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Everything posted by Railgun

  1. Could be a couple of months away now. I thought my insurance with direct line was up at the end of september, but its the end of october. I plan to move to eSure then, as DL have refused to insure me if I do the exhaust!! Plan on hearing the G-mans and hopefully a stillen too. It's gonna happen though!
  2. Without sounding too geeky. I saw the car on a few computer games on my nephews xbox (cough, mine), and it did have them. If you look at the lights from a few yards back, it looks like its actually supposed to have them. Maybe they were going too, but came over all purist and decided not too!
  3. Yeah, was thinking the same mate. I've seen too many condensation filled headlights from people messing with em. It looks great, and I can see why folk do it, but would be paranoid about them going tits up!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4TLBgBgwtM Soz that didn't copy right!!
  5. I love the way the car looks as is, but I think from this video, it enhances the look a little............has anyone seen this in RL? If so, does it look tacky? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4TLBgBgwtM
  6. My old ma lives about 20 yards along from the village school, and whenever I drive past it on the way to her house, all the kids are up on the railings waving and shouting! Primary school kids, but better praise than none I guess. There are practically no zeds at all up my way, 370 or 350, and the only other 370 I've ever seen was the G-man's, and that was before I bought mine! A rare breed indeed!
  7. Sounds to me like its more of a reflection of the people gobbing off(cocknockers), than it is to their reaction to you or the car mate. Having too much time on their hands from being a sponger allows them to spend time thinking up hillarious one liners like "w*nker"! I guess they dont provide Z's on the mobility allowance budget! I enjoy my car, and couldn't care less about some chav to$$ers reaction. It is nice when people take time out to come and ask about it though eh!
  8. That would probably be a more practical option. Might take you up on it! I quite like a wee spin up to Arrochar on occasion. I'll give ye a shout if I'm headed up! I'll be in that area for the next couple of weeks If you're up early evening, then we could meet up at The Village Inn for a spin failing that, we'll set up another meet up at some point Sounds like a plan Mon Ami! I'll give you a shout when I have my proverbial s£!t in one sock!
  9. Thanks for that pal. I was always a little worried about the car sounding a bit too much like a halfrauds raped Saxo. I'd rather have the stock exhaust than have the car turning heads for the all the wrong reasons! Think I'd still like to hear one first though before I take the plunge. Edging ever closer!
  10. PMSL. I'd buy that for a dollar!!
  11. i see, its a waste of money then... I think so pal, the BS science they hit you with sounds good (I read all the gumf on their website), but if clagging a few magnets onto your fuel line meant you burned less, then everyone would be putting it on as standard to make their consumption figures look better! I'd love to be wrong though!
  12. I read up on these things "years" ago, and actually bought a set for my Celica when I had one. They are good for hanging notes on the fridge door, as they are very strong, but from what I've read about them to date, thats about all the good they do!
  13. .........your choking your chicken...........yeah, yeah, choke, choke!! I loved the blood pressure monitor in the supermarket!
  14. Stick me down for one mate. I aint giving the nissan dealership 83 quid for a 370 one!!
  15. Beavis............I have seen the top of the mountain...........and it is good!
  16. Once I've made my mind up, can anyone recommend someone on west coast of Scotland for fitting.............aaannddd.........does it affect your insurance 'that' much. Like I said, the power gain is nice and all, but its the soundtrack I'm more interested in!
  17. That would probably be a more practical option. Might take you up on it! I quite like a wee spin up to Arrochar on occasion. I'll give ye a shout if I'm headed up!
  18. I'm a decent distance from where the Hoon is running, and believe me, I've been squirming to try and get up for it. Haven't given up on it yet though, and may make it up for part of it. Fingers crossed, as it would be great to see and hear the Z's as a collective, and get an idea for the sound I'm looking for. Thanks for the responses so far. A may be in order.
  19. Ok, the car is now officially mine to play with, so was thinking somewhere along the lines of a new exhaust, as the car to me, doesn't make the noise you would expect it too when you look at it, and dare I say it, my 350 made a better noise with a stock exhaust!!! Looking for something that sounds civilised when cruising, but deep and menacing without shrieking when your giving it some revs. Heard some Stillen ones on youtube that sounded fairly nice, but its difficult to tell unless you hear it in RL. Any ideas will be warmly welcomed!
  20. That's one of the main reasons I do it too pal. That and the end result. Nothing nicer than stepping back and going "ahhh yeahhh"!! I was bullied into doing my boots n stuff in the military, so I guess some of that must have rubbed off!
  21. WOW, looks great pal. Never heard of Supernatural before(other than the TV prog) Better than Meguiars??? How much, and where from?
  22. I googled that very question pal, as wasn't aware it was bad to do it too often, and found this on the meguiars website. "There is no standard answer regarding how often you should wax. Many variables influence the life of the wax: Type of paint Condition of paint Local environment (normal conditions and extraordinary events) Number of hours exposed to outside conditions Quality and type of wax applied Quality of wash solution used to wash car That's why Meguiar’s is the first to provide car owners with a personalized Car Care Rx Plus that takes into account all of these factors. What is right for a car kept outdoors all day in the Midwest is not right for a car kept 80% indoors in San Antonio. Another factor to consider is your personal desires for how your car should look. If you always want your car to look like it just won a car show, then you can and should apply a pure polish or premium wax often. Meguiar’s pure polishes can be applied as often as you like, even daily with no negative effect, and in fact will keep you car looking showroom new for the life of the car if you were in fact to polish it each and every day. Meguiar’s polish/waxes and pure waxes can also be used often for maximum protection and eye dazzling good looks. Whichever product you decide to choose, the important point it is to begin a regular cycle of car care and stick to it." I'm no expert pal. I did mine a few weeks ago before the zedfest, and spent about 7 hours on it, have no intention to do it again until it really looks like it needs it. http://www.meguiars.com/faq/index.cfm?f ... ection=_16
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