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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I think the code should be on the plate on the inside of the driver door sill. Quick search indicates the code = RAE (but double check of course)
  2. I'm not absolutely certain on the heated mirrors point. Colin (Ebized) might know, as I believe his 370 is either a 59 or an 09.
  3. -Boot release issue will probably occur at some point but it's no big deal and is easily fixed -There's no button for the mirrors (except to adjust them) -I believe the 59 plate has the older (pre connect premium) version of the sat nav screen (still perfectly good) otherwise I'd recommend fitting an integrated reversing camera. I'd go for sensors just to make parking that bit easier + preferably sensors that sit flush to the bodywork -There was a recall on the steering lock issue. I believe a 59 plate would have been in scope, so worth finding out if the car has been done Hope that helps
  4. Rejoice - whatever you've chosen will be miles better than the stock exhaust. You can't lose!
  5. Well I guess well have to agree to disagree on this one. I think the new one looks too fussy from the front and too standard from the back. I can see that the new one will have some added appeal in the US with the addition of all the bells and whistles that we already get as standard here (sat nav etc.). Hopefully it will make it over here then people can take their pick
  6. You Sir are quite simply wrong!
  7. I was actually quite relieved when I saw it in the sense that I didn't immediately feel cheated at having bought the current Nismo. The seats are very smart but for me the whole point of the Nismo exterior styling is that it isn't subtle. The loss of the larger rear spoiler makes it look very un-Nismo to me, the front end is much too busy and the current Nismo wheels are much better looking.
  8. Welcome. If it's a 2011 car you shouldn't need to worry about the steering lock issue. Re USB playback, I've found that the audio system struggles with non-IPod devices. I tried a digital Walkman for example and it wouldn't play ball. I now use an IPod Nano in the car and just keep it in the cubby between the seats.
  9. Totally agree. I've had a few waves but not responded because I've simply been too slow to react. The one time I did spot a 350Z at a junction I gave them a wave and they just looked back at me in a puzzled sort of way. Perhaps they don't wave at 370s
  10. Yep - you'll definitely be wanting to replace the exhaust. Plenty of choices and useful info on the forum to help you decide.
  11. Not normally a Porsche fan but that looks very smart
  12. Just watched a YouTube vid of one killing a Tarantula. I really don't want to run into one of them!
  13. I remember being really chuffed when I finally got a video recorder with "auto tracking". Also... Bought one of these on EBay recently. Good times
  14. I'm not a fan boy but I went for the PS4 this time as it seems to have the technical edge over the Xbox. To be honest I'm quite bored of the current gen at the moment because there are so few decent games out (apart from Resogun in the PS4s case). Just need to be patient and wait for the good stuff, and hopefully the introduction of backwards compatibility.
  15. Autoglymn wheel cleaner kit is quite good. Comes with some brushes too. Iron-x is also good.
  16. If the current Nismo is anything to go by there'll be some tempting deals on ex-demonstrators quite soon after launch.
  17. Good points made in this thread. Whatever our views let's be thankful that we have an education system that,despite its flaws, is accessible to all. At least we don't live in a country where you get shot if you're a girl and you dare to go to school.
  18. History: All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth. Nietzsche.
  19. so true that! Only a few degrees instantly give people access to reasonable wages, I'm thinking teachers, Dr's, lawyers. But then all of them also have to do years of further and continuous training to earn those 60k plus figures. I started my teacher training by doing the GTP (teacher version of an apprenticeships) so I have no PGCE, but I do have QTS. My initial salary was just about 14k before tax. Once qualified it only jumped to 20k. And its been a slow hard slog up the ladder. I'm now in a management position after 8 years of teaching, and I probably earn 10-20k less a year than all my mates from uni who didn't go into teaching. But I love what I do, I'm home in time to see my kids before bed. I'm around at the weekends, I have time off when my kids eventually will. I still do loads of hours un paid, but I do it because I like what I do and I like to see my students succeed. And I'd like to think long after I die, my students will be teaching their own kids the skills I taught them and I shall live on long after I've shuffled off this mortal coil. Never going to be a millionaire, but I've come to terms with that, and I'm content. I agree. It's a cliche but true that money doesn't buy happiness. Just look at all the dysfunctional, alcoholic, depressed, suicidal but wealthy celebrities. There's a Pulp song - can't remember which one - with a line about winning the lottery - 'check your lucky numbers, that much money could drag you under....'
  20. I think there's a place for people who did and didn't do well in formal education but I also think the 'I don't use anything I learnt and therefore education is pointless' argument is a bit shortsighted. I did a degree in Politics and Philosophy (left in 1994). I'm neither a politician nor a philosopher but that doesn't mean I think my time at university was wasted. You learn a lot more from doing a degree (and education in general) than the actual facts of the subject - how to research, how to weigh up competing arguments and form a view, how to present your ideas in writing etc, how to interact with people of your own age (not to mention all the practical stuff that comes with uni about living away from home etc) all of which have been very useful to me throughout my career and life. The job I currently have did not require a degree - I started on very low money and worked on building my career for 20 years but I still think the degree was a worthwhile experience in many different ways.
  21. I'll be waiting like a vulture for the inevitable write off on EBay then I can swoop down and nab the seats
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