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Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
Lol also I got called snobby. Rofl, that's entertainment. Again I am compelled to reply if only as it seems no one else is likely to defend me on here lol. Think about it for a second.... why would I buy a Nissan if I was a snob!? I would have bought an Audi A3 or BMW 1 series or a Mercedes SLK! My previous cars included 2 Fiats and 2 Alfas (Fiat with nice engine) - hardly snob worthy machinery! Do yourself a favour and think twice and try get to know someone a little better rather than going off one (admittedly slightly silly) comment merely suggesting at jealousy and spending large amounts of money on exhausts/mods before judging someone like that. I have some observations of my own to make. Having looked at probably every single 350Z for sale on Autotrader and Pistonheads over the last month or two (admittedly newer lower mileage ones in the £8k to £12k range and not the earlier models) I saw very, very few examples of cars that had had £27 spent on 'modifications' let alone £2700 which in itself as some have said is a small amount compared to what you've spent on youre own cars. These Z owners were instantly dismissing the expensive SS system as 'insanity' or 'idiotic' when these very same people are then later saying that they've spent alot more money on mods for their own cars which from my perspective would seem very hypocritical. My time spent searching on aforementioned sites for a lovely example of a Z certainly suggest that In the world of Z owners you are very much in the minority. The difference between me and you is not snobbery or wallet size (I can be easily beaten in this respect) but the ability to be open minded about things...for example just because you spend £10000 on modding a car it doesn't necessarily make it a better car does it? Anyway you wont see me taking digs and calling you idiotic or insane for blowing more than youre own cars values maybe even twice over on things you'll see very little if any monetary return on. I myself truly believe if it makes you happy that's really all that matters and as some have impolitely said to me 'its youre car so do what you want'. All through this thread ive tried to remain neutral and open and honest but it's for the most part been wasted. Yes I may have deviated and gotten abit defensive in response to some of the replies I got but no one seems to have tried to understand why. My response was labeled 'passive aggressive' last time but while typing it I was feeling anything but I wont look at or contribute to this post again. I'm not upset or angry about anything but I will certainly think twice before coming on the forum and trying to express an opinion or make an open suggestion that I know some (not all) folk wont even try to open mindedly consider or reasonably reply to on here again! Despite this I have gained some knowledge on HR exhausts from this post and I am grateful for that. I have spent money with 4 Z traders so far since starting this thread and it has been a pleasure to own and drive a 350Z once again. Finally to those who did manage to not somehow be offended or upset by me and took their time to reply sensibly (or were just reading while biting their tongues) I thankyou for youre time Kind Regards, Tom. -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
The above was with reference to Docwra's post a few posts ago. It seems I haven't grasped the 'quote' reply function yet. Which in turn makes me look daft how ironic! -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
I love how you've quoted a line from my post and tried to make a witty smarty pants reply when you clearly haven't even understood what I was getting at in the line you've quoted from me. 100% Rofl. The joke is on you. I know little about SS, nothing more other than having a quick look at theyre website in response to people saying Motordyne or Amuse (and even Powerflow lol) are better but one thing i can clearly see is that Supersprint aren't going out of business anytime soon due to Z owners not buying their expensive exhausts! You should visit their website. But that would only reinforce how daft you've been. Sorry but I was compelled to reply. -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
Please GMBallistic what exhaust system (and I refer only to the manifolds and sports cats here) do a better job for less money.? In youre humble and honest opinion of course? I think I have looked at all the options from all the UK traders and even a couple of US ones and I cannot find a better front end exhaust setup for a RHD HR car regardless of price. I don't know if it is the best setup but it is my best educated guess. But please prove me wrong and maybe save a guy some dough in the process -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
Hmmm only a mild flaming.....some took it better than others. It has been most revealing to me. Few seem to have taken my comments for what they were meant to be. Reading back I can perhaps see why that may be. Shame though. Didn't mean to 'insult' or 'antagonise' anyone just raise an open and honest discussion on the title subject. I asked my friend to read through the thread. He said something about overreactions or something. Had me ROFL. He doesn't get involved in internet discussions himself lol. Guys I truly always try to see both sides of the coin. I positively recommend it! (I owned two 3.0 Alfa GTV's and often describe them as simultaneously the best and worst cars I have personally driven). My spectacles are never rose tinted so to speak. So, £2700 isn't a lot to spend on ones Z after all..... or is it? Honestly?? Confused. It seems as long as it isn't spent on a Supersprint exhaust then its ok. I certainly have no allegiance in the slightest to SS and have never owned one (but seen a couple) of their systems though it begs the question.... how on earth have they built up such an enormous customer base over 60 years amongst owners of many, many kinds of cars, both humble and seriously exotic with such 'insane' prices? I will probably regret asking that Well thanks for all the vids and most of the comments guys, there are many fine choices for the car indeed and I am spoilt for choice it will not be easy choosing which one to go for (well, erm, it certainly wont be 'powerflow' ). Now I wonder if I'll be welcome at any meets -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
Hi guys a bit off topic but just to say I really enjoyed my new Z pick up today....ironic it had to rain like real hard as soon as the drive began and all the way home! Thanks for the vids of exhausts. But were all of these exhaust vids based on an HR model? The HR and DE sound subtly different to these ears. Now queue minor rant.... I still don't get how some people think that I think the full SS system sounds amazing. The full system indeed is way too dull in its sound output, its the longtube headers that create the basis from which I and many others (though not on here it seems!) think results in the best sound from an HR 350z when combined with whatever centre and rear of choice to complete it. Another thing seems odd to me.... I read arguments that say 'you wont get much power, theres better things to spent £2700 on for power etc etc'. Surely if one did max the engine as NA or FI build then only a plonker wouldnt budget for proper longtube headers to get the most out of it as the standard heads are significantly the most restricted part of the exhaust flow. But I digress.... as said, I not doing this for power gains anyway. 300bhp is already hard enough to use on roads like mine which are quite narrow, twisty and mostly wet! Mostly. From reading some replies I get a sneaky feeling that if priced at £1000 for the manifolds and cats the SS would sell like hotcakes but because a lot of people cant afford it (or simply don't want to spend £2700 on their pride and joy) it results in some form of mild jealous stubborness, I am at least being open minded and have said I'm open to options to achieve the sound I want. Believe me I would rather spend £1000 or less on these parts but more so I would rather spend £2700+ on something I love than £1000 on something I don't. All in my honest, humble opinion. Sorry if I seem so argumentative lol I just felt some replies warranted a response. Prepped for flaming :-) -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
People sure love to defend their purchases don't they!? Everyone will say their exhaust sounds the best, I never said the SS sounded the best but the front sections could provide a perfect base to build on imo. I don't care what it looks like tbh I think stock rear tips are the most tasteful anyway (again subjective), I don't get any kicks from metal pipes i cant see. Nor will a tiny weight saving make any justifiable difference in the real world so that doesn't bother me either. Also not all that bothered about power gains but its a bonus if they come. This isnt about money either. At no point have I said I want to spend as much as £2700 or more but if it gives me what I'm after then I would. This is mainly a vanity purchase for the sound if I'm honest. It was one of the reasons I bought another Z. In fact I have so far spent £88 as abit of a punt on a 'Fox centrepipe' in the hope of achieving this......... Sounds nice to me.... hollow, metallic but not too raspy. Would like a little higher pitch though. According to the vid that HR's sound was the result of just a centre pipe change but I remain sceptical until I try it. I hope I will find what is 'best' for me a least. If you like it great! If you don't, great! Thanks for contributing though especially to those who were constructive! -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
More opinions.... interesting to read. Unless you've see an SS exhaust up close you just don't realise the quality of build compared to other 'stainless steel' exhausts from other brands. This is a company that spends way more on R&D time than any other exhaust company I can think of. The gains are also way more than a so called 'titanium catback exhaust. I admit the system is on the quiet side and that's why I'm only getting the manifolds and cats done but going custom for centre and rear to amplify the sound from the equal length longtubes. To the chap who said it sounds like a 4 cylinder...... I recommend an hearing test. Also an engine when setup properly will always sound better than an exhaust noise. E46 M3 CSL. I rest my case. IMO the Z is sadly only about exhaust noise unless you go crazy on the engine with ITB's etc. Anywhoo I respect youre opinions guys, thanks!! -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
It could well happen - picking the new Z up on Friday if all goes well! Got lots of plans for what would be my second Z - I have had 2 years of itching on unfinished business. I am still open to suggestions on HR exhausts that have the higher pitched wail without excess rasp that I'm seeking (please no gruff, farty sound) but don't make the car unroadworthy ie fail MOTable. I like a hard hollow metallic barky kind of sound but not raspy and zingy and I think some people get confused between those two sometimes. Perhaps custom makes sense. It seems universally accepted that the HR sounds good to 3k RPM then sadly dull and flat afterwards and that was my experience too. Also that the stock cats are responsible for that. Imo the very early Z's had the best exhaust note as standard. I seem to have come along way from just going for the cheaper Scorpion option lol. Although still not heard one on an HR model. Thanks all for youre opinions so far -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
I cant help but think I'm going to end up the first owner of the Supersprint System, as I wont be swayed that easily chaps! Will have to come to some meetings and represent my overpriced (but sweetly voiced) exhaust I would probably get a custom centre and rear exhaust to complete the system too. More longtube header (only) goodness..... :evil: -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
Does sound nice but I don't know I means blue tailpipes!?!?..... its also not the BEST ive heard. Actually really like straight pipes too...this one sounds like a Spitfire at low throttle opening then when he floors it all high pitched hell breaks loose lol again it seems thanks too the long tube manifolds!.... (warning potential eargasm's) That would be too loud though tbh!! Thing about the SS is its the only longtube system that retains the sports cats as all others ive found delete the cats resulting in MOT fail and only fit LHD cars. Also the system has genuine useful power increase especially I guess when combined with a remap. From my research the long tube headers alone release alot more BHP than any full cat back system can hope to deliver. -
Anyone running a Supersprint exhaust system???
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in Exhaust
Lol i'll reply to my own thread first. I already got an email (at this unusual time of day) from Dan at DC Performance (promptest replier I think ive ever known) answering some of my questions..... The exhaust should pass MOT with the sports cats in place. The connector (inter pipe) is leave so should allow any 70mm exhaust system to fit. He does not know if the OEM is 70mm.... hopefully someone here knows!? The o2 sensors should easily be made to fit the 4 relevant bungs on the SS front sections and is designed specifically to prevent CEL coming on. I know its £2700 odd for the front system (so minus the centre pipe and rear muff) but one only lives once as they say! Just wish more folks had gone for one! -
Hi all, I think I have found the perfect exh system for my imminent 350Z HR purchase based on the video in the link below: Gotta love that higher pitched 'long tube header' sound and seems very well resonated! Only problem I cant seem to find any owners of this setup maybe due to the high price perhaps? I have a number of questions ive asked a UK supplier about the system and am waiting for him to get back to me. Does anyone here have his setup or know anyone who does as I need answers!? Questions are. 1. It appears sports cats are an option - would It be reasonable to expect an MOT pass? 2. The sport cats are mounted further back on the system than stock or other aftermarket options thus require longer O2 sensor looms?? 3. After the small inter pipe connecting that connects sport cats into one pipe, can stock or aftermarket centre pipes be used or must remain SS? 4. Do the long tube headers even fit RHD cars? Its a big ask but would love to know or hear from anyone! Thanks, Tom.
Do all HR 350z's have rattling Trannies!?
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in 350Z Technical
Went and drove an 08 HR today gentlemen (and ladies lol) and although it did have some rattle from the g/box it was certainly not as bad as my first car. 36K on the clock. Shift felt fine on the road I forgot how its almost deliberatley notchy to encourage a positive change. No whining to note. Only a notable clicking and feeling halfway up the cutch pedal travel resulting in accompanying minor rattling sounds!! Didnt pull the trigger this time but appetite is now wetter -
Do all HR 350z's have rattling Trannies!?
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in 350Z Technical
Super replies fella's Guess I don't need to worry about it. There must surely come a point where it gets deemed excessive - I truly imagined my first one having a major failure as the clutch and fly replacement meant it had to be probem in the gearbox itself. Am glad as ive already got Nismo Dual intakes ordered (backwards I know) and a custom straight pipe exhaust lined up so I wont hear it anywhoo My poor neighbourhood -
Do all HR 350z's have rattling Trannies!?
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in 350Z Technical
Thanks Bem! You aren't one of the people out there happening to sell his HR are you? lol -
Do all HR 350z's have rattling Trannies!?
megatombomb replied to megatombomb's topic in 350Z Technical
Uh oh do you mean the kind of Alfa Romeo 'character' used as an excuse for lots of things going wrong or 'character' in a good way lol!? Maybe I will test drive every HR to allay my fears lol. Seriously though my first car's rattle was louder than the engine (bonnet down) itself ,which having spent 4 years in the motor trade surrounded by high performance cars seems abit odd! Would love to hear more from owners! -
No, not angry transvestites but seriously....it has been 2 years since I sold my first 2007 HR 350z and I am very keen to return to ownership of another one. I remember my first car having a rattling from the gearbox that was only audible when clutch engaged (ie pedal up) especially in neutral but also on the move in gears though it wasn't accompanied by any excessive whining. I had the clutch and DMF replaced along with genuine Nissan box oil change and it made no difference. I asked the very question on here back then and there were suggestions that it is common on these cars and normal even. Indeed its not hard to find youtube vids of noisy 350 transmissions. I have enquired with a private owner today about his HR and after asking about it he quite honestly described his car as having the exact symptoms of my old car. This example has a mere 36000 miles on the clock. Just this second I have kindly been sent a video from a dealer offering another nice low 36000 miles example and in the video the second the clutch pedal comes up the noise is clearly audible. I guess this somewhat answers my question so maybe I should ask are there any Z owners out there that dont have this noisy, rattly transmission or for those who have, has it resulted in major gearbox woes? Please bear in mind I am a twice over Alfa Romeo GTV owner which has naturally made me suspicious of every noise on a car lol. Thanks in advance
Well matey i kinda did say what i want and obviously i'm not looking to take the car to its limits on tight b-roads. I suppose youre definition of handling is more specific to you. I suppose i should've said that i want to improve the chassis complaincy over the poorer bits of road which in turn would maybe lead to better handling perhaps!? I dont want to lower really so it would be nice to explore better dampers for more control on the aforementioned roads? Ta! Ok Matey, I just wanted to offer some help, but you crack on. Good luck with the ARB's. Thats ok! I was just kinda saying it my own fault for not being specific enough fella! Didnt mean to seem ungrateful Now i know i said i wouldnt lower - mainly because i had Eibach -20mm springs on my last car and they were too stiff and lacked the compliance for the raggedy old B-roads round my way but i've started to wonder just what the Tein S-tec springs are like as it seems they lower only a little and it would be great to hear from anyone as to what they do for the ride on the type of roads ive mentioned.... Anyone?
Well matey i kinda did say what i want and obviously i'm not looking to take the car to its limits on tight b-roads. I suppose youre definition of handling is more specific to you. I suppose i should've said that i want to improve the chassis complaincy over the poorer bits of road which in turn would maybe lead to better handling perhaps!? I dont want to lower really so it would be nice to explore better dampers for more control on the aforementioned roads? Ta!
So i am looking to improve the Z's handling bearing in mind it is my daily driver. I have no intentions of going circuit racing but i enjoy a sunday drive amongst the High peak B & A roads but i dont really want to sacrifice any compliance as i believe good handling on roads requires acceptable ride quality. I have read through some threads and come to the conclusion that the Eibach ARB's are a good place to start and that the Superpro poly bushes for the front banana arms are a no brainer too but i would like something to soak up and stabilise the car over b-road bumps a bit better and i would guess this would mean looking at 'uprated' dampers? Ive found bilstein and Koni but thats about it but i cant find anyone who's fitted these on there own ie without lowering springs!? Do any of the various coilover kits NOT have lowered springs with them ie can you retain standard ride height? Would love to hear peoples thoughts and experiences on this! Thanks
High Peak district about 20 miles south east of Manchester. I appreciate the gesture chap, i would love to take you up on it but with work commitments over the next 2weeks it wouldnt be possible as you are quite along way from me Go and see Paul @ RS Tuning , he may not do the awesome deal like me but he will look after you re the Uprev. Thanks again, I may just do this and fair play for recommending a competitor even if he's hundreds of miles from you. Though i guess i should wait if i'm going to do the Berk HFC route. Its just a matter of funds!
High Peak district about 20 miles south east of Manchester. I appreciate the gesture chap, i would love to take you up on it but with work commitments over the next 2weeks it wouldnt be possible as you are quite along way from me
Had the clutch replaced just before i bought the car fella! Though i see what you are saying here... wouldnt the clutch slip in 4th also when i notice a significant difference in the pull. Its weird to find a car that pulls harder in 4th than 3rd I will do a few more runs tomorrow just to make sure i am not imagining it. Was interesting to read the other thread about the butterfly repsonse being the only difference. Does this simply imply that it opens slower (i guess to make low speed progress smoother/more refined)? I need convincing on this as to me its not the response to coming on throttle that feels as noticable as the pronounced difference in pull. Anyone else enlighten me? It would be interesting to hear from anyone who has driven this model before/after an uprev as well! Thanks guys
I have no experience with Do-luck filters, however I regularly sell and fit the Cosworth and HKS performance panel filters to the HR air boxes and have had no fitment issues or customer complaints. Alex. I would second that Alex. The Cosworth filters you supplied me went in perfectly and in fact fitting them was perhaps the easiest job ive ever done on a car! I know this doesnt exactly help the original poster and his problem though