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Posts posted by MidnightRacer

  1. ...we happily spend £3 on a pint of beer and £7 on a packet of cigs these days.

    Thank god I dont drink or smoke, I wouldnt be able to afford the Zed if I did :surrender:


    yeah its a shocker if you think about it.


    I was in Barcelona last week and paid 11 euros for 2 small bottles of beer, I nearly had a coronary!

  2. If you are looking at new or nearly new shedding then have you considered something like a Focus?


    We have just bought a 2011 Focus 1.6 diesel so still 2 years left on the warranty and while it ranks among the most unexciting cars I have ever driven it does its job brilliantly.


    loads of room inside

    Good fuel economy (mid 40's round town, up to 70 on a run)

    plenty of toys (sat nav, bluetooth, alloys, sports suspension, heated front screen etc etc)

    super cheap on road tax (£30 per year)

    Also looks pretty nice (Zetec & Sport packages)

  3. I'm guessing its just the picture but the nearside wheel appears to be set further forward than the off side. Might be worth clarifying they are both in line to rule that out as part of the problem.


    If they are even then check to make sure you haven't got a broken spring on the off side before anything

  4. Something very similar but I always find that driving while awake makes me a better driver.


    I went out for a spirited drift around my local car park motorway yesterday when I was asleep next week and I found that the weather made my tyres go wrong and I slid into a curb and crashed.


    it didn't happen when I was awake!

  5. We need to remember that NCB is no claims bonus. If you claim on one policy you dont loose you NCB on your other policy because they each earn their own NCB (unless its a single policy with mirrored NCB in which case you would).


    What you would have to do is declare your claim to the other policy provider as they ask if you have had any claims and that status would change.


    Its all a total con and they will try any trick they can not to payout on a policy so you have to be really sharp!


    I always find it suprising that people think they can just use their NCB on a second policy, i bet there are loads of people who have done this and are none the wiser!


    Sorry, this is exactly the point. If I have a Zed (max NCD), premium £500 and buy a BMW 330D (no NCD) and then have an accident with the BMW, are you saying I don't have to declare it to the Zed insurers and my next year's premium will be unaffected assuming they're not mirrored? My company always asks if I've had any convictions or accidents in the last 5/3 years, full stop. Not which car it was in. B)


    Thats just what I was saying, sorry if it wasn't clear enough. In simplest terms. You wouldn't loose your no claims bonus on the Zed with the other policy but you WOULD have to declare you had a claim so they would put the premium up anyway. Hope thats clearer!


    In which case, it's the driver who earns the NCD and it should be applied to any car he owns no matter how many. Differences in premium would be the cost to repair and the potential for having an accident ie. horsepower and age of driver.



    The driver does earn the NCD and it can be assigned to any vehicle but you cant assign one lot of no claims to 2 or more vehicles at once unless the insurance company specifically allows it for whatever reason.


    and your insurance really has sod all to do with cost to repair of the vehicles nowadays. Its more about the millions in compensation someone could claim if you run into them!

  6. We need to remember that NCB is no claims bonus. If you claim on one policy you dont loose you NCB on your other policy because they each earn their own NCB (unless its a single policy with mirrored NCB in which case you would).


    What you would have to do is declare your claim to the other policy provider as they ask if you have had any claims and that status would change.


    Its all a total con and they will try any trick they can not to payout on a policy so you have to be really sharp!


    I always find it suprising that people think they can just use their NCB on a second policy, i bet there are loads of people who have done this and are none the wiser!


    Sorry, this is exactly the point. If I have a Zed (max NCD), premium £500 and buy a BMW 330D (no NCD) and then have an accident with the BMW, are you saying I don't have to declare it to the Zed insurers and my next year's premium will be unaffected assuming they're not mirrored? My company always asks if I've had any convictions or accidents in the last 5/3 years, full stop. Not which car it was in. B)


    Thats just what I was saying, sorry if it wasn't clear enough. In simplest terms. You wouldn't loose your no claims bonus on the Zed with the other policy but you WOULD have to declare you had a claim so they would put the premium up anyway. Hope thats clearer!

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