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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Good old Beavis and Butthead! Loved that programme.
  2. That's rubbish luck but I agree with Aiden. If it's just your word against the two of them, the court hasn't really got a reason to uphold an appeal.
  3. Steady on. A lot of people on here seem to struggle with English
  4. I stay out of car parks if I can help it
  5. I'd actually be surprised if the idiot is a regular on this forum although it makes seen to raise the issue here. My impression has always been than most of our regulars understand that driving a powerful car doesn't mean driving like an irresponsible wannabe racer. Caring about our cars as we do means not driving them in a way that's likely to end up with them full of dents The Zs range is accessible to a wide range of people, including the occasional moron.
  6. He's being very cagey.....
  7. So WINKJ - are you ordering one....?
  8. To be honest, I'm not too fussed about the Nismo brand. It's not something I knew much about until quite recently so I don't feel any particular affinity with it. I've got this car because to me it's currently the 370 I most want to own from a driving and aesthetic point of view. That said, I agree its a shame they've stuck the Nismo branding on other lesser vehicles. I'm not moved by criticisms about the 370 Nismo's power hike being fairly small over the regular 370. I've said in previous threads that I think the figures are quite misleading - something that I believe the guy who did the super fast lap on the Ring in the GTR Nismo also said about the 370 Nismo (although he obviously gets paid by Nissan). It feels quite a lot quicker to me than the stats suggest it should - I'm certainly more than happy with it power/acceleration wise. I feel reasonably qualified to have that opinion having gone from - 370 (unmodified) to 370 (aftermarket exhaust and uprev) to this one. It's distinctly nippier than my upreved 370 and handles substantially better too. (I've no idea if the addition of an exhaust and hfcs have made much difference to the performance as I've not had the car dynod) From what I've read (which admitdely isn't much) it seems to be a similar approach to that taken by Porsche with the recent GTS variants - stick all the available bells and whistles on and up the power a little. As I've said I really don't mind if people have a pop at the 370 N so long as they don't mind me turning up like a bad penny to defend it on the basis that I absolutely love the thing and like to present a balanced argument for people who might be considering it. By the way, I watched a brief video of the newer variant today - it only reinforced my view that they've really mucked up the styling - the front end looked horrible on the road in motion.
  9. That seems a long lead time. Got my Stillen in less that a week. Are you ordering from Tarmac Sportz?
  10. Check it out in red. Looks v nice.
  11. Can someone please photoshop a picture of Ekona sitting in a Nismo with a big happy smile on his face
  12. I'm liking those wheels.
  13. You 350 owners definitely got a better deal on the sound. To me 350s even with the stock exhaust sound sporty. The Nismo exhaust was an improvement on the standard 370 but still too quiet for my liking. Mine sounds nasty now (in a good way)
  14. I don't really mind if people don't like the Nismo. I don't like quite a lot of supposedly desirable cars, e.g. BMW M cars.. I just thought I'd join in this thread to point out that I absolutely love it and, from what I've seen, other Nismo owners who've moved from 350s or 370s seem to feel the same. If someone started a thread on the 370 part of the forum just to point how much they dislike the 350 people would be on there pointing out how much they like their 350s (and I'd be agreeing with them) Personal opinions are just that, although I don't take the 'boy racer' description seriously. I'm 45 and far from a show-off or flash person. If I'd thought for one second the car looked 'boy racer' when I saw it I'd never have bought it. Again, some may not like the front end. I think it flows very nicely - much getter than the busy front end of the newer U.S. variant. Whether it's worth the money over the standard 370 is also a matter of personal opinion and depends on the circumstances. My previous 370 was £25k. I paid an extra £8k for this one and got a part ex price I was very happy with on the old one. Some people have argued that the Nismo pricing is getting into GTR territory but that just doesn't stack up. If you look at prices on Autotrader, there are very few sub-£40k GTRs and I'd be wary of those cars. £45k - £50k is a more realistic price for a half decent GTR in the UK. To me, the Nismo was absolutely worth it. And I honestly believe that, like other Zs, it's looks and drives like a car that costs a lot more than it actually does
  15. Thanks I'm into all the Zs personally. Never had a 350 but like them a lot. And the 370. All great cars if you ask me.
  16. They brought it out in red in the US. Looked nice in that colour.
  17. I think it's fair to say that those of us who have the Nismo are very happy with it. The in your face nature of the car is exactly what appeals to us. I get more of a kick out of driving it and looking at it than I did either of my previous 370s. I can appreciate that some people might not like the styling, but I don't think the 'boy racer' criticism really holds up if you see the car in the flesh. To me 'boy racer' = cheap looking after-market mods. The Nismo doesn't look like that at all. Here's a pic of mine for those that do like em (I was mucking around with the edit function on my Ipad hence the slightly odd exposure). Reactions I've had from people who've actually seen the car have been incredibly positive. It needed some help to sound like it should but the Stillen exhaust and Cobra cats have sorted that out.
  18. sipar69

    Next step

    I'd suggest you go for a full system if you want a decent sound. Some people have fitted short-tail pipes and like them, but they are very loud. With a full system you have a ton of choices in terms of look and sound (from quite subtle to not at all subtle). My favourite is the Stillen system, but other popular choices include: Cobra, Invidia Gemini, Fast Intentions, Ark (Grip or DTS), Berks. Have a look at the Tarmac Sportz or Cougar store websites.
  19. A woman in our road owns a black GT86. Nice looking car but it sounds as uninspiring as an unmodified 370Z. I'd definitely be replacing the exhaust if I had one.
  20. Good to see the defect removed. Looks great.
  21. If I understand you correctly you bought the car on the basis of a promise that the marks would be professionally repaired to a not noticeable standard. A professional could easily do the work to a sufficient standard so that the repair is invisible. A chimpanzee with a crayon could do a better job than those repairs. It looks like they've just daubed touch-up paint over the marks with no preparation at all. If you cannot get them to do the work properly I'd suggest you have a good argument to return the car and demand a refund. You had a verbal contract which they've not lived up to. A less 'nuclear' option could be to get a quote from a mobile repair outfit such as 'Chips Away' and offer to get it done yourself and then get them reimburse you (but get it agreed in writing). The dealer can't really rely on the 'it's a used car it will have marks on it'. The issue is what was promised when you agreed to buy the car. You were promised a repair of a certain standard and that's not been delivered.
  22. Cars don't need to be exotic, it was the done thing to wave at oncoming MG Midgets/Austin Healey Sprites back in the day. Pete Ah yes but that was the 'good old days' when people were supposedly less miserable, selfish and introverted (allegedly).
  23. Pulled up at some lights yesterday and got a "cool car mate" from the guy in the next lane. But yes you do also get the twonks who simply have to overtake, no matter what crappy car they're in. I just leave em to it.
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