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Everything posted by Railgun

  1. Had a look at that mate, and guess I got the wrong website!! http://www.evopowerboards.co.uk/
  2. Very nice indeed, dare I say, "relatively subtle" too! http://www.the370z.com/exterior-interio ... -09-a.html
  3. I always said from day one "NO MODS!", but loving the look of that. Ill have a peek at full kit!
  4. I saw somthing similar in a local paper a few years back, but it was a honda driven by an old lady, parked up in someones living room. I think she'd had a stroke or somthing. So did the guy watching Jeremy Kyle apparently!
  5. Yeah - genuine Nissan OEM ones as previously sold Oh right, if they fit the same I'll look into it. The boot for the 350 seemed larger, so didnt think it would fit all that well!?
  6. Cheers dude. Ill do that. I got one for my 350 a few years ago off ebay for 10 quid. No such luck with the 70 though!
  7. Anyone know where I can get a cheap cargo net for the 370, official one (and only one I can find) on the nissan website is 83 quid!!(dont want to sound cheap, but thats alot for what it is) Failing that, what does everyone else use to stop their crap rolling around. I'm using a bodywarmer at the moment. http://www.nissan-aftersales.co.uk/acce ... search.y=3 Post above is where the official one is found!
  8. I was under the impression it was the same driver........who knows with that program mind!
  9. Astonishing motor IMHO. Its taken a few years too, but the looks are really starting to grow on me!
  10. PMSL, I'm sure Halfrauds have them in stock!!
  11. Quite a few shockers on there to be honest...........
  12. Welcome to the forum pal. Pics soon as please!
  13. Apologies if this is a repost, but just thought I'd post it up for those who hadn't seen. Just had a look myself, and was more than a little impressed by the list of cars 'behind' the Z!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/show/powerlaps.shtml
  14. Brilliant news mate. Just goes to show eh?!, somtimes things happen for a reason, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. Hope everything works out well!
  15. Had forgotten about that. I might someday get around to starting a petition to have horses wear nappies. If a dog shits in the road, owners are expected to clean it up, why not horse riders? Take a fold up spade (horse will carry it anyway!) and just shovel it into the bushes/ditch by the road This is very dangerous to bikers (motorised or not) as hitting it coming around a bend at just 20MPH and you dont stand much chance of keeping it upright I totally agree. I dont have a dog, and certainly dont like finding a stick to prize anything off my shoes, but I fail to see where the fairness is, when they can be slapped with a 100 quid on the spot fine for a Yorkie dropping a slug, and yet our equine loving friends, can drop somthing in the middle of the road, that cyclists and most car drivers, have to treat as a roundabout!! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to watch this stuck up munter, whos always out on the road local to me (who looks at you when you pass, even very slowly, like you've just taken a dump on her kitchen table), down on her hands and knees with a dustpan and brush and a bin liner. Maybe then she wouldn't be as keen to bring it through my mum and dads village, and let it park its breakfast infront of their house!!!
  16. I had a'lot of fun trying to lock the car on the day I picked it up. I'd forgotten that the spare key the dealership had given me, had gone in the pocket of my jacket, which I leave in the car, and every time I tried to lock the car, it would bleep at me in refusal. I was close to calling the dealership before I realised what had happened.
  17. Yeah, watching it mate. I know a few guys from HC who got injured out there. Inspiration they are, but very fragile at the same time. Meeting folk like that, lets you know what side your bread is buttered on!
  18. Big Pork pie, and a jar of branston pickle. Nuff said!
  19. Smurfs are back in vogue mate!!
  20. I'm not aware of it pal, and certainly haven't heard any self locking. The key never comes out of my pocket. Don't think its ever been in the dash. LOL Glad your enjoying it. Welcome to the club by the way.
  21. Welcome to the club pal, and like Martin said, take it easy till you get the feel for it (assuming its your first RWD car)
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