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Everything posted by weaveworx

  1. Hi Lexx, thats fair enough mate, TBH I know of a few on a couple of forums I have joined, some of them are quite shocking TBH so I get where you're coming from. The thing with me is (and I know everyone will say they are different) that this is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I'm finally realising the dream of having my own company. I am an approved retailer for Seibon and Rays Wheels with more to come and I currrently have two top web designers taking my awful temp front page on my site (me & IT dont get on) to a fully functional e commerce site. For me, word of mouth is the best marketing tool so I want to look after all my customers Pleased to hear it mate And when I move back to the Jap scene, no doubt I'll be badgering you for parts. I will look forward to it mate
  2. Thanks guys, appreciate the welcome, seems a nice friendly forum Hi Lexx, thats fair enough mate, TBH I know of a few on a couple of forums I have joined, some of them are quite shocking TBH so I get where you're coming from. The thing with me is (and I know everyone will say they are different) that this is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I'm finally realising the dream of having my own company. I am an approved retailer for Seibon and Rays Wheels with more to come and I currrently have two top web designers taking my awful temp front page on my site (me & IT dont get on) to a fully functional e commerce site. For me, word of mouth is the best marketing tool so I want to look after all my customers
  3. Ah thats fab, thanks mate. Will see if anyone pops in here. If not, I'll PM later
  4. Hi All, New member checking in. Basically I have just set up my own business which deals in carbon fibre parts for all makes of car so wondered how I would become a trader on here to offer you guys the products I sell? I am also an authorised Seibon dealer.
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