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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I've always found the Veyron an incredibly ugly car. Would't be on my shopping list after the lottery win - don't care how fast it goes. Some lovely cars amongst that lot though.
  2. I bet you could.....(manage without that is). I think we should have a national leave your phone at home day!
  3. sipar69


    I had a set of these briefly on my previous 370 before trading it in for the Nismo. They cost upwards of a grand at the time. Really liked them and will get another set when my current tyres need replacing.
  4. Usual dealer diligence - clearly a white Nismo like mine but described as "universal silver" in the ad. Genius.
  5. I agree. Don't blow your cash on DIY repairs - It will still be noticeable. Get a smart repair guy out or take it to a body shop.
  6. Mine was the same and I never met my Great Grand Father as he died before I was born. Thought I'd share this bit of trench art that my Great Grand Father made during the first World War. I know very little about what he did or his actions during the war and I never really shared this with anyone before but here it is. His name was Ernest Monk and he was a Corporal in the Army as far as I know. On one side of the tank that he made it is inscribed "1916 Theipval" and on the other "1919 Estrees". This is where he was and from what little I could find out about it he was at Theipval woods, France during the battle of the Somme. This is one of my most treasured items as it is hand made by himself and really is my only possession that I own which is truly irreplaceable. That's a very nice piece of work.
  7. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Good idea - I'm off for a trip this weekend so will takes some snaps and hopefully a video of mine and post them up.
  8. Poor Z. Glad your other half is doing ok. I'm sure you'll be back in a Z soon.
  9. Wish I had the money handy for those seats - I'd have them straight in the Nismo!
  10. They are just a standard 70 with a fancy frock and an expensive UpRev Don't forget the very handy shelf on the back for serving drinks on!
  11. If anyone is considering one of these I'm happy to be PMd for an honest opinion of the differences between them and 370Zs more generally. I gave some similar advice to WINKJ (for which I'm still awaiting payment!)
  12. Very nice indeed - the long wait will soon be over. Get ready for lots of stares, questions etc. These cars are real attention grabbers.
  13. Impossible to give a figure really mate because it depends a lot on the deposit, type of finance, value of your current car (assuming you're part exchanging) etc. I've got on mine on one of those PCP deals. The monthly payment is quite high but that's because I'm an impulse buyer and didn't do the sensible thing and wait a while. It's a case of budgeting for what you can afford - I don't have kids (never wanted em) so I think of this and other nice things as what I get up and go to work for every day! By the way, if you think you might be interested in one some dealers have finance calculators on their websites. You can get quite a good discount on ex demonstrators.
  14. Err no they don't. (I claim the prize for most pointless post of the day!)
  15. Thanks for all the replies. Based on the fact that everyone seems to be of the same opinion, we're not going to pursue it with the dealer. It isn't really noticeable unless you get get close to it. To begin with I thought the paint was bubbling but if it's a deliberate thing I'm not fussed. Cheers folks Edit: checked out the GT86 parked up our street. That also has it.
  16. That would explain why there are so many parked up 'round our way then.
  17. We'll pop down the dealers tomorrow and look at the other ones. I've never seen anything like it on another car. It looks pretty ropey but I guess if they're all the same we'll have to learn to live with it.
  18. I can't believe that...it looks terrible from the side....
  19. Nope Currie Motors Twickenham. Pretty good experience buying wise but now we'll really see what they're made of!
  20. Hello folks, On Friday we picked up our brand new second car - a snazzy orange Toyoya Aygo. Only driven it once, but liking it a lot but...........just noticed that paint along bottom edges on both sides is in a really bad state (see second picture). I'm guessing this problem was there when we viewed it in the showroom last week but has only become apparent since the car was out in the light and has got a little dirty. The car comes with a five year warranty so I'm not expecting them to argue about sorting it out, but my question is - do we ask them to replace the car or do we accept what I expect they will offer - a respray of the defective area? This is really my other half's car and she's pretty upset about having bought a brand new car only to have this happen. Any thoughts about what it's reasonable for us to expect will be be much appreciated. Looks like this all along both sides
  21. Came to recommend this. I bought one after your advice in another thread and find works brilliantly and is a very good fit too. As others have said, car needs to be spotlessly clean before you cover it so you don't damage the paintwork. I had mine sat under it for the last 2 weeks as I wasn't using the car and it's still as clean as it was when it went under, no marks on the paintwork. Glad you like it I'm not sure how long they're good for but mine seems fine. Even if you end up replacing them every year or so I reckon it's worth it.
  22. I keep meaning to post a mini review of the Halfords cover. My car lives in the street; it's not a busy road but the Nismo gets so much attention I started worrying it could attract the wrong sort of attention (e.g drunk idiot late at night with key sort of attention). I also got sick of spending hours cleaning the previous 370s and them being mucky again in half an hour, so I gave the Halfords cover a try when I got the Nismo - Large size fits it well. I had a debate with my other half, as she reckoned it might increase the attention. In fact, it's been the exact opposite - nobody ever looks twice at it and there's no sign that anyone has ever tried to lift the cover. I also love being able to wash the car, cover it and have it nice and clean next time I want to drive it. As long as you make sure the car is clean before the cover goes on you should have no problem with the paintwork - I've been using it for six months now and have seen no evidence of it marring the paintwork. I had to make a window for the tax disc and resident's permit - bought some clear vinyl off Amazon and sewed it in. As Coldel says, it doesn't take long to get used to putting it on. The plastic buckles on the Halfords cover are a bit rubbish so I just cut them off and use what's left of the straps to tie around the alloy spokes - works perfectly. I would always use a cover now, even if we had off street parking - it was £50 well spent, even if you end up replacing them after a year or so.
  23. Not expecting only compliments bud and I wasn't particularly referring to this thread, but there has been a bit of 'chipiness' in some members' comments about the Nismo that I don't see in discussions about other cars. It's not a big deal really but I can see why people get a bit riled by it. PS White is best
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