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Everything posted by MidnightRacer

  1. let me know as and when you have it kicking about, I'll chuck you some pennies for it. I don't need the door either as mine has been flocked so it might work out ok!
  2. will the jap sat nav one take another screen? if so I might be interested in your old one bud if you are chucking it!
  3. The actual tow strap will work great, I have a TRS on my track car but as has been mentioned, you better hope for a straight and level tow or its gonna cut your bumper in 2! Would have been better within the grill mouth opening I would have thought! props for the time and effort though!
  4. If you buy from a UK seller then you have the right to return it to the UK seller, even if the manufacturer is in China. I have seen similar stories with PC world and HP Products. your contract of sale is with the seller not the manufacturer. While I appreciate that eBay are usually rubbish in this case trading standards and a solicitors letter to the seller usually do the trick! back on topic, I've thought about buying one of these myself so would be interested in any feedback.
  5. I like em personally! I'd swap my standard wheels for them anyday!
  6. The price of that is Fair no doubt but not a great deal certainly. you can pick up some for dirt cheap at the moment.
  7. Not really. 6 grand would be a great deal!
  8. Any chance you would be so good as to list the parts required to make this and a drawing? that way we could make our own and not rely on you! Cheers Kev
  9. MidnightRacer

    Perfect Z...

    from what I have found it looks like a Blitz spoiler. now on my want list!
  10. I saw you parked up on the seafront the other night, it was me who went past in the other GM Z. Wheels look good but agree the shopping list needs to go!
  11. MidnightRacer

    Perfect Z...

    And what about the rear spoiler. Love that!
  12. Can you do me a matched pair of the 225/45/R18 with the best tread on for the front of my Z. 6mm plus? Can pay via paypal or bank transfer ASAP Thanks fella! Kev
  13. Love ZZ Top! useless trivia... the only member of the band without a Beard is called Frank Beard.
  14. by all means prep it yourself but to be honest you will never really achieve a good finish with **** can spray paints and the cost needed to buy them you might aswell get it done at a paint shop. however, if you have already bought the paint I'm guessing you will be spaying a metallic so you wont be doing any sanding and polishing until after the lacquer has gone on. your first coat should also have been a relatively dry coat, follow by at least 2 wet coats (look this up on the internet for explanation) personally if you are **** canning lacquer on I would leave it at least a week to harden before flatting and polishing it off!
  15. gotta love shedding through the week I'm rocking 3 cylinders Monday to Friday and 6 on a weekend!
  16. Keep us posted with how you get on as I'd like to do this too. from the info I had dug up it was said its not possible using the stock cruise from a UK model because of the control unit differences. I'd be well chuffed if you could make it work though!
  17. You are right. connections are 99% of the motor trade. selling a car is easy, making money is the hard part!
  18. Pretty much as above! if I was you I'd try it out in your spare time with 1 or 2 cars before ploughing head long into it all guns blazing! from the car traders I've spoken to all started small buying a cheap car and selling it on, then buying another. Specialising in one brand might also go in your favour. I would say on a 5 grand car you want £1000 markup at least to make it worthwhile.
  19. Good Work there... like the suction mount idea!
  20. Mine is just like that too! I thought someone had been at the drill but obviously not. I was going to go with the plastic idea but if you come up with anything let me know! Kev
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