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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. You seem to be taking it in much better spirits than I would. Fair play for that.
  2. When you get there please ask them not be so nasty to whales and dolphins!
  3. As a parent with a 10 month old baby, ive only just started using the parent & child spaces and I soon realised that about 60% of people parking in them do not have any children with them and just use them because usually closer to the store. Its infuriating trying to get a baby, pram and all the gear out in an ordinary space just because some selfish so & so has parked in a parent & child space. I don't see why parents with brats have to get special privilages. Having a kid is a choice not an affliction. I'm all for special spaces for the disabled but I don't see why dropping a kid suddently entitles people to special treatment
  4. Animals don't "hate". It's an unpleasant characteristic solely confined to humans.
  5. As requested by WINKJ, shots to show how visible the back box is. Should be apparent that it sits well back under the defuser - you have to get on a level with it to see it properly. You'd be mad to let this put you off It also seems that Stillen are using better quality steel on the back box welds these days. The welds on my previous Stillen discoloured fairly quickly, but the ones on the current exhaust look really shiny and don't seem to be discolouring at all.
  6. Seems cruel to me. The dog will have been very stressed being dumped in an unfamiliar area.
  7. There was a thread about this quite a while ago. Certain people had a go at me because I argued that if you park like that in a large, virtually empty, car park it isn't really hurting anyone. As has been said, I wouldn't personally because I think it's likely to draw negative attention. But I still can't really see the harm as long as you can be sure you're not denying anyone else a space ie big car park, loads of spaces, not very busy (although it could be argued you don't need to park defensively in those circumstances). If it inconveniences other drivers it's a no no.
  8. Thanks, she was imported from Japan in September 2003, so she was an early bloom you could say. Considering the weather we have over here compared to Japan, plus the fact she get's left out in the open in a city centre, she copes pretty well. Keeping my eye's open for a future Zed related purchase, maybe a late HR 350 or maybe a 370. I'm quite 'selective' about how I 'spend' however, so I can see an 'upgrade' happening next year at the earliest ( despite you being kind enough to allow me to drive your 370 Dave *must resist the urge to buy new car. must resist...* ) The truth is the Zed is a great runner and will last for ages if looked after. The other truth is I live in a city centre with no garaging and a stuff gets knocked about, including cars. A couple of years ago someone 'car ran' over her, the quote for pushing the dents out, replacing the spoiler and respray was just over £3K. Bath is like any other city, lots of student life, lots of pubs, clubs etc, its a residential hazzard. This is why I didn't buy anything more 'exclusive', it'll jusy get knackered or it'll cost me £2 - 300 in garaging (at least) per month for the kind of car I would really want to buy. Still love my 350Z though......"Zed's Red baby......Zed Red...." Feel for you. Some arse ran over my girlfriend's Tigra a few years back and left three dents in the bonnet, roof and boot.
  9. Hats off to you there for the great effort you've put in, to transform that garden into something of beauty. Very immpressive! Great philosophy too in leaving something behind which will benefit others. I know how much hard work has gone into that as I've had to start from scratch myself. Had a WWoofer living here for the last 10 weeks who is supposed to work in exchange for board & lodging Done as little as possible, so gonna have to get stuck in myself again after he leaves tomorrow. Thanks for that . The way I see it, it's our home and we can be proud of it and look after it even if we dont own it.
  10. I think there are basically two types of tenant. 1) It's not my house so I won't lift a finger or spend a penny to make it nice. 2) It's not my house but it is my home and since I spend a lot of my time in it I will make the effort and even spend some money. I've learnt from renting for a number of years that if you have the - I'm not bothering attitude - you lose out because you can't expect the landlord to do everything and you certainly won't get things done as quickly as you might want. If our boiler is on the blink I'm straight on the phone because it's not a job I can do myself but if the garden needs doing or one of the rooms could do with a coat of paint I'm happy to do it myself. That way it gets done when I want and to a standard I'm happy with.
  11. Some tenants care and have pride in where they live. This is what our back garden looks like now - all due to our own work and expense. I wish I'd taken a photo when we moved in - it was full of weeds and junk, the fences were knackered and there were no borders etc. Everything you see in the picture has been put in by us even though we know we might have to leave it behind one day - I think it's worth it though to live in a nice environment. The same applies to the house - I've kept all the decoration in good condition out of my own pocket. We will leave it a much nicer place than when we moved in.
  12. Shame crappy tenants give the rest of us a bad name. My other half has a flat she rents out and has had a lot of problems. We've rented the same house for about 8 years now and it's substantially better condition when we moved in, mostly due to our own efforts on improving the garden, redecorating etc. We only ever bother the landlord's agents when a job is too complicated or expensive to do ourselves.
  13. To be fair, our new Aygo sounds like an angry hair drier, even if you're careful on the clutch. As for neighbours, my dream is a house in the country with not a single other house in sight. The biggest issue round our way is all the Little Lord Fauntleroy spoilt brats who mummy and daddy wouldn't dare tell to shut the flip up so the rest of us can relax for ten minutes in the garden. Rant over.
  14. You sir just won this thread!! :lol: That had me in tears first time I saw it. Same here. Pmsl. So funny. My favourite is the guy with the Afro.
  15. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Yup. Expect some impact on price but not much. MK1s are rare (and look better). The Mk2 is the cissy version.
  16. It was the same back in the 80s when I was in the army cadets. We went on a week's camp in Wales. At age 13 I was allowed to fire antiquated .303 Lee Enfield rifles on an army firing range. The main difference being, of course, that they were bolt-action rifles, so there was no chance of the sort of accident that occurred in this case.
  17. No problem. I'll post some up at the weekend.
  18. I remember a school trip to the Guards depot as a kid and being allowed to shoot .22 rifles on a range. Of course, a .22 is very different to an Uzi. Seems mad to me to put one of those in the hands of a child.
  19. They would say widespread gun ownership is part of their culture and history blah blah, but bear baiting, 'witch' burning and public beheading were part of our culture at one time. Time for a change but we all know it won't happen.
  20. Yeah - I'm a light sleeper and a morning person. I'm usually wide awake by about 5 - 5.30 so often go for an early drive at the weekends. Great fun.
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