That's the exact one! once the penguin goes red (or pinky blue) stick it in the micro and it steams all the moisture out. i just keep mine in my car all the time. if you have excessive moisture in your car though it will help if you soak it up with a cloth and remove it from your car.
That's the exact one! once the penguin goes red (or pinky blue) stick it in the micro and it steams all the moisture out. i just keep mine in my car all the time. if you have excessive moisture in your car though it will help if you soak it up with a cloth and remove it from your car.
Off with god tyres in the summer but usually on just incase. The TC can be A bit too cautious though and hinder (like quick pull off from a roundabout) when a bit of slip would be safer than no power!
I actually purchased a rechargeable silicone cushion thing. Really works well and once it becomes saturated you just put it in the microwave and steam the moisture out of it.
I would definitely recommend this over anything else!!
As title...
Have we still got the garage thingy for listing mods, installs and prices etc in profile? I used to find it really useful when looking for ideas for stuff.
For actual "free"... Assuming you have some tools;
Remove tailgate weight,
Take off aerial
For small amount of money;
Bose hack,
Remove rear wiper and put plug in hole,
Silvatech bulbs
I was looking into getting my car resprayed and then protection wrapped and one place told me you shouldn't get it wrapped straight away. think they said to wait a few months.