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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. +1 vote for Cobras from Abbey. Got mine from there.
  2. Believe it when we see the pics Hope it works out now.
  3. If I'm right in thinking you have Colin's former car be careful when considering swapping out the stock cats. Some people have experienced problems with high flow cats pushing the Stillen exhaust down on to the cross brace under the car which creates a very bad rattle. I was lucky fitting Corbra HFCs with a Stillen exhaust as I didn't get that issue, but it's not uncommon. I'm not sure if decats would carry the same risk (although I'm also not sure they're MOT compliant?). If you want to see a short cold start video of the Stillen exhaust with Cobra HFCs check out my review thread: http://www.350z-uk.c...llen-treatment/
  4. Don't see the need for joint accounts. We simply sat down one day and worked out who was going to pay for what from our own accounts. If we want to pay for something jointly one us pays and the other one gives their share. As for everything else, I don't care what she does with her money - she earns it and vice versa.
  5. Incredible really. These cars have not sold well. You'd think they would be bending over backwards to get and keep your custom, not fudging it up at every opportunity. (Note to self - NEVER order a brand new car from Nissan).
  6. Opinions differ, to be fair. The standard 370 exhaust is widely regarded as sounding pathetic - I don't know of anyone on this forum who thinks it sounds good. The Nismo is an improvement and some owners are happy with it but I couldn't live with it despite trying to convince myself it sounded ok. (I don't like loud exhausts either.)
  7. I too have a lot of respect for our armed forces - my dad served in the RAF for over 20 years and I've had other relatives in the Army. Unfortunately though, having watched a very troubling documentary about the state of the Afghan armed forces recently, it's hard to be anything other than very pessimistic about the long term prospects for the country. I just can't see them holding it together for long.
  8. Do you mean the Nismo 370? They don't sound all that great unfortunately until you stick a grand's worth of exhaust on.
  9. That's an understatement it's well overpriced for an 09 .
  10. I'm also a fan of Supernatural. Not cheap and requires a bit more work than some waxes but great finish. I believe this picture of my previous 370 was taken after it was used.
  11. This thread has left me feeling very confused! I think I'll have to have a play with the wipers this weekend.
  12. If people want to get married I say fair play to them but I wouldn't do it to protect my legal rights - that doesn't seem like a very meaningful reason. I do think that along with kids and a mortgage it's one of those things that SOME NOT ALL people have tended to do because it's 'the done thing' - just one of those things in life that people are automatically expected to do. Provided it's done for the right reasons and not rushed into - great - enjoy! Two bears - you are correct - marriage creates stronger legal rights in certain matters and also obligations to go with them.
  13. i wont tell the cat you said that! I definitely think cats occupy the position in my life that children occupy in the lives of others. (Cheaper to feed and poop outside too - much better)
  14. Too late to pull out? Seems ridiculous. You could get a cracking deal on an ex-demo Mark 1 and collect it within a few weeks.
  15. I love living in SW London but it is stupidly expensive. In the last few years we've been driving out to Sussex quite a lot for lunch at some nice pubs in the Petworth area. If I was to move now that area would be the number one contender.
  16. Just on a technical point - children help to perpetuate the human race if nothing else Well that's one good reason for not having any then - there are too many of us already!
  17. Been with Jane for eight years. Never married or had kids - can't really see the point in either!
  18. Then he can write his book, sell his story and make a ton of money out of it.
  19. Probably the quality of the interior and chav factor apart from that not a lot And the fact that it's mind bogglingly ugly
  20. I like Wacky Will's tall tales. He's probably no less 'creative' than your average tabloid journalist.
  21. I believe my former car No119 now belongs to a member who goes by the name of 'Snowy'. He isn't very active on the forum but I assume he's still got the car.
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