratingly slow just now due to work. Set about changing the plugs to the 1 step colder when disaster struck and the magnet in my spark plug socket gave up resulting in a dropped and broken plug So ordered some new ones. Struggled to get NGK from the uk without paying over the odds so went for the equivalent denso plugs Catch can turned up, Small but should be fine. Not much in the way of a inbuilt baffle system but i've modified it slighlty Stuck in some filter mesh into both sides of the little screw off diffuser to help give more surface area for the oil to condense on. And of course a stainless woolly ball I've not fitted this yet but got some hose and a NRV so all good to go when i get the chance New horns fitted and a rough bracket made up for the power steering cooler rather than holding it in place with cable ties. Its hard to make out but trying to show that the bracket is keeping the cooler clear from the intercooler. Bought a Oil temp gauge but wasn't sure where to fit it, luckily the sump had a large AN fitting plug welded on to it so drilled this out to accommodate the sensor. Pulled in a favor to get a 1/8th NPT fitting welded onto the drilled plug. This sits in the sump so will give me an indication of sump oil temp. Just got to figure out how to wire it up now. Photobucket is brutal to use these days, so slow and laggy.
  17. If i try to go on old threads with chrome I've got to refresh it after its opened or it won't load up. Nothing major just a minor annoyance
  18. I've just plumbed mine last week and can back up davey_83 with 15mm or 5/8 in old money
  19. If there's enough meat around the hole you could drill them out and take them up a size. or if there isny enough meat on it to get away with that you could use a heli coil kit to allow you to reuse the oem bolts Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  20. So after a quick chat with Dyna tune They have advised to change the plugs to the 1 step colder so these will be swapped out at some point. Held up with weather and parcel force taking a week to deliver a 24hour parcel so not much progress despite being off work for a few days. Last chance to get anything done for the next 6 weeks today was hampered by rain but I did what i could. K&N filter for the passenger side PCV Roughly fitted for now Had to remove a few pulleys to get the charger in position, only to get hampered with more wiring getting in the way! Some time in the oven and the pulleys slipped back on no problem. Chucked a a spare used belt on for now just till its been ran as there is already a few clearance issues. Might need to buff the cover a tad as its touching the belt I got a break from the rain so decided to get the upper plenum stuck on. Had to make a new gasket as the last one came off in bits. Fitted, still need to tidy up the outer edge of the gasket Not ideal this but you can see the gauge fine. Fitted the inter cooler and the first two pipes. Need to take the bend off and put the washer pipes under it. Inter cooler will need moved back a about 5mm to allow the oil cooler to fit in my pre guesstimated position that I drilled out before the inter cooler arrived. I'll also need to make up some sort of bracket for the power steering cooler. Unfortunately its not going to progress much due to work for 6 weeks but glad to feel like its within touching distance.
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