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Everything posted by Railgun

  1. Nice one mate. I have some kerbing on my nearside rear. Some cosmetics for it would be great for cover uptill refurb is on the cards!
  2. Nice one pal. Hope you have as much fun with it as the rest of us do, and I guarantee you will get more admiring stares than you would in a boxter!!
  3. The worst idea, in the long sad history of bad ideas! Don't do it dude!!! She's a Zed, not a Pug!!
  4. BP is fine, it's what I run the 911 on and what I used to run the Zed on The additives make a hell of a difference. Due to a balls-up by one unnamed tuning company my old mk3 turbocharged MR2 was mapped for 100+ RON rather than the 97 I wanted. As such, I had to fill up every single time with a tank of the good stuff plus a bottle of the additive, and if I didn't do so it would pre-detonate all over the place. Scary stuff, but at least it gave me full confidence in the product. Millers is by the far the best bang for buck, £4.99 gets you one shot for a whole tank. Well worth keeping a bottle in the boot just in case. Thanks for the info pal. Good to know I'm not wasting sponds on it. Does that Redex stuff work?. I noticed Asda has it at 2 quid for a bottle and halfrauds is selling the same size for 8. It says it has detergents to clean injectors etc, but I was under the impression that BP Ultimate had the same in it, or are the claims of improved mileage and performance negligible in both cases!!
  5. The only thing I can get locally is BP ultimate, and that's 97. Assume that's ok. One query I have is, do these fuel additives like STP claiming to up the op actually work, and if so, is it worth keeping a bottle handy if yer caught short and have to fill up on the cheap stuff?
  6. There are plenty of twisty, winding, blind summited roads near me, and I know them like the back of my hand. However, there are regular timber trucks and a fair number if cyclists using them too. Sometimes the best road/driving knowledge you can have is common sense pal. Be safe!
  7. It wasn't that one in the sink at the fest was it????
  8. I lived in Naples for 3 years, and the majority of people drive around like that, regardless of the condition of their brakes and tyres. LOL No harm done fella!
  9. There wasn't much chance of dropping off to sleep being sat behind Martin pal. LOL. Did have to stop off at southwaite services for a coffee mind. Slept the sleep of the dead last night too........aaach was all worth it.
  10. Looking to get exactly the same thing done myself. Seen a few vids on youtube of the led headlight mod (cincity I think), and looks nice. Seems like the indents running down the outside of the lights were meant to have them, shame it wasn't an option. Not keen on doing it myself if I'm honest, as the thought of pulling my Z's eyes out, makes me as squeemish as pulling out my own. If anyone has any more info on different types/suppliers/fitters, would be much obliged!!
  11. LOL. Oh aye, forgot!!! Still, its only reinforced my dislike of aforementioned 'music' genre!! Till next year(hopefully sooner) fella! Hope you made the footy ok!
  12. Saw you there bud. Car was looking great. Love the colour. Looked better in the sun! Welcome to the forum!
  13. Welcome to the forum fella. Have a good time racking up the miles, and giving the bank balance a good hammering!
  14. Great pics guys. Had a fantastic weekend. Big thanks to all involved, and Martin, was good fun falling in behind you. A good noise!
  15. Just a quick one to say a big 'THANK's' to all who organised and had a hand in the weekend. I really enjoyed myself, though my body says otherwise at the moment. Good fun and no bother, not many places you can head out around here and be guaranteed that. Thanks to Martin for taking me under his wing, and to all I met over the weekend for being so friendly. I felt like I had known alot of you for years! Roll on the next one, and hopefully the turnout will be better!
  16. If the local esso had a fat hairy rock band playing, and lasses like that parading up and down the forecourt, I might go there more often. Unfortunately its hairy lasses and fat guys with a rock on. Thats Ayr for you though!
  17. Go with the Z mate. I got rid of my Z in 2009, and I am now back in one. You wont regret it! Having said that, the Brera is a gorgeous car, its just a pity it handles like a pig. The 4c looks interesting, but could be 2013 before we see it! Go Z!!!!
  18. Welcome to the forum mate. Happy motoring!
  19. You wouldn't. Cool mate. I'll bring some detailing stuff!
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