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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Agree on that. Loads of cars I'll most likely never be able to afford but it doesn't make me want to vandalise em or mouth off at people who can. Lack of self esteem and self respect is the cause I reckon.
  2. Ahh nobody's beat me to this.....wait for it......I DONT LIKE FOOTBALL. (Will watch the England games though).
  3. I work in the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. Fortunately it's a quick walk from Waterloo so shouldn't be affected by the strike.....
  4. I watched it - just ended up being glad I don't have drive through built up areas very often and wondering who I disliked the most out of the stereotypical cyclists, van drivers or taxi drivers.
  5. Not had any offensive comments (none that I've noticed anyway) but definitely noticed some people seem to go out of the way to drive up your backside if you're keeping to the speed limit, or are hell bent on overtaking no matter what.
  6. Bugger. Another part of what made growing up in the 80s great gone forever.
  7. My other half had two chavy kids shout at her in Amersham "It's a woman. An f'ing woman driving a car like that!"
  8. Yep I think they do taxi runs but no flying sadly. My dad flew in them in the 70s out of RAF Marham in Norfolk.
  9. Great that this is flying but I wish the same could be said for the Victor. An equally important and beautiful plane in its own right.
  10. Ok so quick update on this thread. I researched quite a bit and having read some quite bad reviews of the budget 4k TV from Samsung (hu6900) and some very good reviews of the higher level hu7500 I decided to go for that one instead. I've moved from 40 inch to 48 inch, which seems perfect for our front room. I also invested in an LG sound bar. All I can say is TVs have moved on an awful lot since I bought my Sony LCD. It's hard to take a snap that shows just how good the picture on this TV is. HD content looks phenomenal and the small amount of 4K material I've viewed is something else - incredible depth and detail to the image. Here's a snap of Game of Thrones on Sky HD. Definitely worth looking at these sets if you're thinking of getting a new TV any time soon.
  11. At least your write ups are a refreshing change from slating my car
  12. I suppose if 0-60 times interest you that may be true. I have no idea how the Toyota compares to other cars in this respect. Nor do I care. All I know is that point to point it is a very difficult car to shake off, whatever you are driving. In 8 months of ownership I raced against everything imaginable around the streets of Dubai and not a single car disappeared from my view. Most memorably a brand new F-Type convertible which I chased for about 5 miles and at the end of it he was the same 40 yards ahead of me as when we started. This doesn't mean I'm a driving hero or that he wasn't trying. It means in the real world you can have one hell of a lot of fun for 14,000 quid which you wouldn't be having in the diesel hatchback you cite. The same logic can also be applied to Zs. I've read loads of comments on You tube reviews slagging the 370 Nismo for 'only' have a 5.2 second 0-62 time but who cares if the car feels quick and is a blast to drive
  13. Name and shame next time. One of the stupidest, most dangerous things you can do in a car.
  14. Darn right I'd report neighbours for loud music if they wouldn't turn it down. Noisy neighbours ruin people's lives.
  15. sipar69


    Meguirs Ultimate Compound should sort it out.
  16. I do hope Mr Norton doesn't read this thread. He'll be wondering what he did wrong to get roped in to this matter.
  17. Agreed. Think I tried to read it once and gave up after a few pages. You learn most of what you need to know by trial and error.
  18. Good reply mate - I expect that'll solve the issue.
  19. I will be... a week today Good luck with the purchase. There'll be a lot of stuff not on your shopping list, coz' it's already there. I've had nothing but statements of 'wow', from anyone who has approached and asked me about it, a lot of people stop and take photo's. It's a great place to be. very, very rare. What he said. Amount of positive attention you get is something else.
  20. It's possible to get above 70 on the M25? I barely get above 50 on a good day! Can be done just ask this guy http://m.bbc.co.uk/n...ngland-27587130 Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk Blimey. The section nearest to me - you squeeze on and sit in a slow moving line of traffic for half an hour - if you get past third gear and above 50mph you feel like you're doing well.
  21. It's possible to get above 70 on the M25? I barely get above 50 on a good day!
  22. Never, never, ever, involve yourself in legal proceedings solely because you feel you have been wronged. You should only challenge the penalty if you receive independent professional advice that you have a strong case. As I have said already, and as others have said, if it comes down to your word against the word of two police officers, the magistrates will believe the officers. Look at this way, the courts are full of people protesting their innocence, but in the great majority of cases they're not innocent so why would the magistrates believe you? You know you're honest and that you've been shafted but the question is - could you convince them in the face of two officers who will swear that they saw you put your belt on at the last minute. The cost, hassle and stress of going to court will only make things worse if you don't get the outcome you want.
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