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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. You should be fine getting a good match on the Quartz. I had a couple of bits of minor work done on mine (previous car was a Black Edition in that colour) and both pieces of work were impossible to see. That said, as always, make sure you find a reputable body shop with the right equipment and facilities, even if it means paying a bit more. Alternatively you could give this a try. http://www.chipex.co.uk/
  2. Well I had an incredibly irritating experience getting the game. Although my PSN Plus account happily shaves the monthly fee off my credit card every month, when I tried to add funds to buy the game it told me the card details were invalid. After several attempts to re-enter them, I think I've been temporarily locked out. Researching online, it seems that Sony's security is so sensitive that if there is even the smallest difference between the way the billing address is entered compared to how your card company stores it, the payment won't work. Really annoying! Anyway, I got round the problem by buying some digital payment cards on Amazon and funding my wallet that way. Looking forward to trying the game out later.
  3. Or because if she buys you a game to shut you up she doesn't have to talk to you.
  4. Unfortunately by 'standing by her man' instead of doing what any sane person would do and having him charged with assault she's not doing other women who suffer domestic violence any favours at all.
  5. So gear neutral, foot on brake and it will start? I'll be trying that at the weekend.
  6. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    White if you want the most noticeable flash looking one with the dark accents and wheels very visible Black if you want the mean, menacing stealth bomber look Silver if you want somewhere in between the two
  7. Bear in mind that its designed to be MMO sort of experience. If you came looking for a CoD type game then it will FAIL. I'm aware of that thanks - but I'm still hoping that it will be enjoyable as a single player campaign (even with the presence of other players). If it was anything like COD I'd be disappointed - I don't like those games at all.
  8. I hope it has a decent single player campaign, although the cooperative aspects look good too.
  9. Good to see others are looking forward to it. Let's post up our views after some time with game. I'll be downloading tomorrow but may not get chance to have a proper go til the weekend.
  10. Not a fan of Burkas but for different reasons. Seems to me that they are just one of many ways in which religion is used to control women and keep them in their place.
  11. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Can't argue with that!
  12. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Fortunately, while Dan and a few other forum members who are long overdue a visit to Specsavers contemplate purchasing the pug ugly, visually watered down, version of our awesome beasty, there should be a sufficient number of people with good taste to make the Mk1 a desirable purchase when we eventually get bored of them and decide to get something else. After all, it looks like we only need 65 future customers!
  13. Halo seemed to be a love it or hate it game. I got it with a new Xbox which at the time seemed like a really powerful console compared to everything else. There was just something about the original Halo that really got its hooks into me - I loved everything about it and ended up completing it on every difficulty level several times over. I haven't really enjoyed any game that much since but I've got high hopes for this one. Will download tomorrow!
  14. Curious to know if anyone is planning on getting this? http://www.destinythegame.com/uk/en I spend very little money on games these days and have only bought two full priced games since I got my PS4 last Christmas (it gets more use as a DVD/Blu ray player). The thing that has got me interested in this one is that it comes from the people who designed the original Halo on Xbox - one of my absolute favourite titles in some 30 years of playing video games. If the core gameplay is similar to Halo's, it might be the game that gets me back into gaming on a more than very occasional basis. It's been hugely hyped so it has a lot to live up to..... Anyone else looking forward to it?
  15. My only observation from seeing one every day in our road is that they look quite nice, but sound as limp as a stock 370. I reckon a new exhaust would be essential.
  16. Awwww good to see. nice garden too.
  17. I've used the Raceglaze stuff - worked quite well.
  18. I think it's a macho pride thing that stops a lot of them using the cycle lanes. They have to be on the road competing with the big boys ie motor vehicles. Same reason most of them don't use arm signals.
  19. That's the problem though isn't it? From personal experience i.e. what I see when I drive and when walk a mile to and from Waterloo station to the Strand everyday, a significant number of cyclists do, blatantly, break the rules of the road, especially running red lights. Now I try to avoid making generalisations in life, but it's simple psychology that the behaviour of the 'bad' ones is ruining our view of the them in general. Yes there are bad drivers too, but you don't see 6 out of 10 drivers run a red light in the middle of a city when people are crossing the road. That's the kind of behaviour I typically see from cyclists in the same situation. Consequently, I find myself having a negative view of them in general because it's impossible to tell the good from the bad As for Lycra - whether it does or doesn't have practical benefits, it just doesn't look very good on the majority of people who wear it, and on some it looks down right repulsive. If they want to wear it - fine by me. But I suspect for some of us laughing at a 50 year old pot bellied man clad in it is one of the more harmless ways of venting our frustrations about their behaviour on the roads.
  20. Today's numpty: Waterloo Bridge, fast moving traffic, guy in a very large van/lorry steering with his elbows while eating a sandwich.
  21. What? I expect everything I say to be taken very seriously!
  22. Looks like we're back to the performance data versus how a car make you feel debate that crops up on this forum periodically. I was also quite surprised when I looked at TTRSs in terms of how quick they are on paper. But for me they sit squarely in that bracket of cars that just leave me feeling cold when I see them. I just wouldn't be happy as I leave the house and walk to the station casting a backward glance and smiling as I have done with all three of my Zs. I know that what a car looks like isn't the be all and end all, but it is a big part of owning a 'nice' car for me. I don't really care if it could leg it to 60mph faster than the Nismo - I still wouldn't have one. Ditto for all those really fast BMW Ms.
  23. I contacted them when I had a small scratch on the door of my previous Z. I got the impression they won't touch anything that isn't a bumper scrape. I ended up using a proper body shop.
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