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Everything posted by MidnightRacer

  1. Ill take your word for that. I sell motorcycles and we couldn't do any deals trying to offer trade or less. I for one would never do a part exchange at trade money, you would be better off trading it out and bartering a better deal on what you are buying... But as you say its sold now so no worries.
  2. Just for reference. I've just rung a trader I use at work and he tells me that although he wouldn't give any more than £4500 for it the moment the current Trade Book price of a 53 plate UK GT with book mileage (72K) is £5300. Its also worth noting that this is trade money IE not part exchanging the vehicle. You would expect a bit more if you part exchange.
  3. While to the most part I agree on the price thing I'm not sure where you got your figures from unless prices have bummed that much. Only 2 months ago a 2004 UK GT was trade money at £7000 according to the caps trade book. I know this is a 53 reg but I cant imagine them being that much different.
  4. Do you consider yourselves as 350z Fans? Nissan Fans? What would be the difference? I'm actually both although to be truthful I'm probably more a "Jap" car fan. I have however owned mostly nissans over the last 12 years in the form of Primera, GTIR, 200sx and 350z but mixed that up with Mazda and Suzuki Cars too. Are you particularly loyal to 350z? to Nissan? Do you have 350z/Nissan tattoos? I'm pretty loyal to nissan although their modern cars don't do it for me any more. My nissans are pretty much all play things built over 5 years ago. And what do you seek for when subscribing to an owners community? Frequent posts and good information on modifying and general messing about. forums with low post counts tend to go stale pretty quickly. not having such a clicky atmospehere helps too, some forums have a small group of people who are "regulars" who dont seem to want to mix with other people unless its for their own personal gain. This can make it quite uncomfortable. Do you consider yourselves as "special" for Nissan? Do they do anything in particular to recognize you? If not, would you expect them to treat you differently? Nissan Generally have played little part in owners clubs that I've seen however about 5 years ago nissan did provide a load of merchandise free to my owners club (the Primera Owners Club back then) in the form of Mugs, Keyrings etc.
  5. I've done both of mine in the JDM recently and both are fine!
  6. I think the issue is that, times are tough, and these are businesses that employ people, who rely upon management to keep them afloat, and these dealers obviously feel the need to try something to entice custom through the door as their current market isn’t working. Not my sort of thing TBH, I am more into a tactically strike than carpet bombing, as I feel it’s more relevant and personal to the people you are interested in talking to. 10 out of 10 for effort though yep you are bang on there. being in the motorcycle trade we are in a similar situation, I still get angry though when these marketing sorts make out like its us that aren't thinking creatively enough. Here in Yorkshire we have a more simple, honest approach to business and I think that works better than any marketing bullshit. People are too smart nowadays to fall for the "exclusive event" crap that's banded around.
  7. Its funny but we had almost exactly the same leaflet through but about Mercedes near us. Its clearly someone selling them a marketing idea, and making some money out of it too by the looks. Shame they don't live in the real world really!
  8. To me owning a CAT C would only be about saving money. I would need to see a CAT C car 30% less than an equivalent none recorded car to make it worth buying.
  9. While I get your thinking, that's not actually true. The VDC isn't calibrated for a "balance", if it was it simply wouldn't work because A. Tyres wear differently and grip levels change throughout the life of the tyre. B. it would rely on every driver to be the same and C. even tyre pressure differences will affect traction levels. Its dependant on the driver exceeding grip and then the system braking or transferring power accordingly (Jap VDC anyway). The actual calculation is done by measuring the distance in speed of the front wheels to the rear when outside of a given tolerance (which allows full to nearly worn tyres). I hear the relationship should be around 3% difference but I'm sure someone can tell us for sure!
  10. Shedding is a great way to save miles on the Z. I'm sure if you actually worked it out it wouldn't save you all that much money what with tax/test/insurance etc but as has been said above, you can batter round in a shed all weathers and not really care!
  11. It doesn't remove the speed limiter no. it adjusts how much throttle the pedal gives out to the car on a ratio type arrangement.
  12. I'd be guessing you don't want to donate it to me though
  13. you pay around £50 - £70 a wheel up this way. £400 sounds a tad expensive
  14. You wouldnt trust a pro to detail your car? I didnt say I wouldnt trust them but it just echoes what the OP has just said about other people touching your car. I do have a fair knowledge and experience of car detailing but thats not actually the point. Unless I'm comfortable with it I get really put out if anyone touches my car without my permission. OP, I think you are going to have to resort to some non car related stuff.... perhaps some fancy undercrackers and a trip out to the country
  15. I was gonna have a bid on this until I realised you need another strut bar and of course they are "UBER" rare. might aswell just get a spacer instead. but once again -1 for this rubbish forum section.
  16. Car detailing is a difficult one to be honest. I'd be pretty pi**ed off if anyone else touched my car but me! Track experience is a much better idea IMO
  17. I've had a few good comments while parked up places stood near the car. You always get the double takes too which is quite funny! And unfortunately I've had my fair share of knob gestures already!
  18. The typical male in me would suggest Nurburgring Trip with the Lads Three Some Years supply of lager. I'm guessing they are off the cards though!
  19. as far as I understand it. If you have a jap import then a speedo converter will also remove the limit because it tricks the car into thinking its going slower than it is. IE KPH to MPH. I dont also know if putting UK clocks on removes the limit or not. I have UK clocks on mine and its certainly not limited, neither was it with a speedo converter on it. That however isnt to say its either been mapped or has something else hiding somewhere to remove the limit.
  20. I've been holding off replying but I feel it worth a mention to all the do gooders / moral high ground dwellers. An "Honest Mistake" should have been dealt with by means of an "honest" answer if you deem yourself to be an honest trader. While I appreciate we were never likely to get discs for under 40 quid I think people were justified to show concern or dissatisfaction when the response was less than honest about the situation. I deal with people everyday and I'm pretty disgusted that you think its ok to lie to people to get yourself out of a situation, especially one that ebay cannot enforce upon him to actually sell the parts. Had he chosen to say "Sorry, I made a serious error, I've refunded your money and am very sorry about that" I think the response might have been very different.
  21. just looking on my ebay the seller has sent a request to cancel the transaction also. I'm not gonna make it that easy!
  22. an honest reply would have been appreciated though instead of the usual "out of stock" response.
  23. Looks like this is the answer! Hi Apologies the listings are being removed for editing,the part is not in stock and we have refunded your order in full. Thanks looks like someone made a balls up!
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