Had forgotten about that. I might someday get around to starting a petition to have horses wear nappies. If a dog shits in the road, owners are expected to clean it up, why not horse riders? Take a fold up spade (horse will carry it anyway!) and just shovel it into the bushes/ditch by the road
This is very dangerous to bikers (motorised or not) as hitting it coming around a bend at just 20MPH and you dont stand much chance of keeping it upright
I totally agree. I dont have a dog, and certainly dont like finding a stick to prize anything off my shoes, but I fail to see where the fairness is, when they can be slapped with a 100 quid on the spot fine for a Yorkie dropping a slug, and yet our equine loving friends, can drop somthing in the middle of the road, that cyclists and most car drivers, have to treat as a roundabout!! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to watch this stuck up munter, whos always out on the road local to me (who looks at you when you pass, even very slowly, like you've just taken a dump on her kitchen table), down on her hands and knees with a dustpan and brush and a bin liner. Maybe then she wouldn't be as keen to bring it through my mum and dads village, and let it park its breakfast infront of their house!!!