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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. For the best finish - Dodo Supernatural For ease of use and a good price (but still decent finish) - R222
  2. As said - try having a polite word with them or leave a note on the window. Might not work but worth a try.
  3. I had Williams ceramic coating on my last 370. I was never really sure if it made any difference and it didn't stop me waxing it. Can't hurt though.
  4. If my other half's experiences are anything to go by women in decent cars seems to be a problem for some people. Not hard to work out that it's probably due to some sort of insecurity/inadequacy. Pathetic really.
  5. Nice - welcome to the exclusive Nismo inner circle of club Z Prepare for lots of attention on the roads. I like how this thread started with a bit of unprovoked Nismo bashing on the 350 part of the forum and has now been appropriated by those of us who appreciate the Nismo.
  6. If you do change the seats I'd really like to know how it goes / cost etc. That is the one and only thing I'm not keen on about the car - just not sure how expensive and complicated it is to change them (I know Recaros ain't cheap)
  7. Great. Bet you can't wait. We originally got told in November we'd have to wait until Feb. I couldn't stand the idea of waiting so long but they changed it to December. I'll be interested to see if you feel the need to change the exhaust. My impression is most Nismo owners can live with the current one, but I'm personally very glad I changed it (even though I said I wouldn't).
  8. Agreed - I've not been all that impressed with the games on PS4 thus far, but that's to expected with a new console while developers get to grips with it. Some of the stuff shown at E3 looked very promising though (and I'm glad I'll get to have a go on GTAV at last when it comes to the PS4). . If No Man's Sky ends up being just a shooter that will be a shame, but it looks like it should have additional elements too.
  9. This is looking pretty darn special. Developed by a team based in Guildford. Hope the final game lives up to the promise. I love the idea of being able to fly down and land on any of the planets. Reminds me of playing Elite on the Speccy in the 80s and wishing you could do that.
  10. I hope she does she will get a high five from me! I will eat my hat if she is younger As the I said last time I bet it's the wife of the local Nissan dealership's director. They mentioned she was an older lady who drives a 370.
  11. She's gonna be miffed if she sees this and you've got her age wildly wrong
  12. Glad I stayed up well past my usual old man bedtime for another dose of disappointment.
  13. The housing market round our way has gone mad(der) recently. Tidy little Victorian terrace in our road with two bedrooms and a loft room (ok size garden but no off street parking) went for £900k with sealed bids. Even on just shy of £60k a year and my other half on nearly £40k most of the places round here are out of our price range. She was smart and bought a flat years ago which she rents out and will have paid the mortgage off soon, but I'm still not on the property ladder at 45.
  14. Don't be too hard on yourself. Part of being a 'a bloke' is that we're not supposed to be vulnerable but the reality is it's part of being human to worry about things we can't control. As others have said, if you feel things are getting too much pop to your docs. They're very alert these days to non physical stresses and will offer you some useful advice and pointers.
  15. Never mind where it ends - I hope it's started with a new exhaust or you're missing out big time
  16. Nice 'Outrun' avatar. Classic game.
  17. No worries. If you end up going with SCR its dead easy to get back to Richmond via a quick bus to Feltham station, then just hop on a train. They'll give you a lift to the station if you're lucky too.
  18. Check out SCR Audio then - very quick and easy to get to from Richmond for a quote. If you explain the position they might let you send a photo and quote from that. http://www.scraudio.co.uk/
  19. I'd make the trip to TGM mate - just a quick scoot down the A316 and the M3 as I'm sure you know. Their work is first rate even if they're not the cheapest. You can walk to the station in Fleet from there and train it back to Richmond via Clapham Junction. I tried a Twickenham body shop for a scratch on one of my previous Zs because they were nearby - big mistake. I had a couple of little jobs done at TGM on my last Z (bumber scratch and one on the door from a lamp post) and couldn't have been happier with the result - totally invisible. If you want something nearer you could try SCR Audio in Ashford (Middx). I can't personally vouch for their body shop as I've not used it but they did some excellent work on repainting my alloys and other jobs - they're a friendly and helpful bunch of guys who care about the work they do. I'd be surprised if the body shop didn't turn out equally good work.
  20. I think I've reached the stage where the happy life v more money question has arisen. I was on quite low money for about the first ten years of my career (been with my current employer for 20 years next year). Now after 20 years of slog I earn what I think most people would regard as very good money. But if I wanted to earn substantially more it would mean going for a promotion to a level at which people's jobs seem to take over their lives and you spend almost all of your time in meetings. I know I would hate that, so I will probably settle at my current level where the money will go up until I reach the top of the pay grade but no further. Not much point in earning a ton of money if you don't have any time to spend it and you don't enjoy what you're doing!
  21. Declare it - if Admiral is anything to go by it won't make much difference to the cost
  22. In your position I'd be looking for jobs that have a defined career path and that you can see yourself doing, rather than looking at jobs on the basis that they will instantly pay you a lot more e.g oil rig. For most people the key to being financially comfortable in the long run is to get a foot in the door, often on a low salary, and then work your way up. Even potentially high paid jobs usually involve starting on surprisingly low money, e.g lawyers. If you feel you're going nowhere in your current job, make the change sooner rather than later.
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