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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Fair point. It's the head turn / rarity factor that swung it for me.
  2. Interesting. I believe the cover is meant to be completely waterproof but they are semi permeable to let condensation out. I've not had any problems but I am taking the cover off on a weekly basis to drive the car. I have noticed that my cover billows in high wind but I expect they all do - maybe some water blew in? What I noticed when I researched which cover to get was that people who had the really expensive covers sometimes have problems with them. At least with the Halfords one you're not losing much money if it doesn't live up to expectations.
  3. iMO The old second hand GTR argument doesn't stack up if you look at the prices on Autotrader - you're looking at closer to £50k for a decent one. You could get one for £40k but it'll be getting on a bit and probably need a fair amount spending on it. While I (obviously) wouldn't agree that the new Nismo is 'better' (except for the seats), I think that's what he's looking at anyway. The link he posted was to the new one. The best deals on Mk1s are probably the low mile ex demonstrators which can be had for low £30k now. Edit - our posts crossed
  4. Stevo. Trust me when I tell you this because I work in justice system: Any attack which is preceded by homophobic, religious, racist abuse etc is very likely to be classified as a hate crime. If I called you a 'gay bleep' and then assaulted you, the prosecuting authorities would take that to mean that my attack was at least partly motivated by homophobia. And that is, of course, a logical conclusion to draw. Most importantly, if the case went to court the homophobic abuse would very probably be taken into account as an aggravating factor. This isn't my opinion - it's how the law works. And yes, to save you typing the question: an attack against a white person can be considered to be racially motivated, and the racist element would be very likely to be an aggravating factor taken into account by the court. There are a substantial number of racially motivated attacks against white people every year in this country.
  5. Car looks good. Remember to budget an extra grand for the exhaust though
  6. Reportedly, due to the homophobic abuse shouted at the victims.
  7. Kingston area has gone downhill in last ten years. Used to be quite well to do, but full of chavs now. Us upmarket types stick to Twickenham and Richmond
  8. I've never thought of doing that! Good advice thanks.
  9. That is very cool indeed. I have fond memories of my Speccy. My username is a boring mix of a bit my name and year of birth. Wish I'd thought of something better now.
  10. How can you blame Vodafone you don't know if it your phone your hands double clicking stop jumping to assumptions and blaming something which is might not be Ps my Vodafone is horrific too I blame them for everything that goes wrong in my life. I'm abandoning ship as soon as my contract is up
  11. Agreed. It would be unfortunate if ths thread was used to start the usual arguments about how the world has gone PC mad and all us poor white folks are the real victims these days. We simply don't know why the attack occurred and it was right to question the OP's original suggestion that the attacker should be deported because there was no proof that he wasn't from the UK. Unless of course we follow the logic of deporting everyone to their 'place of origin', in which case we can all expect a one way ticket to Africa, generally accepted to be the place where all modern humans originated.
  12. The lining is actually pretty soft. It's not a fleece lining like some of the more expensive covers but it's pretty good. Put it this way, I'm pretty obsessive about the state of my car and I've been looking very carefully for any signs that the cover is marring the paint since I got the car and started using the cover just under a year ago. I haven't noticed anything. It should be fine so long as it's not put on a dirty car. I originally intended to use the cover as a tester before graduating to a more expensive one but I've been happy enough to stick with it. My girlfriend and I had a debate about whether it would attract more or less attention. In reality nobody gives the car a second look with the cover on, which I like when I'm not around to keep an eye on it. PS - If using the suggested Halfords cover - the seams go on the outside - otherwise it's inside out.
  13. Sadly, random acts of violence, sometimes for absolutely no reason other than the sheer kick of hurting someone, are not uncommon. Look at how many people get randomly assaulted for no reason when the pubs kick out in our towns and cities. Until there is some concrete and valid evidence (ie in a court) that this attacker was motivated by any of the things that people are suggesting it would be a good idea to calm down and not jump to conclusions.
  14. This is one of my pet subjects: I've been covering my Nismo with a Halfords all seasons cover for a year now. It's been a brilliant investment, keeping the weather out and making the car less visible just in case it gets any unwanted attention. Now it sits there clean, dry and unnoticed, which suits me fine. It does exactly the job I need and costs only £50. (The parking permit window you see on the attached picture was sewn in using some clear vynl ordered from Amazon.) I love being able to wash the car when I have time and then take the cover off a week later to drive the car and its still nice and clean, whereas I used to wash it and it was mucky again in half an hour! (You need to ensure the car is clean before the cover goes on to avoid scratches). The plastic buckles on the straps are very light so it can be a pain to chuck them far enough under the car to reach them when you want to attach them at the other side. The solution is dead simple though - cut the buckles off, shorten the straps and tie them to the wheel spokes - works perfectly. Cover on: Cover off: The large size fits the Nismo well and would be the recommended size for a standard 370. Link below: http://www.halfords....car-cover-large
  15. Sounds a tiny bit too much but worth a try. Bear in mind that the mods are only really worth more if you sell privately.
  16. Just make sure you all behave yourselves in my home town
  17. Shame it wasn't the flight Bieber was due to be on.
  18. Don't beat yourself up. It happens. You'll feel a lot better after a refurb. It's very common - mine is the only car in our street that doesn't have scratched alloys but that's only because I've done it before and now park very carefully indeed
  19. Yep - maybe I benefited from being a repeat Nissan customer. Be interesting to see what happens next time if I go elsewhere.....
  20. Interesting replies, thanks folks. It seemed a bit odd to me that one finance company wanted a ton of proofs and another didn't want any. I'm just popping out now to finance my new McLaren and Ferraris
  21. I'm curious to know how much information people who bought their car on finance were asked to provide. It occurred to me the other day when I was reading an article about it that when i bought the first 370 they wanted a lot of info to prove income, employment, outgoings etc. but the second and third time around they didn't even ask for income, let alone to see proof. I could understand the different approach if it was the same finance company but it's been a different one each time. What have others had to provide?
  22. While discovering that the M2 will also be an ugly lump and apparently cost £45k I happened across this review of the new Nismo http://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/nissan/370z/first-drives/2014-nissan-370z-nismo-first-drive-review Bit odd in that it gets four stars but not very positive comments....
  23. 0-60 isn't everything. The M4 is an ugly lump. There are certainly cars I would swap my a Nismo for (Evora S Sports Racer, Cayman GTS...) but not one of those.
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