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  1. Yeh i suppose it does help that i have another car to get myself about in hence why im in no real rush. LRF4N - Lovely looking car but as you say just a shame on the milege. waltzinblack - I do love the sound of the V6, probably one of the first mods i'll be doing is some HFC's and a nice subtle sounding system. In the perfect world i'd have both the M3 and 350z lol, but i agree i do see a lot of Bmw E46's here in London. Only downside is the 350 being a 2 seater but again i am 90% of the time driving solo anyways.
  2. Thanks for the welcome. Just had a quick look on Autotrader and came across this http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201131407502547/sort/priceasc/usedcars/body-type/coupe/price-to/10000/colour/black/maximum-mileage/up_to_80000_miles/model/350_z/make/nissan/radius/1500/postcode/ha46ng/page/1?logcode=p Pretty much what im after, does anyone know if the guy is on here? only 21 miles away as well.
  3. Hello everyone, I've been lurking around trying to scan for as much information on a 350z for around a month or so and thought it was the right time to introduce myself Originally i was looking into 2 cars 1 being the 350z and the other a E46 M3 but researching the up keep on the M3 £1000 a service and £800 for tyres kinda put me off. Recently sold everything from my FD RX7. (in bits because the engine decided it didn't want to play anymore) A real shame considering the money i spent on it. Now im hoping to get my hands on a decent Zed, however im in no rush as i have another car (Civic EP3 Type R) to poodle around in and maybe/hopefully part ex. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for a 2003/04 lower tax bracket UK GT Spec Zed in either Black or Blue with sub 70,000 miles and preferably with a factory roof as ive never been keen on verts. There's been a few in the for sale section that have been 95% right but I am kind of picky. Anyways just thought id say hi and im hoping to interact a little more now i've said hello
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