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Everything posted by CrustyCrab

  1. It's only when the light are on. It does it the first time you wash with the light on and then periodically if you keep using the washers. The button does intant but only if the lights are on.... I'm pretty sure
  2. Yeah, they are gorgeous
  3. Just wanted to say thank you to Adam for the badge, very good condition. Cheers mate (Mods please lock)
  4. I do quite like the fairlady one
  5. Where abouts are you? If I get the result I want from the badge I get from 350Ad I could pass on my old badge? I'll keep you posted if you like/ can wait/ don't have any offers?
  6. I'll show you when i have it ready Give me a shout if you need any help with servicing assuming mine goes ok... Finally do your oil eh?
  7. no, I want it to try something with it... I haven't driven it far enough recently for anything to fall off. It's sorn at the moment until next month. Just forked out for major service items: all fluids, oils spark plugs, belts etc. forgot about tax Is yours off the road at the mo?
  8. yeah, thats the one. cheers
  9. Hello, I'm looking for one of these.... Happy for it to be second hand so if any one has one laying around drop me a PM. Cheers, Crab
  10. It's loud Actually yeah it is I definitely heard you going down the M25 from mine.... Not bad
  11. +1 Decats and MD XYZ is sweet. I've have had that for a while and it's only loud when you want it to be
  12. What about the seller? only 1 feedback in total and within the last month!! dodgy if you ask me.
  13. SGS ones are easy to fit, only problem you may have is removing the ball studs from the OEM struts. I had to cut mine off but be really careful not to cut into the ball stud. Also helps if you remove the studs with the strut still attached if you find it too difficult to remove the strut whilst attached to the car. Don’t forget to prop the tailgate open as it is quite heavy and I removed the boot plastic floor panel so I didn’t damage it.
  14. i bet.... I read it somewhere on the forum when i was putting some silvatec bulbs in. Once i got the lens out i saw how easily the wire would slip inside the fender and taped up the hole until i had swapped bulbs.
  15. I managed to get mine out with 'careful' use of a knife. It is only held in by a barb style clip on either side. Once out you can remove the lens but MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LET THE WIRE FALL INSIDE THE FRONT FENDER!! Hope that helps
  16. I can hazard a guess at this bit.... 柿本改ã®92dBã¨ã¯ :lol:
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