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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Do you mean you're having the black accents painted the same colour as the body? Seems a shame - I don't think the American Nismo looks nearly as good with that look but as you say, it's a personal choice
  2. I'm probably being dim here but what is the problem you're trying to solve?
  3. This 4c will be quite an attractive proposition. Better lights too. http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/Alfa-4C-spier-2014-03-03
  4. You quickly get used to the wing in the rear view mirror The reversing camera is a big help too.
  5. I hate discussions like this. Now I want to go out and buy an Evora. Must be sensible and learn to enjoy what I've got instead of lusting after the next thing.....
  6. As Ekona says, best to go for a MY2012 onwards as they apparently have the better quality interiors. Reasonable money.... http://www.autotrade...dcars?logcode=p Silly money (but droool!) I saw one in this colour on the M3 recently - looked like a proper super car. Absolutely stunning. http://www.autotrade.../1500?logcode=p
  7. Some of them have four seats meaning you get a bit of extra space for luggage. They vary widely in terms of price but the non supercharged version can be had for reasonable money and it's still quick. I love Evoras and am definitely considering one when it's time for a change. Edit - Oops I see I just repeated what Ekona said about seats (just be aware that they're not all four seat).
  8. It won't help you to say this but I think you've been very unlucky. In five years and three 370s I've had no problems at all (although I don't do a lot of miles). I'm not a huge fan but perhaps for your purposes one of the BMW M cars. I'm assuming you could get a decent second hand deal for the money you've suggested. I'm quite partial to the later model SLK 55 AMGs as well but I'm not sure you could get one for that money. Shame you'll be saying goodbye to the 370 but if you've not fallen in love best to move on If I was going for something non Z now it would (and probably will next time) be a Lotus Evora. I know everyone says Lotus's are unreliable but from the research I've done it's a pretty reliable car (perhaps not ideal as a motorway daily driver though).
  9. Not that long since I took my test. Epic feeling to be told you've passed. Well done to her.
  10. The Nismo is a bit of a 'mare to clean. There's a lot of it and more nooks and crannies
  11. I guess we can't know for sure but the good thing is we have a thread now for those of us who do like it. And I agree that on the whole it's a very positive forum.
  12. I'm not sure you've got the point of what some of us were saying. It's not the fact that not everyone is complimentary (that would be odd) it's the way some people seem to make a point of being negative in ways, and with a frequency, that you don't see on other parts of the forum.
  13. Surely the only difference is the cloth seats? I wouldn't let that alone put you off. You gain a lot more in other areas, especially the handling and head turn factor.
  14. Not so lucky for the poor old deer.
  15. +1 although I've yet to see one in the flesh. Pete I have and was surprised when I didn't like it as much as I expected to.
  16. No offence to the OP but I just can't get my ahead around replica cars. It just seems really, really naff.
  17. I saw a red one when I picked up my previous 370. I like red cars generally but the particular shade they do the 370 in doesn't do it for me.
  18. Bud - never a good idea to ask for legal advice on a forum. If you have a real need for advice see a lawyer or alternatively google for other legal advice providers in your area e.g law centres.
  19. I'm fairly sure that 'artist's impression' was doing the rounds at least a year ago, possibly more.
  20. But doesn't everyone get all A grades now?
  21. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    I reckon quite a lot more. Mine's on a 4 year PCP and I'm paying a fair bit more than that. But yours was presumably new with PCP @ RRP of £37k? Popped into the local nissan dealer to see if they had one but it wasn't an HPC (nearest being Tunbridge Wells). Incidentally a P1 for the zed was £180!! Nope - very briefly a demonstrator with just under 1500 miles. £33k.
  22. Sorry to hear that. Best of luck getting it sorted.
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