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Everything posted by adamsclan

  1. This sounds like the way I am thinking. Any chance we could have a chat? So much better than bloody typing! Cheers.
  2. The mechanic and I have checked all induction and exhaust system for leaks without finding anything. No go I'm afraid. Many thanks for your help.
  3. Update on car running issues. I have now rep;aced plugs, fuel pump (new walboro very noticeable whine), crankshaft sensor. Have cleaned throttle body, maf sensor (temporary replacement unit made no difference), checked grounds. Sunday morning car would fire but not run; eventually (after 30 attempts!) got engine to run roughly by working throttle pedal but would die otherwise. Monday morning car started first time, warmed up, slowed to normal idle - revved up, back to normal idle. Car running perfect. Tuesday morning car started first time, warmed up drove it for approx. 10 minutes, 3-4 miles then engine cut out. Re-started, working throttle drove to next junction - cut out. Re-started, very rough then drove home working throttle all the time. Started 5 minutes later - runs perfect. So any ideas what to try next? No fault codes. Any thoughts on garage services in Scotland who would have a look. Two local Nissan dealers not interested as car fitted with APS twin turbo kit. Do I continue to replace parts - coils, camshaft sensors, O2 sensors? My local mechanic is at a loss as to the problem, as am I!! All help appreciated.
  4. You must live real east of Dundee as its more like 450miles. I'd maybe try the cranksensor? Took a punt on the distance! I'd just like a 350Z expert to take a look at my poor wee car - the fun snow time will soon be here! Cheers
  5. Is there a set procedure for tracing a fault like this? Seems crazy given all this techno and fault codes in modern cars that it still seems to get down to "a feeling". Aah - how I long for the days of plugs, points, distributor and pump. When the modern motor screws up you really are screwed! By the way, I had a chat with the chap from Horsham Dev. - what a nice guy! It was him that suggested the crankshaft sensor, but without seeing and testing the car difficult to say. Sod's Law - if I drove it to Horsham (350miles) the car would be running perfect. Halfway up the M6 it would kick off again!
  6. What garage do members local to Dundee take their cars to for repairs and tlc? Hopefully someone with knowledge as replacing bits is starting to get expensive. Cheers!
  7. I have the oem ECU with a piggy-backed APS programmer.
  8. Thanks for the replies. Dblock - intermittent fault whether car hot or cold. Ekona - car cut out when coasting up to halt on 1 or 2 occasions. No problems starting, and often no problems at all. Discussed possible faulty coils with mechanic but he was doubtful this is the problem. I just don't understand how it can run perfectly for a few days then be absolute nightmare then be fine again and yet nothing has been changed!?
  9. I do hope someone can help in solving this problem which has been on-going for some 4 months. The car - 2004 model fitted with APS twin turbo, plenum and s/s exhaust; 400fwhp; up to August 36,000 miles of faultless, powerful performance. Car cut out going up a hill in Durham and took some 20 attempts to restart. Limped to the kerb, phoned breakdown, arrived 45 minutes later. Started car - no problem no fault codes. Drove 200 miles back to Dundee without a hitch. Drove around for another 2 weeks - no problem. Car cut out, probably died is a more accurate word! Into my local excellent garage and he got the diagnostic chap to the rescue. No fault codes. Running slightly lean was the verdict. Replaced maf sensor with known good unit - no difference, still "hunting" at idle. He parked it up and I collected the car - ran perfect for a week. Problem started again - no throttle response (intermittent), cutting-out, difficult to start, very rough idle. Back to the garage - recorded dreaded "random cylinder missfire" code. Replaced spark plugs - no improvement. He left the car and restarted it 2 hours later - no problem. I picked the car up, drove home, car cut out 3 times. Back to garage. Replaced fuel pump. Test drive - no problem. I drove the car home - no problem. Went for Sunday drive - car cut out at end of Tay Bridge. Restarted on 3rd attempt. Drove 6 miles home - no problem. So! Any thoughts or words of wisdom. I will happily take the car to any garage to solve the problem. As far as i can ascertain the missfire/cutting out/lack of throttle response is not weather or temperature dependant. The fault can just disappear or reappear at any time. Maf sensor, plugs and fuel pump have been eliminated. So what's left? Crankshaft sensor, camshaft sensor, O2 sensors, ECU? I would be grateful to take the car to or discuss the problem with absolutely anyone. I live in Broughty Ferry just east of Dundee. Any comments gratefully received .
  10. I guess windows 7 must do this automatically when burning tracks stored on the PC as mp3. Could this be a solution to the original thread issue?
  11. I have a 2004 gt with bose unit and play mp3 discs recorded off my pc without any problems. Never been an issue.
  12. Has anyone purchased and/or installed a Dynavin unit, specifically the DVN-6201? The unit provides sat nav, bluetooth, dvd, usb, sd etc. for a very reasonable price and they produce mainly for Merc, BMW and Audi. Website is www.dynavin.com and they have a UK distributor. Thanks in advance for any info.
  13. Many thanks for the info - really appreciated! Now I just have to find some spare time to do the install.
  14. This is exactly what I want to do but I'm not sure of the electrical connections, where to take the power from, how to securely fit the unit in the cubby-hole, etc. Any chance of some more detail? Many thanks.
  15. Has anyone fitted an ordinary satnav in the cubby hole, hard wired but able to be removed for updating? Any help much appreciated.
  16. I'm needing clips and screws for front bumper and wheel arch protectors. Does anyone supply stainless steel bolts as I use the car all year round and the ordinary steel bolts rust solid so quickly.
  17. Sorted now from a guy who's Z was sadly eaten by a truck. Thanks for the replies.
  18. Thanks for that. Can I contact Zmanalex direct as I live in Dundee, just a few miles away?
  19. Does anyone know where I can buy a new/used windscreen washer reservoir for 2004 model? Do not fancy paying almost £200 from our friends in Nissan!! Many thanks.
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