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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. We have Rob Brydon and the fat bloke from Shaun of the Dead living nearby. Rob Brydon ran over my foot with his baby buggy
  2. My other half did the same thing when she visited Cuba. The hotel staff had so little she ended up giving away a lot of her stuff
  3. Indeed. Even the non-S is a bit quicker than a 370.
  4. Yeah I read the 12s onwards are the ones to go for. The pricing is quite confusing - they seem to go from silly money to very affordable. I like the Sports Racer version a lot (the one in this vid seems not to be an S though). https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=evora+s+sports+racer&source=images&cd=&docid=JaB3HT4hwEet2M&tbnid=bJ32a9qYabwo0M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsSWioqp8kZk&ei=qrLKU8fAB8yz0QWuiYCgAQ&psig=AFQjCNG3FzMBiJ7dsorlDgQ8_Rb06HGm9Q&ust=1405879309885397
  5. I'm thinking Evora S next time.
  6. Honestly it's been fine for me. The cover has turned out to be better than I expected. I usually just drive at the weekends so the car gets washed, cover goes on and it's nice and clean next time I drive it. The only issue with the Halfords cover is the straps. The buckles are plastic and it's not easy to pass them under the car because they're too light. My solution has been to cut the buckles off and just tie the straps to the alloys. Works great even in strong winds.
  7. Agreed. I've kept a close eye out for any signs that the cover is harming the paint - nothing so far
  8. That's what I did now it's dirty as **** again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I've invested in a breathable car cover for mine for just this reason. Been using it for six months and it's been excellent. Just need to make sure the car is clean when you put it on to avoid scratches. How much ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Fifty quid. This one. Large size fits my Nismo very well. http://www.halfords.com/motoring/car-styling/car-covers-tarpaulins/halfords-advanced-all-seasons-car-cover-large Before anyone says it, I know Halfords aren't great but I wanted to try an inexpensive cover with a view to getting a better one if it turned out ok. I've been so pleased with this one that I won't bother to upgrade. I had to make a window in it to show the tax disc and our parking permit but that wasn't difficult. It's great being able to wash the car and know that it won't be dirty again in half an hour. It's also made the car anonymous in the road whereas before it was getting a lot of attention. Nobody gives it a second look now, which suits me when I'm not there to keep an eye on it. Six months on and it's working great. Might do a mini review thread in case anyone else is interested.
  9. That's what I did now it's dirty as **** again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I've invested in a breathable car cover for mine for just this reason. Been using it for six months and it's been excellent. Just need to make sure the car is clean when you put it on to avoid scratches.
  10. I should imagine that's quite a peaceful moment, once you get past all the hysterical screaming. Yeah. Be nice to think they reach some sort of inner peace. I particularly find those scenarios where some poor person is sucked out still strapped into their seat disturbing. I had a similar morbid fascination with the first Shuttle disaster when they said the astronauts probably lived for some time after the craft disintegrated.
  11. I've used the Autoglym and Sonus. Much prefer the Sonus.
  12. Washed the Z in the afternoon sun today. Was sweating like anything by the time I'd finished.
  13. The sound. I just couldn't live with the sound. Or with the knowledge of having a 'D' on the back of my car. Irrational I know but it's the way I feel and cars are about feeling as well performance data.
  14. The thing that always makes me shiver is that with a lot of air crashes there must be agonising moments where everyone knows they're going to die and can do absolutely nothing about it.
  15. I remember having a holiday changed on me some years ago because the flight path was too close to the Serbian conflict at the time. I guess this sort of thing illustrates why.
  16. Worth a read but I'm afraid I agree with others that you're stuffed unless you have some way of proving that the police were mistaken or lying. http://www.findlaw.co.uk/law/motoring/vehicle_crime/500282.html Mitigating circumstances If you fail to stop at a red light, there may have been mitigating circumstances. For example, you may have had a reasonable belief that it would have been dangerous for you to have stopped at the light. Or maybe you moved your vehicle to make way for an emergency vehicle. If you’re being prosecuted for running a red light and believe that there may have been mitigating circumstances, you should consider getting professional advice. An experienced motoring solicitor will be able to tell you whether you have a genuine case for a reduction in the penalty (or even for the charge to be dropped). But beware. Many of the factors people might be tempted to cite in mitigation (“I was tired†or “it was raining and the visibility was poorâ€) might actually turn out to be aggravating factors.
  17. As I understand it, there isn't a colour as such that you can just buy a tin of. It's two stages. I have a similar colour on the Nismo wheels which is why I'm being very very cautious when I park!
  18. Think the guy told me he used work for Porsche - used to have a Cayman R which was also quite nice. I'm quite surprised by some of the negative reactions to this car. I can understand people might buy something different with the money etc but it's still a very tasty car and the manual box would make it even more attractive to me. Horses for courses I guess, but I certainly wouldn't say "no" to it. I really like the colour too.
  19. Not sure I get this 'it's an Audi' business. Aren't our cars 'just a Nissan'? It's not my dream car but coming back from a run this morning it looked gorgeous in the early morning sun. To be honest, much as I love my Nismo, I wouldn't take much persuading to swap.
  20. Neighbour works for Audi. His latest company car....looks awesome 'in the flesh'
  21. Nismo exhaust is a great bit of kit but fairly quiet, as is the Miltek. If you're looking for a sub £1k system, a lot of people like the Invidia Gemini. If you can pay a bit more, I'd go for Stillen or Ark. Other good systems include Berks, Cobra, (and plenty more).
  22. I posted about the 4C some time ago. Very interested in them but it looks as though the numbers over here will be so limited that getting one on the second hand market will be very difficult and they will hold their prices. A manual box would have been good but they're a gorgeous and pretty swift car. Definitely turn some heads in one of those!
  23. What he said. Nothing's as quiet as stock. See if HFCs help and if you're still not satisfied get saving up for a new system, and put this down to an expensive lesson about the value of thorough research.
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