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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. No worries. Look forward to hearing what you think of the exhaust.
  2. Quite surprised by how negative many of the reviews have been. It's not revolutionary game or a patch on Halo for me but it's a really enjoyable and solid game with some interesting ideas etc. Feels a bit like all of the reviewers hyped it before it came out and are now lining up to knock it down.
  3. As promised - important tip for fitting Stillen (and probably other exhausts) to the Nismo. 1) On the underside of the car there is a black painted bracket on to which is fixed the rubber mount for the third/rear exhaust hanger on the stock Nismo exhaust (picture of it from the web below) 2) When you have removed the stock Nismo exhaust from the car, you need to remove the bracket. If you don't it will obstruct the third hanger on the Stillen exhaust and force it downwards making the left tip of the exhaust noticeably lower than the right 3) You can either just have the exhaust attached by the front two hangers or preferably remove the rubber mount from the bracket and bolt it directly to the underside of the car where the bracket used to be fixed. Attached directly to the car minus the bracket the mount sits at just the right height for the Stillen's third exhaust hanger to fit into - the tips will then line up properly Hope that helps.
  4. Finally! I'll post the fitting tip tomorrow with photos.
  5. sipar69

    BMW M135i

    Have to agree. I wouldn't care how 'fun' or 'fast' it felt because I'd be so depressed by driving such an incredibly ugly car.
  6. I started running outside for the first time about four months ago. I'm 45 and always been quite active, but I felt that I was getting unfit and out of shape. The route I do is about 4 miles three times a week before work. - I know that's not a lot but it seems to be doing me good - I feel a lot fitter and better about myself for doing it. The first few times, I couldn't get round and felt like crap. I felt a real sense of achievement the first time I made it round the whole route. I leave the house at about 5.45 which was a lot easier when it was lighter, but now it's dark it's not so good. I'm determined to stick with it though and I find it makes me feel energised for the day ahead. I get what you mean about the thought process though - mine starts off with - What am I doing - I really should be in bed - Not sure if I'm gonna make it today - Nearly there...Not far now....to....Great - I did it!! I find listening to music really helps. Don't think I'll ever end up running huge distances but it's had a positive impact on me both physically and mentally.
  7. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    I don't think so, although I reckon most people don't have a clue what it is. I like the fact that the car turns heads. Typical reactions have been: - Excessive amounts of staring from people in other cars, in petrol stations etc. - Thumbs up and waves from a few people (including a couple of Zs) - Two people taking photos of it while it was parked up - Being told by the landlords of two separate pubs that the car has generated a lot of admiring attention when we've pulled into the car parks etc. - Neighbours and total strangers telling me how much they like the car when I'm out washing it - Couple of people in other cars winding their windows down when we're stopped at junctions and complimenting it (This is all in the context of me only driving it about one a week by the way) The only negative occurance has been when my other half was driving it to her mum's in Chesham (Bucks) and a couple of little moron teenagers shouted something along the lines of "A woman, an f'ing woman driving a car like that!" I'm guessing the charming little fellows won't be growing up to invent a cure for cancer or write any great works of literature.
  8. sipar69

    need advice

    Welcome along. Another vote for Stillen. You've bought a sports nice car. Spend a bit extra on making it sound like a sports car.
  9. Move out. I left home at 17. The total lack of money was more than made up for by living on my own terms. Without wanting to sound like a patronising old git, I don't really see how anyone can feel like a proper grown up until they've left the parental home and stood on their own two feet.
  10. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    You won't be disappointed. Just be prepared for lots of attention, all positive so far in my case.
  11. sipar69

    car cover

    It's correct to say the car needs to be clean but I wouldn't go so far as to say a thorough wash is necessary. I've been keeping a very close eye on my paintwork since I started covering my car when I got it in December. If it has just a light layer of dust following a drive I use a good quick detailer to clean it off before I put the cover on. So far there's no sign of any issues with the paintwork. To the OP, you might want to check out the Halfords all weather cover. It's worked very well for me. However, I believe you need to take extra precautions with car covers and fabric roofs.
  12. I've worked with a fair number of Indian and Pakistani origin people and they've always used their first name.
  13. Could it be because journalism is a male dominated profession?
  14. No power steering either. No idea if that would bother you (or me).
  15. Um housewifery IS work in my book ������������������ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk If I happen to be out and about when I have a day off I see a lot of what I suppose would be described as housewives. From what I can tell it seems to entail aimlessly trundling their brats around in push chairs, meeting other 'housewives' who are also pushing their brats around, stopping at a trendy cafe for a coffee and to talk about the little brats (nothing else), having a leisurely wander round the shops etc. It doesn't look especially taxing to me. And of course the rest of us have to do all the other so called 'housewife' activities - keeping the place clean etc. - when we get home from proper work!
  16. Quite nice description of the AI from the Guardian review. These extraterrestrial tribes are varied and sometimes challenging – but the AI is largely predictable so behaviours can quickly be learned and exploited. If you have a decent sniper on your fire team, and build up a couple of titans with strong armour and upper-level rocket launchers, you’re in control. For all the narrative investment, then, you’re facing a menagerie of bullet fodder, from the lowly prancing Dregs, to the gigantic Barons and Princes who batter you with rockets and stomp about the place like heavily armoured children at a disappointing birthday party.
  17. It'll be a 'no'. Be more interesting if it was 'yes' but I can't see it happening. We're stuck with em!
  18. Hmmm. I'll wait and see. They were definitely lining up to be shot when I was playing. Anyway, liking the game a lot.
  19. You also have to rescue kittens from trees.
  20. Being a Billy-no-mates I haven't played jointly with anyone yet. One person invited me to a game but by the time I'd worked out how to accept the invite it was too late . I've joined in a battle alongside other people playing the same level though, which was a lot of fun. Edit: Just found this re PS4: Remember to set you fireteam setting to open to public. It make it much easier for other guardians to join your fight FYI: To set your fireteam settings to public open the Options menu and go to the Roster tab. Click the icon beside the heading FIRETEAM and change setting from friends only to Public. This needs to be done every time you log on.
  21. I've only spent a short amount of time with the game and I'm enjoying it a lot. The only downside for me is that the enemy AI is not as impressive as Halo's, a game that is now over ten years old. At one point three enemies stood stock still in a line while I picked them off one by one with a sniper rifle - no attempt to move or go for cover. Oh and I like the daft dancing.
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