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Everything posted by agentsmith350

  1. Are you fitting them yourself ?
  2. In middle of this now , have sub cover off and can see a route on passenger side cubby to the boot but how do you run the cables from the side behind the seat into the cubby ?
  3. How do you get the cubby out , i cant see any screws or anything
  4. Actually get gaskets and bolts too even though it says you dont
  5. Iv yet to fit these but bought as no brand ones and they arrived as japspeeds , im no welder but seems ok to me
  6. Thanks that sorts out the RCA side Does anyone know how to run wires behind the passenger side as well as iv ran my power leads down the passenger side.
  7. Hi Guys, How have you ran cables to the boot ? Iv my sub and amp ect in the boot and wires just going over the top of the rear speakers but cant see anyway of getting the wires underneath , Any ideas / Advice ? Dom
  8. Thanks guys Il get some more pictures of the kit soon
  9. Not sure if this is just for the major money cars or for the average joe to post there car but it seems a fitting area to post my car , feel free to move to photo section if needed. My real life name is unfortunately not Mr Smith , Im Dominic and i own a 2006 Nissan 350Z GT Pack in Gun metal . The car was bought by my Dad brand spanker's new after pushing him to test drive one over a celica After a while a few started to pop up nearby so we started looking at bodykits and ended up getting a Top Secret V2 Kit imported from Japan to America to UK , after some customs cockups and large fees we had the first kit in the UK Got it sent into the bodyshop the local Nissan Dealer used and fitted to the car , end result was this ( taken recently ) : I bought the car in November as hes now moving on to a 370Z GT Edition and i needed a new car , Since then i have added a few little bits and pieces, not to everyone's taste but things i have wanted for a while : Double Din DVD Stereo JDM Dildo Gear Stick Couple of decals to the rear window Amp and 10" Sub wired under the strut Im getting De-cat pipes at Christmas and am thinking of switching to a Branded DVD Stereo for my birthday rather than the China one in at the moment. Today i carpeted the Sub , still needs tidied up a bit at the edges but it was getting late : I need to figure out a way of running the wires from behind the seat to the boot as well then i can tidy up the wiring. Future plans are to add a throttle controller , then have a gloss white wrap done , although il need some persuading as the paint on there now is mint since the car has been garaged and only on 25K !.
  10. well iv had a scout through the menu but nothing on there about Sub volume , today while out getting some carpet for the box i bought a lead that converts standard speaker wire to RCA Leads so i am thinking i could splice into the speaker wire that is working with the volume control and connect the subs to that , Or get a bass controller that sits between the RCA leads. With this little cable i also have the option of putting the BOSE back in and retaining the Sub which is getting more and more tempting every time the dash comes apart !
  11. Tell me about it , even now i have carpeted the sub today , got it kinda working enought to have a drive about and have some control but there is still sooo much more to do , i think i have came up with an iginious way of getting it to work properly but iv lost the will to remove the dash again so will leave it until after xmas i think , il post a general car progress thread up and put a pic of how it is now if you want to see the speakers so far
  12. Thanks guys , Amp ect all fine , all wiring is fine the only thing not 100% is were the RCA leads are going. The way it is now i have the front L+R going to the red and white on the ICT adapter , The RCA Leads going to the Rear L+R on the head unit and the black and yellow ( Rear Speakers ) on the ICT Adapter in the L+R Out on the head unit , for some reason anything in the sub out or the L+R out isn't being controlled by the volume on the unit , its not to bad as it was since the only thing wrong is that the rear car speakers are on mid volume at all times unless muted.
  13. Hi, I wired in a Sub to my car but the volume on the Sub is not going up and down with the stereos volume , I have the RCA leads in the sub out sockets of the radio so not sure where im going wrong , Its a cheap china unit but ther rest of the bits on it are ok so cant see why the sub out wouldnt work , there is a Line out with a red and white i could try as well , the others ( FR LL FR RR) are in the ICT adapter . Any ideas guys ?
  14. Oh and il post a pic when iv had it carpeted
  15. Well iv fitted it today , all day today lol - Im just putting a new thread up with an issue iv had
  16. thats what iv done in post one lol ! So what do you need to know? Decide budget, then get sub + amp within planned budget... sorted Well i was looking for links to suggested sub and amp since the ones suggested were over budget new and i couldnt find second hand ones. But there has been a development !! local lad had a few subs in his unit so went and had a look and £20 later i have a 1000W 4ohm Alpine in box that fits snugly under the strut , iv yet to run the wires but i linked it up in a friends car and it was imense , on par is not better for low down BOOM than my previous cars 2 15" ones . Very happy chappy , just need to find some felt to cover the box up
  17. I was but im thinking depending on how it sounds with decats i might leave it , already got the non silenced ones . Just need to find somewhere to get the gaskets and bolts to put them on after xmas Zmanalex is your man for that stuff Is it possible to reuse the existing bolts and gaskets ?
  18. I was but im thinking depending on how it sounds with decats i might leave it , already got the non silenced ones . Just need to find somewhere to get the gaskets and bolts to put them on after xmas
  19. Hi Guys , I was ordered some of these for xmas but they say on the description up to 05 , cant see there is any difference from 05 to to the 06 model , has anyone had any experience with fitting similar to an 06. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-Z ... 937wt_1185 Wondering if its worth going to get them fitted or try and return them if it will need lots of work/cost. Dom
  20. thats what iv done in post one lol !
  21. Iv been out in the car with him and there was no drone at all could barely tell it was after market until you touched throttle and then it was a deep growl not a drone fart can noise you sometimes get , hope that helps
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