I do hope someone can help in solving this problem which has been on-going for some 4 months. The car - 2004 model fitted with APS twin turbo, plenum and s/s exhaust; 400fwhp; up to August 36,000 miles of faultless, powerful performance.
Car cut out going up a hill in Durham and took some 20 attempts to restart. Limped to the kerb, phoned breakdown, arrived 45 minutes later. Started car - no problem no fault codes. Drove 200 miles back to Dundee without a hitch. Drove around for another 2 weeks - no problem. Car cut out, probably died is a more accurate word! Into my local excellent garage and he got the diagnostic chap to the rescue. No fault codes. Running slightly lean was the verdict. Replaced maf sensor with known good unit - no difference, still "hunting" at idle. He parked it up and I collected the car - ran perfect for a week. Problem started again - no throttle response (intermittent), cutting-out, difficult to start, very rough idle. Back to the garage - recorded dreaded "random cylinder missfire" code. Replaced spark plugs - no improvement. He left the car and restarted it 2 hours later - no problem. I picked the car up, drove home, car cut out 3 times. Back to garage. Replaced fuel pump. Test drive - no problem. I drove the car home - no problem. Went for Sunday drive - car cut out at end of Tay Bridge. Restarted on 3rd attempt. Drove 6 miles home - no problem.
So! Any thoughts or words of wisdom. I will happily take the car to any garage to solve the problem. As far as i can ascertain the missfire/cutting out/lack of throttle response is not weather or temperature dependant. The fault can just disappear or reappear at any time. Maf sensor, plugs and fuel pump have been eliminated. So what's left? Crankshaft sensor, camshaft sensor, O2 sensors, ECU? I would be grateful to take the car to or discuss the problem with absolutely anyone. I live in Broughty Ferry just east of Dundee. Any comments gratefully received .