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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. No that's my old car. I sold it in August last year and they sold it on pretty quickly. Looks like it's been in and out again. New owner didn't hang on to it for long then.
  2. Thanks for the offer mate but I'm looking to get one that has connect premium. Cheers anyway.
  3. I'm thinking of letting the A45 go and returning to zed land. Great car but I can't justify the amount of money I've got tied up in a car I only get to drive every 2 or 3 weeks. I've always liked the Le Mans blue so just wondering if this one is known on the forum. It has an Invidia exhaust. Dealer seems to have quite a good rep. Cheers. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F222898559304
  4. Interesting stuff. I had both a 370 GT then a Mk1 Nismo with Stillen CBE, HFCs, HFCs and an uprev. I agree with you - in terms of power and straighline speed there wasn't much between them. The main difference was actually the handling.
  5. No offence but I'd be surprised if a non Nismo 370 got close to 360bhp with those mods. I don't think my modded remapped Nismo was making that when I had it. Did you get a dyno sheet?
  6. I miss mine too. Remapped A45 is a different league performance wise (430bhp), but my heart belongs to the Z!
  7. If it's for ouside get the Halfords large size outdoor car cover. Fits a 370 well and is actually pretty decent for £50. I learnt over several years of car cover use that it's best to get an affordable one and replace it ever year or so. Even the pricey ones will become tatty after a fairly short time.
  8. I think official figure for the standard (non Nismo) 370 is more than 320 nip without mods.
  9. I say this as a self confessed former obsessive about parking to minimise the risk of dings - I think I'd rather risk a scratch than be seen attaching something as daft as that to my car. And I definitely agree with others about attracting unwantwd attention. Dare I say that even I think you're worrying too much. Drive it, park sensibly and remind yourself there are more important things in life.
  10. Very nice work on the detailing. Can you come and do mine?!
  11. Hi bud, Marcus (disc skimmers) bought my Nismo exhaust for his GT several years ago. I think he's still a member on here. You could drop him a PM to see if he had any fitting issues.
  12. Hope it gets a decent sounding exhaust this time!
  13. Was sport mode engaged? They can seem jerky if it's turned off.
  14. Oh I'm sure it does affect the paint, as does being out in the environment generally, but just not as much as people make out as long you follow some basic common sense practices. I can honestly say that after keeping the Z under a cover for over four years it still looked immaculate on the day I sold it. Did it have swirls if you looked close enough in the right light? Very probably, but so do cars that aren't covered. Using a cover isn't necessarily about thinking the car will dissolve if it's not covered; for me it was about being able to wash it on a nice day after a drive, leave it in the street for a week and go back to it still looking pretty good. It reduced the amount of time I had to spend cleaning the car (because I liked it to look good when I drove it) and also made what was a really quite conspicuous car less noticeable in the street (trust me - the car got a lot of attention when it was uncovered and none when it was covered - luckily it was always positive attention, but there always that risk with it being parked on the road). We've moved to a place with a garage now but I'd defo use a cover again if I needed to. I do agree that if your car is a daily driver a cover is probably more trouble than it's worth but if like me you got to drive only at the weekends and had to park in the street, it was a worthwhile investment. Horses for courses and all that.
  15. Car cover scare mongering should be a recognised form of social media trolling. Halfords large outdoor cover works fine with a Nismo. Put on a clean car, secure tightly and replace every year to 18 months when it (the cover not the Nismo ) starts to get tatty. And ignore the panic merchants.
  16. I'm looking at getting my '45 remapped soon, mainly because it will apparently make the car much more responsive at low to mid revs, reduce turbo lag etc. Apparently the power hike will take the car to 430bhp, which should be erm... interesting.
  17. My favourite. New series coming too. Can't wait.
  18. Gtechniq are pretty good products in my experience. To be honest though if you just follow a basic cleaning routine the interior should stay in decent condition.
  19. I wouldn't buy another peal' white car after the hassles I had with my Nismo. Even really good bodyshops struggle to match it because it's a three stage finish. I had to shell out for a complete bumper respray when I got a one inch scratch in a car park. That said, it's a very nice colour - just be careful. I used a car cover for four years with no trouble or damage to the paintwork. The car just needs to be clean before the cover goes on. They are a hassle to put on and off to begin with, but you soon get the hang of it. My advice would be go for something relatively inexpensive and replace it once a year. I used the Halfords large outdoor cover on my Nismo. It's a surprisingly decent cover for £50. The large size is a good fit for a Nismo Z. Another advantage of a less expensive cover is that you can see if you get on with them without blowing £100s on an expensive one. Raceglaze Alcantara cleaner. Good stuff. I'm not sure about the Mk2 Nismo but the Mk1 was surprisingly good for minimal stone chips on the bumper. My other two non Nismo 370Zs were very prone to them. I think it was something about the shape of the bumper. I tried a lot of different detailing products over time on the pearl white. My favourites regime was - wash, clay, White Diamond Glaze followed by Gtechniq G2 sealant. Hope that helps. Enjoy your new car.
  20. The white looks great, but bear in mind that, due to being a three stage finish, it's very difficult to colour match if you ever get a scratch
  21. I've had Q since release. To begin with it was really buggy, but updates have made it solid now. I have BT broadband and haven't experienced any issues. We run a second Q box in the bedroom and it all works very well.
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