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Everything posted by agentsmith350

  1. how would you unlock the phone? Jailbreak? Also what color is it in? Yeah as long as it hasn't changed too much from a month or so back i can unlock it via jailbreak. Its a black one. not too keen on a jail broken one, can it be factory unlocked via your network provider? Not sure , But the jailbreak is purely software based and is a 5 min click and wait over USB , the only difference is an extra app called Cydia will be there. its all completely legal now and easily undone.
  2. how would you unlock the phone? Jailbreak? Also what colour is it in? Yeah as long as it hasnt changed too much from a month or so back i can unlock it via jailbreak. Its a black one.
  3. Iv one brand new but would need unlocked ( was going to do it myself next week ) , Not to sure what the value is but going from the prices above id say £350 unlocked ?
  4. Ah the other thing i meant to ask was when tightening the new bolts back on how did you get both sides gripped to stop it spinning as you tighten the bolt ?
  5. Those are absolutely great , appreciate it will have saved me a fair chunk from the garage if i can get to it ! , Il finish early tomorrow and give it a go i think
  6. agentsmith350

    All White!

    Very Nice , Iv been trying to find somewere local to do me a gloss white wrap but bugger all about without hours of traveling !
  7. Yep , Iv 3 or 4 extensions for a ratchet , no gun or wobbly socket though
  8. Now ordered an Lamba sensor socket , so just this top bolt to get off to save me from the garage - definetly able to get it from up top ? i keep checking but cant see a way of getting one down there.
  9. Japspeed Decat pipes , perfect fit and come with all fittings , gaskets and even 02 spacers from Alex , Were a Christmas gift but after a bit more thought on it i think il try and get the money for a throttle controller instead Im looking into returning them and putting them up here in case there's any interest Id like £120 for everything , they are like brand new , one hasnt been out the wrapping and the other is fitted on the car. Even with only one fitted i felt like there was a difference in how freely the car would rev , The noise over 3K is amazing its like Vtec on a Honda , Not in your face though if i had to compare it id say it makes the standard exhaust sound similar to Nismo ect from the outside but not much different inside. Please PM any interest
  10. Hmm il have another look at the weekend i think from up top , i had 2/3 bolts out and just couldn't get that one that's highest up ( What was easiest for you lol ) i had a mixture of tools and a bit of grip on the bolt , could move/flex the breaker bar ect about an inch and the still wouldn't budge so not to confident il get it from the top to be honest - Problem is the 2 places i would trust with the car i cant get to because of my low front lip and speedbumps/steep hills so it would have to be a nissan job , im dreading MOT Time too as will have to do it all again
  11. Just ordered some of those second ones
  12. Il be coming but would just be for the one day other the weekend , Saturday the best ? Is there anything to pay for coming one day ?
  13. So on standard suspension you can definitely run 30mm on the rear ? What about the front ?
  14. Ah , I see you have had spotted threads about cars in London , Thats put a stop to that idea
  15. Well its the intake side that iv got in bar the sensor but did it all from underneath , il have to see where i can get hold of one of those lamba sensor spanner/sockets from but im still stuck when it comes to this highest bolt on the other cat joint. I had a look from up top but cant see anyway of getting down far enough to reach the bolt with all the piping ect in the way , the thing that stopped me getting to it from underneath was what looked like a rod connecting to the steering so id imagine if going in from the top id have the same problem Im in Cumbria , id travel if your not to far and can lend a hand in exchange for some drinks money . There is a place near that does exhausts but hes a bit flaky , knows what hes doing but its a one man shop so its open when he feels like it and price varys on his mood
  16. Started at 12 , back in the house at 10pm in defeat ! Minus a small chunk of my thumb i now have one decat pipe fitted with no sensor in it and the other has been left because after removing all bolts bar the one highest up on the manifold end it wouldnt budge , could hardly get any tools up there and ended up with a hybrid of metal pipe , ratchet , sawn off spanner and an extention , still i cant see anyway at all of getting off so think it may be a nissan dealer job. Other thing that stumped me is how to get the sensor out ! cant get any tool i have in the small gap to twist the bolt out ! Please help before i book her in for the weekend
  17. It is Ended up not using the gap in the fluff bit , had to drill a small hole in the plastic base and run the lead in there , the not quit finished end result - id also thought about adding the dial on the spare button thingy next to the heated seats switch but figured it would be too much hassle to get it to fit underneath without removing more bits for the sake of an inch difference
  18. Hi Guys , Does anyone know how to get the centre console by the handbrake ect to get a wire in there ( Bass remote ) , iv looked the guides up but they all mention removing an ashtray but iv not got one on my car - See below.
  19. £350 for a house deposit , i was born in the wrong era All im missing is the neon lights , Only sometimes though. honest
  20. Meant to put a post up in here - Went to collect a Chinese the other day ( Stunk the car out ) waited in the car while GF went for it and a kid and his mate came out the shop to see what had made the noise and started taking pictures not knowing i was in there , Switched the lights on and they done one back in the shop
  21. Meant to put a post up in here - Went to collect a Chinese the other day ( Stunk the car out ) waited in the car while GF went for it and a kid and his mate came out the shop to see what had made the noise and started taking pictures not knowing i was in there , Switched the lights on and they done one back in the shop
  22. Good to know , i haven't got a gun just ratchet set , with a bit of luck it wont be much more difficult , dying to get them fitted !
  23. Good stuff, let us know how you get on as im just waiting for a decent day to have a go at fitting mine
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