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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Not for me I'm afraid. I like the over the top nature of the current Nismo - this dials down the styling too much and makes it less distinguishable from the standard 370. I absolutely would take the seats over the current ones in a heartbeat but that's about it
  2. If you mean the one that's in the 350's boot, it's behind the seats on the 370, which does at least make boot a little more useable.
  3. Not really. The standard 370Z has had incremental updates and revisions but it doesn't necessarily make the car more desirable. I don't prefer the latest version of the standard 370 for example - don't like the wheels or the nose. I'll be really interested to see the changes but it's unlikely to make me any less happy than I am with mine. A hike in power would interesting but I wonder if that's likely
  4. Went straight from passing the driving test to the 370Z. Took a fair bit of getting used to. (I left It quite late in life to learn).
  5. I think I read recently that Sony is abandoning OLED to focus on its Ultra HD stuff. No idea though - I'd certainly be interested in OLED if and when it becomes affordable. I would definitely be in the market for an OLED TV as and when they become affordable, but I'm probably going to plump for an LED Ultra HD (even if just for the upscaled HD) in the meantime since I realised the prices have really started to come down. If I get one in the next few weeks I'll post impressions of the difference between it and my current Sony LCD.
  6. I just think it looks a bit naff to be honest but fair play if you like a jumbo TV. We all share the common love of shiny new gadgets
  7. Not with you on that one Ekona. The room we watch TV in is quite small and I prefer not to be too close to a large screen or have it dominate the room. When we win the lottery and buy the mansion I'll be going for the big ones
  8. I've since discovered that Samsung are releasing a 40inch version of the 4K TV that was linked early in this thread. I hadn't appreciated that they are supposed to upscale high def content so that TV might be quite an interesting proposition for me, as I don't want anything bigger than 42 inches.
  9. It falls off after six years, paid or not.
  10. Also worth being aware that debts can become 'statute barred', after 6 years (Limitations Act 1980). If there has been no acknowledgement of the debt for that period in the form of part payment or correspondence, it can't be recovered through the courts. A debt collection agency could still ask for payment because the debt still exists, but could not successfully bring a case to recover it.
  11. Same here. I've got Sky HD and a PS4 hooked up so no real interest in the smart TV aspects (or 3D, which doesn't really seem to have taken off). In all fairness you`ll struggle to get a set without having 3D built in these days. Mine has it, i didnt want it, and ive only tried it once to see if it worked. I can see why some people like smart tv`s, but I do find it quite funny to be honest. Say for example i want to check on facebook. I can do this on my mobile phone, or on my laptop, or even turn the telly on and log in via the telly. Hell even my blu ray player has a facebook app so I could log in via that. But I mean... who honestly would think, "i know, i want to check facebook lets log in via my dvd player?!!!" I agree - seems to be a supposed selling point to add a load of apps that I bet most people rarely if ever use. I also read quite a lot of reviews on Amazon etc where people complain that they don't work properly. Key thing for me is picture quality and decent styling - something that looks good in the room on or off.
  12. Same here. I've got Sky HD and a PS4 hooked up so no real interest in the smart TV aspects (or 3D, which doesn't really seem to have taken off).
  13. Thanks for all the replies - to be fair the quality on my current set is good, especially with high def content. I'm quite tempted to upgrade because I like the sets which have only minimal surrounds but that is probably not a sufficient reason to shell out if the consensus is that the picture quality will only be marginally better.
  14. That does seem a good deal - unfortunately it would be much too big for our living room - I can't be doing with humungous TVs in relatively small rooms
  15. My current Sony LCD set still works fine but it's getting on a bit now and I quite like those edge-lit sets that have a very thin bezel - been looking at the current Sony lineup, which seems to get good reviews e.g. (although I'd go for the 42 inch version) http://www.hdtvtest....01403023650.htm I have also noticed that 'Ultra HD' sets are starting to appear, although they're silly money and I'm guessing it will be a while until there's any content to view, so I'd just be going for a more up to date full HD set if I do get one. I'd be interested to know if anyone whose gone from an older HD set to a newer one has noticed much difference in picture quality (my current set is 40 inch full HD LCD - about six years old now), or would it be better to wait for things to develop more on the ultra HD front? (I know there's the whole Plasma v LCD/LED debate, but I will probably stick with one of the latter).
  16. Just be glad you don't have to park in the street at the mercy of skips, bin lorries, delivery vans, scaffolders......
  17. Nice. A decent Zorst really completes the car.
  18. sipar69


    Whereas I love em (minus any fitment issues).
  19. My last comments on this issue. As already explained, I have not called for him to be sacked, banned or anything else. I simply said I don't like his crass, outdated, humour. Not sure how that constitutes 'baying' or a 'witch hunt'. Nor could I care less about some juvenile remark made on an unplayed clip of a programme made for forty year old children. As for your comment about 'casual racism' being a new term, you might want to investigate what the term means. It's a well established term to describe less overt acts of racism i.e. the odd 'nigger' joke here, the odd 'slope' comment there. Just Google it if you don't want to take my word for it. Ignorance of the issue is the biggest danger, not the fact that a few people on here are prepared to speak out against it, despite the remarkable amounts of poorly written vitriol that gets sent in their direction for doing so. As I said, my last words on the subject.
  20. Your big mistake is to assume that I called for Clarkson to be arrested, sacked or anything else. I didn't. I just think his 'humour' is crass, outdated and potentially damaging because it encourages people to believe that casual racism is acceptable. As Chubster says, its a shame that those of you who are so offended by the fact that some of us don't like Clarkson can't express their views without personal insults.
  21. Life's not quite so simple as deciding that anyone who doesn't think casual racism is funny is some sort of overly sensitive PC lefty etc etc. Bear in mind that some of us just listen to what he says and make our own judgements based on the words that come out of his mouth. And bear in mind that not liking Clarkson, Top Gear and outdated 'humour' doesn't qualify us as being 'bell ends'.
  22. I vote for the first one. I think he's already said in a previous post the car isn't as fast as he was expecting, or something similar.
  23. It probably won't help at all if I say I've not noticed any problems with mine - about 3,500 on the clock so far, running very nicely and making me smile every time I look at it....although according to the better half I've made it 'too loud'.
  24. I like different. Can't see that he was hurting anyone and to ban him for 'confusing the other children' seems utterly ridiculous. I don't have kids - never wanted any - and to be fair, I expect I'd struggle with it if he was my own son, but from an objective perspective I can't really see the problem.
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