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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. Just fitted my new(2nd hand but with new whiteline bushes fitted) lower control arms. It turns out they are slightly different. The recess where the nut for the ball joint on my new ones isn't as deep as the ones I've taken off. The nut now sits flush with the top of the bolt so I'm unable to fit any split pins. The ball joint seems like it's seated fine, had them slackned, tightened and wiggled loads before I stuck my finger in the recess and realised the difference. Anyone else running like this and had any issues? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. I don't track the car so would like to keep it semi comfortable but still sharpen it up, I already have whiteline sway bars & drop links so just kept it whiteline.
  3. I had exactly the same issue on a brand new mini I owned in the 70's. The main dealer was unable to fix it and sent it to an auto electrician who discovered that one of the bulbs was faulty. It was a long time ago so I don't remember if it was a sidelight bulb or one of the brake light bulbs. Pete I was just talking about this today at work! When he braked all the front of the car lit up. spent hours looking for the fault and it turned out to be the dual filament bulb, the bit that lights when the brakes is applied had broken and fallen onto the other filament still completing the circuit but causing the weird fault. Hope this fix is as simple as that, worth a check
  4. If I were you I'd keep as is and pump that money into either a supercharger or a turbo set up, each to their own though
  5. It could be the same as I've had the wiring loom pulled all over the place. Just had a brief " ahh sh*t" moment thinking I'd left something. If it's a spare I wonder what it's for Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  6. Well done, that must have taken a lot of work Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  7. Found this plug unattached, I have no recollection of unplugging anything in that area but the car has been in bits for a while so might have. Can't see anywhere for it to plug in. It's just behind the power steering reseviour Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  8. I wouldn't imagine it will be am issue as when boosting it is usually stuck behind and intercooler and oil cooler. I've never read anyone complaining of issues with it Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  9. Builds going backwards Been too busy to work on the car but its managed to spring a leak from the sump. I'm pretty sure its from the blanking plate as I made he rookie mistake of not removing it as it felt tight, Although after going round re-torquing it all after the leak was discovered it feels like one of the bolts is stripped. So i'll whip it off and either drill and tap it or helicoil it if there's not enough meat to go up a size. A silly oversight but nothing major, glad it showed up now though rather than possibly catching me out later on. Spotted these bushes looked past it while i've had the car on the ramps. So soaking all the bolts in plus gas, managed to get the two shock's bolts out copperslipped and re torqued so far, I'll have another go at the others when i've more time. Jon at emperor tuning sorted me out with a good second set of arms and clark motorsport sorted me out with new whiteline poly bushes, So I have these prepped and ready for when the car comes back from being tuned. Old bushes pushed out easy and new ones went in after heating the arms and freezing the bushes plus a good bit of encouragement from the press. Working overtime again so not much spare time but not much left to do, the finishing line is in sight
  10. I've somehow lost the washer jet fitting from my driver side wiper when I've had it stripped down for a respray as per the bit missing in the pics. Anyone got one spare for sale?
  11. I've just done this the other day. Pretty easy. My tip would be to not remove the grommet, just pierce it and then seal your hole when finished. I removed the grommet and damaged the clip slightly so stuck some sealant under it for extra reassurance as it wasn't as sturdy as before. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  12. I think it will look good,and there is no way back now as I already started the job as you have seen in the above post ...just 1 guy in America I saw that did this to his car and it looks great to be honest,think (Bob)Buster shared a few pics here of his car there will be quite a few Rocket Bunny Zeds by show season in UK and I want something a bit different...plus I also didn't like the way the front fenders were flowing with the car lines once they were on,hence my decision...but this just means a lot more work for me with all the bloody filling and sanding I already hate doing this There's already a smoothed rocket bunny 350z getting done in Scotland just now so you know. I personally think it does look better than bolt on but it's just going to crack. There's no way getting around it as the two different materials are going to move different so it cracks. Seen a glimpse of this and thought it was this one so will be nice to see how both turn out, Smoothed is much nicer i reckon
  13. Its a easy job if you plan it right. split and remake all your connections so you know they all come freely, crack all your bolts, clips etc. Loosely make up the new pipe and slave then try to quickly change over when ready. If you do it this way you should only loose containment for a minimum amount of time. It should save you running the master low and making bleeding a little bit easier. I vacuum bled mine and roped the wife in to pump the pedal just for good measure much to her displeasure haha
  14. Making good progress, can't wait to see how the wings work out Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  15. I found this aswel but before i did it it was really quiet. Best solution is to listen to songs off a memory stick etc so at least your deafened by your choice of music and not guff on the radio like one direction
  16. Bit more progress today Sensor fitted Wire fed into cabin, bit messy but should seal fine. Still to wire the gauge up at a later date PCV set up 95% complete, Just need to make a new bracket and turn it 90deg Boost line set up for fuel regulator, BOV etc Wrestled the oil cooler lines into place changed oil filter & filled engine with 5L of oil for now. Next oil change i'm going to get new hoses made up as these aren't flexible enough but they will do for the time being. Weather is going downhill for the week and back on overtime next week so back to slow progress for a while This will give me time to figure out how to either do away with or replace the passenger side washer bottle to allow the cooler pipework to fit better.
  17. Hopefully Alex will come back with some more info on that for you. I did find these 1.2L and 1.8L bottles from Torqen when I searched. Link: https://www.torqen.u...1040010402.html The windscreen washer bottle is big enough though to supply both windscreen & headlight washers. I think it might have been Sam Mcgoo who told me about re-routing the pipes to the one bottle after I was complaining that I didn't have a headlight washer bottle anymore after supercharging. After all both pumps are already on the one bottle anyway. Yeh hope he can chip in with an easy fix as i'm just after what ever is going to be the easiest solution. Cheers I've not had a chance to look I've been trying to make the most of the last bit of dry weather, I'll have a look see if there are any more that are plug and play as I've no idea what the fittings are called that are on the washer system. I had a quick look at the piping set up but didn't want to waste too much time since I've still got loads left to get on with so couldn't figure out how to run off the one bottle.
  18. Bummer! Is there a specific bottle to replace it with or just a generic universal one? Might have a look and see if looks easy enough just to re route the pipes. Knew things were going to smoothly Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  19. Got a wee bit done yesterday but the weather was too nice to be spending all day on the car. Fitted the remaining intercooler pipework so glad i've got that boxed up Anyone fitting this in the future fit this pipework before installing the charger and bracket!! it made access a nightmare, struggled on and got there in the end. Slight concern about the bottom pipe sitting low Had a bit of a mare with my catch can as my original location which was perfect is going to be fowled by the BOV Finally found somewhere to stick it but i'll need to make another bracket to turn it 90deg as I think the hoses will fowl the bonnet. I did look for 90deg fitting but can't find any metric parallel threaded fittings with hose connectors, all the fittings I can find are bspp or bsp but i'm 95% sure its a metric thread. No biggie i'll just make a new bracket and turn the can. Weather is due to be dry today so will hopefully get a bit more done
  20. I can't find any pics of a zed with the intercooler fitted that has the two washer bottles. I've just fitted my pipework last night but it just doesn't seem right. Don't get me wrong it all fits but i'm concerned its going to stick out a bit. Has any of you boosted guys got the two bottles and can shed any light on this?
  21. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231803760275?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Sorry its £21 odd by the time you add postage but still alot cheaper than the vortec stuff especially to use as a flushing oil.
  22. Was just from ebay, on my phone just now but I'll try and get the link later Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  23. Noticed last time i was under the car that the bushing as per this pic Was looking pretty tired, nothings came up on my previous MOT's but would like to change them out while its still off the road before it goes for its MOT hopefully in the next few weeks. Just looking for confirmation that i'm sourcing the correct bushes as it's not something I've ever dabbled in http://www.whiteline.com.au/product_detail4.php?part_number=W52992&sq=21705 & http://www.whiteline.com.au/product_detail4.php?part_number=W52991&sq=21702 or if anyone can link the correct ones that would be great.
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