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Everything posted by MidnightRacer

  1. not that I know of. You can replace those bits individually though if one is damaged
  2. also worth mentioning that I dismantled all the parts to be done and provided them. thats a bit of a job in itsself!
  3. If its just the centre bits on the dash then I'm sure you would be talking nearer £50 to £80 tops
  4. Well just a little update on this. Unfortunately my wiring fix didnt work 100% and the fault was still there if not a little better. It was always going to be one of those guessing games between the clocks and the speedo converter and I knew I'd probably get it wrong so I managed to get myself some UK clocks cheap and took out both the original speedo and converter. I'll post back in a week or so when I have fully tested it!
  5. Its all dependant on what you have done, I had a load of parts done so difficult to really say. I'd say its slightly cheaper than a professional paint job. they have a website, you can ask em through that!
  6. I wasn't brave enough at the time to get the drill out! yeah fair point... although I now have a spare jdm one if you ever decide to have a go and fook it up!
  7. it was done by Jorvik Engineering in York fella. They do our powder coating at work. Had my old MX5 dash done and it seemed like a good idea to cover up the gash dash!
  8. Yeah I thought it a good idea to get the fixings too although it wouldn't have been impossible to drill a few holes in the stock one to make it fit.
  9. Any more info on the install? some close up pics would be great!
  10. I just had mine flocked to cover up all the gash scratches. fluffy grey and black!
  11. It was a breakers in doncaster, car. Was in a pretty sorry state to be fair.
  12. Thanks for the replies! I got it along with loads of other things so I'm not too sure on the cost but I'd guess about £15 including the boot trim to attach it. nice little addition to the JDM!
  13. so I was routing through a 350 at a breakers today and came across this material mesh cover for the rear section of the boot. (much like a tonneau cover but for the top) Just wondered if these are common? My import didnt have one but its definately OE looking at the fixings. Needless to say its now fitted to my car.
  14. One set has been sold so I'm out. looks like he still has the other 2 though.
  15. The fuel costs will far outweigh what you actually pay for it so just get one bought and feel the tears run down your cheek when you will it up with petrol.
  16. I'll take these please! PM me your details. Thanks
  17. I have these on my car and its fine over humps. As said a 20mm drop isnt too much!
  18. Of all places, halfords actually do a decent socket set, certainly good enough for the home car enthusiast. My halfords set is about 5 years old and still without a breakage. I believe their PRO set also comes with lifetime warranty.
  19. whats his missus like? If she is worth one I'd slip her a portion then say "Its only your missus mate" and see how he likes it.
  20. Just been out to mine and the speeds are still slightly different which is a right pain! It looks like I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy a complete set of clocks at some point! Thanks for the pictures though, big help!
  21. Its actually just the 180 dials I was after, I thought they only came on the facelift ones but maybe not. Its just the normal UK ones I've seen are 160mph and on my Jap ones the 180KPH is in the same place so 160 dials would put the speedo way out. I presume the picture is the exact item you have? I'll look at it tonight and get back to you! Cheers Kev
  22. Hi All. I'm looking for some broken 180MPH speedo clocks from a facelift zed so I can pinch the speedo face for my JDM Car. Preferably the cheaper the better! Many Thanks! Kev
  23. Oh could someone move this to the correct area too! meant to be in 350 technical not 370! ta
  24. Been searching for a little while now with this strange little problem on my recently acquired 350z but turned up nothing so I thought I'd document any progress incase it happens to anyone else.. Basically. on a particularly HOT day the speedo started to play up. while sat with the engine running the speedo climbs to maximum and the digital speedo display shows 280, obviously then I'm putting in some serious mileage while stood still!. This then randomly varies anywhere between that and zero. Oddly enough when you get above about 25mph it returns to normal only to jump up again when you stop. If I open the windows and let the interior cool down it works perfectly normal. As its a JAP import I thought the first thing to look at should be the speedo converter which I located behind the dash. Imagine my surprise when I found this abortion behind the clocks! I've now removed all the mess and soldered the connections up properly so I'm hoping this is going to have some positive results. I'll report back on my findings! Kev
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