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Posts posted by MidnightRacer

  1. While I disagree with everything I'm about to say in the interests of it possibly helping you out you could look at the following.


    If the deposit was taken over the phone you should be able to persue the route of distance selling rules..


    Talk to the dealer and tell them you have taken advice and they arent legally alowed to hold your deposit


    if they dont play ball mention solicitors involvement, distance selling rules, trading standards, lots of forums you frequent etc etc.


    while they "could" hold out many dealers will just give you your money back because its not worth the hasstle in the end over £500.

  2. I'd certainly be interested to see the outcome of these. A similar thing with flip keys happened on the Mazda forum I frequent, the problem was the the quality of the key blade was really poor and they were prone to snapping off in the ignition. It was also found that some key cutters wouldnt cut them incase it wasnt right.


    If someone could specifically look at the quality and strength of the keyblade it would be useful to know that they are ok...... otherwise Alex might be getting lots of orders for lock sets!



  3. I remember fitting just bulbs to my RX300 and it had HID for dipped and normal bulbs for

    main beam and all i did was change the bulb on the main beam to HID bulbs.

    My son has just changed the bulbs in his Golf Mk4 to HID bulbs...im now confused..!!!


    You are probably thinking of Xenon filled bulbs which are different to HID's. HID's need appropriate ballast resistors to make them work as they work at a stupidly high voltage,

  4. How not to buy an oil filter from my local nissan dealer......



    Before I start, for you viewing pleasure, Nissan Kings Lynn are selling an oil filter and sealing ring on ebay for £5.73 plus a few quid postage. Excellent price for those bits and easy to buy....




    ...........But instead the part of me that says hey I might aswell pop into my local dealer and pick one up rather than send my money down the country, I know its going to be more expensive but I dont mind....


    So I walk into the dealers and ask for an oil filter and sump plug washer for a 350z.


    Dealer: certainly sir can I have your reg number


    so I provide my reg number knowing exactly how this is going to pan out.


    Dealer: Sorry I cant find your car (followed by an uncomfortable silence)


    so I tell him its an import which is probably why it isnt on his sytem (cue another uncomfortable silence)


    bit of typing in his sytem and he still cant find it so I suggest he just looks on ebay as the part number is on the auction I listed above. He does this and eventually turns up the auction.


    much typing into his system ensues and this goes on for 5 minutes or so and he still cant find the part. He mutters something about maybe not having it in stock. It is then suggested that even if he finds it it might not fit an import so I correct him and tell him its the same filter they use on several different models (Had I had my mobile on me at the time I could of just found the number myself)


    I then asked if they dont bother using FAST anymore to which I was told yes they do but they use another system for service parts because its easier! OBVIOUSLY NOT!


    now at this point I start to get a bit annoyed but manage to keep my cool.... I tell him not to bother looking anymore and leave.


    I should mention that the guy wasnt rude but really couldnt help me at all.....


    I Happen work in a motorcycle dealership and even though I'm not the parts guy I can get you an oil filter for absolutely any model we sell, I can tell you where it is and I can also get the correct sump plug washer you need without using the system. And lets just say I need to check, I can do so without a reg number.....


    even if they arent bothered about my business It is unbeleiveable that a main dealer cannot even give me an oil filter and sump plug washer for my car....... its not exactly tempting me to take either of my nissans their in future!

  5. Yet another run away topic on this forum!


    I think the guy was genuinely just making one of those rant type posts like we have in conversations at the pub about things like "tradesmen, the government, tax's, price of petrol etc"


    once again its turned into a mass lecture and got away from what its point was. I'm sure we are all fully aware of how things cost money and how much overheads are in whatever business we work.....


    the dude was expressing an opinion, not a beleif, maybe we could accept that and cut him some slack!

    • Like 2
  6. I think the £300 for the laminate wasnt too bad, we could argue that one either way but given it took 7 hours I wouldnt say that was extorsionate, just expensive. That said the transformation to your house would be great so it would be worth paying for a good job.


    What does really get my goat are the 20 minute jobs that are charged at excessive rates because it includes a "call out" charge. I'm offering you the business so why should I pay you just to turn up! it basically comes back to what ekona says about paying for the apparent knowledge...


    in my case it was paying the bloke £80 to disconnect 2 gas pipes that took 10 minutes to do, not because I didnt know how to but because I'm not allowed to! He also spent about 20 minutes bullshitting me about how great he was and how he did other stuff too....

  7. Just to be controversial, how about the powers that stop trying to save us from ourselves which is adding to an increase in population and an accelerated demise of the planet. Dropping speed limits is a short sighted short term approach. We should all get to do what we like including going out backwards, through a hedge, in a ball of flames, preferably with a john player special in one hand and a mobile phone in the other!

  8. It was good fun declaring a roll cage to the insurers once...... hello......... are you still there? .............. ended up having to take out motorsport insurance because obviously fitting a roll cage makes you a maniac and not in any way responsible about your safety!


    while the original point was spot on it still infuriates me that insurers seem to use every little thing to either try and get out of paying claims or charge you more money, perhaps if we had a fairer and easier system people would be more inclined to be truthful in the first place.


    It would be fair to me that anything that increases the value of your vehicle requires a higher premium. (most aftermarket parts are actually cheaper to replace)

    It would also be fair to say that anything that increases the power of the vehicle should require a higher premium.


    why they dont just say they will insure you but not provide replacement cover for your mods is a mystery to me...... you would have thought that not having claimed in 10 years would be more important than having a few bits stuck on your car!


    and despite my moaning I think we do still have one of the best countries for allowing modified parts on vehicles.... although this is really seperate from insurance.

  9. That looks like a pretty good price to be fair and It doesnt look like a JDM car either, I'm not 100% but they didnt have cruise control I dont think..... it might have been imported from another market...


    regarding the mileage on JDM cars, a lot of people dont figure that some of it will be in kilometers and the rest will be in miles if it had a converter fitted at import which most do, hopefully the mileage will be logged when it arrived here so you can calculate it.. although again on a car this age condition should probably be the key and will give a good indication as to how many miles it has done.... its also a gamble that it wasnt clocked when it came to the uk but thats no different to any car already here really, especially before the MOT's went computerised.


    Many people shy away from imports which I never really understand, they are usually cheaper (I paid £6000 for a 2004 import with 35000 miles on the clock 2 years ago nearly) the insurance is no more expensive these days if you shop around (I currently pay a little over £450 a year) and they are often in much better condition than uk cars if imported in later years., this is certainly the case between my 2004 JDM and my brothers 2004 UK car.

  10. I think this topic has been skirted over before but I'd really like to try and figure out whats going on. it winds me up that it so nearly works but not quite.


    As I understand it the UK 350Z has a clock in the triple pod. I'm not 100% anymore but I dont think the JDM cars do?


    does anyone know if this changed between certain years at all?


    The story goes that I have a 2004 JDM car and I've changed the dash and triples to UK ones from a 2006 car to get proper MPH/MPG figures etc. All works apart from the clock, I just get a load of dashes, this has been confirmed by someone else too who did this swap.


    I've had a look at the wiring diagrams but there isnt any mention of a clock at all. I originally thought the clock function would be held in the triple pod itsself but the only conclusion I have come to is that its actually part of the AC amplifier ECU thingy unit. The only downside is these are ruddy expensive just to try if its not and I dont know if they are interchangeable between the two...


    Does anyone have any experience of this or have similar problems..... did the UK cars all have Clocks?




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