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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I would go further and describe myself as an antitheist. I respect the right of other people to believe what they want, but personally I can't stand religion - particularly those which subjugate women. Dawkins for Prime Minister!
  2. ummm train something that's petrified of the loud noises to not be afraid?It's a well known fact that pet owners fear for their animals on fire work night... #teamtarmac This. November the 5th is supposed to be "Fireworks night" but it has become sociably acceptable to set off fireworks now either the closest weekend/weeknights or the following weekend/weeknights if the weather isn't good enough on the actual day. So in effect "Fireworks night" is more like "Fireworks fortnight". We have a family dog that is now 11years old, ...he is terrified every time fireworks go off. Doesn't bark just hides around the house in whatever confined space he can lodge himself into. In fact on Saturday evening he pi**ed & sh*t in the house as we couldn't let him out all evening & he was too frightened to go to the loo when we tried to get him to go. Anyone who loves their animals (dogs or cats) will no doubt understand this but others won't who will no doubt just say well it's your own fault he's not trained right, blah blah blah. The fact is he is a loving social family pet, ...not a gun dog or working dog trained for use in a war zone. He has no idea & no understanding of fireworks or that they do not harm you when let off in the sky. Personally I'd like to see some sort of change in attitude to fireworks being used around this time of year with them only being used on the 5th of November or the closest weekend but that is never going to happen I know. ...And maybe that's a selfish thing to think but I think it's pretty selfish of others not to think about other peoples pets that may be affected by fireworks. Just my 2 pence. Totally agree with this. I don't live on a village but I do live in an area with a lot of spoilt little kids and their indulgent parents. We've had fireworks going off every night for well over a week, including a night when one family decided to let off a load of them from their garden but angled them I such a way that a lot of the debris landed on cars in our street. Our cats have been completely terrified (a training issue...?!?). While I don't begrudge anyone a good time, it's about balance and thinking about the impact our behaviour has on others. As said, on bonfire night and (if that's a weekday) one night at the weekend, would be enough. I would be in total agreement with the guy who posted the message referred to in the original post. I'd also prefer to see people go to organised displays.
  3. Stick a load of old arcade machines in there and then invite me over
  4. Not now they don't.������ Are you implying you bought it? They have got a black one in now btw? If you've been lurking around the forum for a while you'll have seen that a few of us have the Mk1 Nismo. The only real difference in the interior of the Mk2 is the Recaro seats. Quality is very decent - not Porsche standard but very good and apparently all 370Zs are a big step up on the 350s interior (can't say myself as I've never owned a 350). Glad to hear that the quality is good, it's never bothered me in the 350 but a what are review of the new Nismo said it's very poor and a lot of rattles and shakes! And only just realised they don't have electrically adjustable/heated seats. Poor that something 8k more than a gt would have some missing features! They're no noisier than a normal 370. Not the quietest or smoothest ride but it's probably no worse than most cars that sit low down on fat tyres.
  5. If you've been lurking around the forum for a while you'll have seen that a few of us have the Mk1 Nismo. The only real difference in the interior of the Mk2 is the Recaro seats. Quality is very decent - not Porsche standard but very good and apparently all 370Zs are a big step up on the 350s interior (can't say myself as I've never owned a 350).
  6. Agreed. Sorry to hear you've had some problems with yours I do notice a small amount of moisture under the cover if I take it off early morning sometimes, or after a very heavy shower, but it seems to evaporate very quickly. I just put it down to the cover being porous to let condensation out. Never noticed any pooling of water or grit marks though. Like you say, my view is that it's better than having the car completely exposed to the weather - which would be my only other option.
  7. Don't take this the wrong way, but then what makes you think that people want to hear your thoughts? Not a dig at all, I personally like reading your posts, but you need to figure out what you want to talk about. If it's general everything then I'm afraid you're on a loser there I suspect, as that's what social media is for these days. If it's a specific subject then great, but how are you going to attract visitors? If people can't feedback to you then they're going to find it hard to connect, and then no-one will bother viewing. If it's just to use as an online diary of sorts, where you can just chat about the day in general and you don't really care if any one reads it or not, then I agree that turning off comments is a good idea. Ultimately, if you want to engage your audience then you're going to have to engage with your audience. Also not a dig but it is really interesting to see how (if you're over a certain age) things have changed over the last twenty years in this respect. I think, because I'm basically an old fashioned git, the idea of publishing my daily musings and reporting my activities on a blog, Twitter etc would just seem really odd. I can't imagine anyone would be in the least bit interested - I'm not famous, I'm not an expert in anything, I don't have any particularly exceptional talents...I'd just be thinking....who would be interested in anything I have to say? Still, I guess it's not that different to posting on here.... Perhap it's a good thing that communication has been democratised in this way. I don't know....
  8. Thanks guys. Hoping to get a bundle with the console and the Halo collection. With that, GTAV (probably get the PS4 version) Far Cry 4 and Forza Horizon, I'm gonna be very busy over the next few months
  9. PS - Do I really need Kinnect?
  10. I have a PS4 but I'm considering adding an Xbox One to my collection, mainly because Halo is one of my all time favourite games and the new Master Chief collection is just too tempting. Also like the look of Forza Horizon 2.
  11. Nissan dealer at nottingham as a black Nismo in stock and a white one registered, might have been a customers tho or demo , just had a quick look around it and a little sit in,the seats are very hugging and half leather, thought they only came in cloth or is that just the MK1's ? Yep - the new seats are much improved. The MK1s are cloth only.
  12. The new variant is growing on me - I didn't like the styling at all when I first saw it but I'm appreciating it more now (although I still prefer the Mk1). I would miss the big spoiler which helps to set the Nismo apart from the standard car. I think I'd have a red one - it looks great in that colour and would match the interior. Maybe next time..... Turbo-Extreme - I will be interested to hear what you think of the exhaust note and whether you decide to mod it for more sound.
  13. Looks great - glad to know you'll finally get her soon.
  14. . I have numerous warnings for you in my fictitious list, mostly for anti Nismo jibes
  15. .....that's second hand 4.2 V8 R8 money as well....... Second hand XKR 5l V8 money Or a house, in a no go area of a run down town with a crack den next door!
  16. I suppose the principle is that, in effect, it's like a double whammy - a crime motivated by something that society considers to be wrong (and in many cases is illegal) in its own right. Sort of two crimes in one. I suppose the principle is that, in effect, it's like a double whammy - a crime motivated by something that society considers to be wrong (and in many cases is illegal) in its own right. Sort of two crimes in one. The thing I find most bizarre in our system is crime against property, fraud etc often attract much stiffer sentences than crimes of serious violence.
  17. "Not as good as a Cayman"
  18. The 'Baby P' case is a good example of how the press sometimes behave. Saw a very good documentary about it a week or so back. Some of the papers (in particular the Sun) made up blatant lies and twisted the facts to suit the agenda of finding a scapegoat in Haringay Social Services. Now that doesn't mean Social Services were blameless - they got a lot of things wrong - but the end result is that everyone on this forum who pays tax is contributing to a massive payout to the former head of that organisation for wrongful dismissal, which according to her lawyers was "fuelled by a media witch-hunt".
  19. Indeed BTW I think I was referring to you saying you wound up the guys on the jag forum.
  20. I agree with that and what SMD and Ekona said about the value of the Nismo at trade in. If you go into it thinking you'll do well at the end it's not worth doing. It's for people who have some disposable income and don't worry about the idea of handing the car back and getting a new one at the end of the deal. It works fine for me. (My experience with dealers has been that if you are buying your next car from them they will be a bit more generous with estimating the final value of the old car - as a way of hooking you into a new deal.)
  21. Why would I want to? I tried it when it first opened up, and it was full of griefers. I'd much rather spend some time mucking around at my own pace in the SP game than put up with kids who find it funny to shoot rockets at you the second you respawn, when all you want to do is try new stuff and maybe some races. Maybe I'll give it a go this time round now it's a bit more full-featured, but they still don't have the heists so I'm not sure there's a lot there for me personally to enjoy. Me too - probably mostly play offline - Between missions I like just wandering around at my own pace, mucking around and checking out the scenery in GTA games. I'm too old and antisocial for multiplayer
  22. I think you can do either. Stealership or loan.
  23. For the sheer enjoyment of it. If I hadn't spent money on my exhaust, for example, I'd be driving around for at least three years in a car that i wouldn't be happy with the sound of. And don't forget that PCP doesn't mean you can't own the car outright if you want to - if I get to the end of my deal, i could refinance the balance or pay it off as a lump sum. I doubt I'll do that because I'll probably want something else by then but it's an option. (And a lot of parts can be taken off and sold on). I'd say PCP is a good option if you have a good income and like to change your car quite regularly. You get stuffed on all finance deals - as has been said they're there to make money.
  24. I'm afraid your 'you don't own the car' wind up wouldn't bother me at all. PCP works just fine for me. I'm under no illusions about making any money on the deal - as I've done before, I'll hand the Nismo back in a few years and get something shiny and new. I don't think there's much point in debating whether one sort of finance is better than another - depends entirely on your circumstances.
  25. Can't wait. Never got to play the last gen version so double excited!
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