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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I looked at this way, it cost me roughly £500 including the petrol. I simply felt in retrospect that I could have spent that amount of money on something that I would have got more enjoyment or value out of (car related or otherwise). But as you've seen, others feel that it definitely was worth it for them. Unfortunately, unlike a physical item, you can't take it off and recoup some of your money by selling it if you decide it wasn't worth it. On the other hand, it's not going to do any harm.
  2. No doubt Will. Probably down to each individual car and personal perception etc.
  3. When I had the Uprev I wasn't in the Nismo. The upreved car was a manual. Yep the Nismo feels noticeably nippier than my upreved 370.
  4. I had an uprev on my last 370. I had a Stillen exhaust and HKS filters. Personally I didn't feel that the difference was very noticeable in the way the car drove and not worth the outlay. Yes I had a graph telling me I'd gained a few HP etc but the driving experience wasn't sufficiently different for the money. No criticism of the work - done by Abbey - first class outfit, just didn't feel it was worth it for me.
  5. You are now the third owner of my Stillen exhaust
  6. My oil only gets changed at service time (although the car is only for fun so I only do about 7000 miles a year tops). Good luck with the purchase.
  7. I've been thinking for a while that someone ought to do a buyer's guide. Not sure how to get it started but the number of 'what should I look out for threads' suggests it might be useful. The good news is that they're very reliable and issues aren't common. Having had three 370s my list of suggestions for issues to consider and things to look for is (in no particular order). - Boot release - does the boot pop properly. Most have an issue with the springs. Its not a big deal but it does mean the boot doesn't clear the latch properly when you press the release button. It just means you need two hands to open it - Interior - check for wear on the Alcantara parts of the seats and door handles and the plastic parts can scratch easily - Stone chips - the bumpers and side skirts are quite prone to this, as are the callipers. You've got to expect a few on a used car of course - Exhaust. Does it still have the stock exhaust? If so, bad luck. You'll be wanting to put a grand or so aside for something that will actually make it sound like a sports car. Luckily there are lots of choices. Even if you're not into modding cars (I'm not) this is an essential mod for the 370 - Steering lock recall issue. Only an issue if the car was built at a particular point in 2010 or before - do a search on the forum. There's a thread somewhere that shows which VIN numbers were affected. If your car is in that bracket you need to check that the work was done to rectify the issue. - Tyres. You're unlikely to get more than 13000 miles out of a set. Cost of a decent set of replacements - £800 - £1000 - Fuel. Do not run on anything under 97RON. The inside of the petrol cap says 98 but 97 and above is fine (don't buy into the myth that 99 will turn it into some sort of space rocket) - Alloys. Remarkable how many dealers will try and get away with scuffed alloys. Check carefully and make refurbishment a condition of your purchase. Finally, welcome along and enjoy your new car.
  8. Because most people are idiots and most idiots spend a disproportionate amount of time on social media.
  9. At the risk of becoming the most hated man on this forum I personally feel that the rarity of the 370 gives it an additional wow factor that you don't quite get with the 350 or with some of the more common competitors mentioned above. I quite regularly see 350s but almost never see 370s. That's not to say I don't like the 350 and I agree that they represent very good value for money. And before anyone has a pop at me - remember that someone on the 350 part of the forum recently started a thread to point out just how much he disliked the 370 Nismo
  10. Agree with that. Also looks like it should cost a lot more than it does.
  11. Yeah, because it never happens elsewhere http://youtu.be/gTRTiOZji6g I feel sorry for the people who have to wait to get where they're going while this bunch of chimps drive round in circles.
  12. Yep - those are the ones you'll get with your new Nismo.
  13. There's nothing wrong with the standard Nismo seats as such - they just don't look sporty enough for me. They're also a real magnet for dust and fluff off your clothes - harder to keep clean than the standard 370 seats. The ones in the newer variant Nismo from the US are better.
  14. Having had both, I think it is worth the difference. Re the GTR comparison - you're looking at closer to £45-£50k for a half decent example. Yes you can pick up a few older GTRs in the upper 30s but I'd be pretty cautious about those cars.
  15. Another vote for MPSS. I'll be sticking a set on the Nismo when it's time to replace the tyres. Noticed an improvement in handling and a small drop in road noise when I put them on my last 370.
  16. I'm inclined to agree. The my car hasn't conked out in 90 days award. Bit like winning a prize for remembering your own name.
  17. Are you happy with result? The white isn't an easy colour to match perfectly.
  18. Few miles out of Petworth before the turning to Hazlemere. The serious damage I mentioned was not to the car, but to me. Have you seen the result of a deer going over a car bonnet and through a windscreen. I would try and avoid an animal if it meant not endangering myself and other road users. But if a deer runs out in front of you, and it is on a busy road with traffic coming towards you, and you do not have time to break what would you do? I might take my chances swerving off the road, as a deer through the windscreen might be terminal. A fox in the same circumstances would have to take it's chances though. Unfortunately it is one of the dangers of living in the country. You hear of people being killed on country roads, when they have just driven off the road. I think a lot might be caused by animals running in front of cars. As someone who cares a lot about animals it makes me sad to see the amount of dead animals you see along the side of the road. It's just a fact of life that animals don't seem to have the inbuilt ability to realise that legging it across a busy road isn't a good idea.
  19. I'm so soppy I once stopped the Z on a deserted country road to usher a baby bunny off the road. PS reading my earlier post it sounds like I'm having a go at the OP. Not intended.
  20. Where exactly did it happen? I drive in that area quite a bit. (Surely damage to your car isn't the only reason you try to avoid deer? I would always try to avoid animals if it didn't put me or anyone else in danger. Got nothing to do with wanting to avoid damaging my car - they've got a right to exist).
  21. If you're interested in the a Nismo it's worth checking out Auto Trader for ex-demonstrator deals.
  22. Yerrrr come on you grossly overpaid, needlessly idolised, perpetually underachieving, massively disappointing bunch of pansies. Just had to get that out of my system.
  23. People just assume you're a pensioner and feel sorry for you.
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