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Everything posted by Railgun

  1. Bit of a vanity query! Spent 6 hours on the car yesterday to get her looking presentable for the weekend, and after a 20 minute drive on good old Scottish b roads, she looks like looks like she's been towed through a plowed field. I'm guessing a few hundred 'wet' motorway miles won't help either. Is there a carwash nearby, or even a hose there we can use? I am coming to get a few beers down me, bottom line, but would be cool if car didn't look like a muck spreader.
  2. Seems like your average Joe on the street, the guy who goes out to work, pays his tax's and has some perception of where the line between right and wrong is, will continue to subsidize these c@#*s. As long as these human rights leaders, the majority of whom are from privileged backgrounds (hilarious),continue to have their half pennys worth every time a copper gets heavy handed with some b@$!@/d who seriously needs a good hiding, then this will continue! I would say bring back national service, but to be honest, most military guys have to trust the guy next to them. Saw a clip last night of a youngster with a busted face, and while one guy pretended to comfort him, his mate was sifting through his backpack for his phone and money. Made me feel ill. Sorry for the random multi pointed post. Just getting it all out.
  3. Welcome to the forum mate. Good luck in your search. It's a great motor!
  4. Just saw on the box its kicked off in nottingham now. Hope all locals are ok and were all still on for the weekend.
  5. ....ehhhh....is it a pet name for 'wor lass'?
  6. Miss sold that post. He's gonna be a monster eh!? Nice socks btw Craig!
  7. Nice one mate. Well said.
  8. I can't remember the last time I shouted at the TV quite so much.n Send them home, and you can take that any way you want. Olympics next year and the world is watching!
  9. Railgun

    IM BACK !!

    Better luck this time round. Welcome back.
  10. Mate, this post is genius. Even funnier with a few tins! Come to Zefest and see how many jolly purple faces you can spot on Saturday morning.
  11. I'm bringing a pop up tent pal. Best thing I've bought for ages. I'll give Ye a hand with it, though I'm not entirely certain how useful my input will be.
  12. Could be cool mate, first time down there and all. I'll find out what time I'm getting away at closer to the big day. Don't wanna hold ya up if I'm 'tasked' before then.
  13. Friday morning mate. Off the leash for the weekend, so making the most of all of it!
  14. Coming from north of the border, 'leisurely' is a prerequisite! At least it is if I want beer money for the weekend!
  15. Just saw a report with an old boy, who's family business has been there for 125 years, surviving the depression and the blitz, and these fkn dregs take it down, just because it was on their route! So angry!
  16. They say that using profanities shows a lack of restraint and understanding of your own language, but I'm finding it really hard not too when discussing things like this. As its already been said, no matter what the police do, it will be challenged as being the wrong thing to have done. Too many doo gooders and human rights people these days. What about the rights of yer average Joe on the street. Get waded in with truncheons and rubber bullets. I find it difficult to believe you could brain damage these scumbags anyway! As for getting the forces involved. I certainly hope it doesn't have to come to that, as the lads are stretched enough. I think this will be an interesting topic of discussion this weekend.
  17. When is a good time for pitching up on friday? Is early afternoon "too early", as may be leaving Ayr fairly early
  18. Welcome to the club fella. A wise choice!
  19. Wonderful!! Thanks mate. It was just for a T-shirt and a car sticker! 370z jobbies!
  20. Is anyone bringing down club merchandise? Or is it possible to order stuff for pick up on the weekend?
  21. Yeah sorry to say I have one. Waiting for refund of tax from old car before I put it on new Z though!
  22. Very professional looking pics mate. Very nice. In the best colour too!
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