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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I seem to remember learning at uni' about Utilitarian ethics which argues (I think) that the moral thing to do is giving up everything you have except just what you need to survive (food, basic shelter etc.) as the proceeds would benefit needier people in the World. Nice theory but I don't know if the people who wrote the books did it!
  2. True. We all spend money on things that we don't really need. I'm inclined to agree with others that jealousy is a big factor. Two bears please go back to the other forum and tell them we have agreed that they are all boring jealous losers
  3. Looks great. Hope you find a good home for her soon.
  4. Did someone say Aygo? This one lives with us now. Great little car except for the gear-change, which is a bit woolly and imprecise.
  5. I think using a car cover can attract attention, people might think " oh yeah, don't want your precious car to get dirty eh? I wonder what he's got under there?" I had that debate with my other half before deciding to get the cover but she's had to admit that it really hasn't worked out that way. Of course it's a possibility, but all I can tell you is that with the cover off the car gets a LOT of attention (all positive so far thankfully). With it on nobody seems to give it a second look. It just blends in. We do live down a fairly quiet road though - might be different on a busy road.
  6. The worst car of all for me would be one of those replicas that turn up on Autotrader occasionally e.g a replica Lamborghini body over a bog standard family car chasis and engine. Worst thing is they don't even tend to be that cheap. You could buy a properly decent car for the money. I will never get the point of those things.
  7. I have to park in the street. Using a car cover definitely reduces the chances of a noticeable car getting the wrong sort of attention but I only drive at the weekends so using a cover isn't much of a hassle. Probably wouldn't be practical if yours is a daily driver.
  8. Thanks. It's quite a fiddly job - lots of threading wires through plus it was pretty cold out but not too bad . I'm not very technical so if I can do it.......
  9. (Mods Please feel free to delete the topic I accidentally posted earlier on this - wrong bit of the forum - sorry) This is a really nice mod to add a bit of bling to the 370Z's interior. These are an official Nissan product and I believe can be chosen as an option when ordering the car but none of my three 370Zs have come with them. I sourced the kick plates from Steve at Redline Styling - a trader on the forum. They cost approximately £150. The installation isn't complicated but it is quite fiddly. It took me about 3 hours. I used a very good guide with pictures which can be found on one of the US forums (you have to register with the forum to see the pictures). (I don't think I'm allowed to post a link). This install was on my Nismo but the plates work with all variants of the 370. My top tips to anyone thinking about this are just to take your time and be careful when prying up the panels to access the wiring - it takes patience. And it's worth rigging something up to fish the wire through the small gap behind the dash - I used a wire coat hanger. The standard kick plate. Inner panel removed (passenger side) showing the wiring harnesses you need to access to connect the T-harness for the kick plates. Inner kick plate removed with carpet and weather strip lifted to route the wires on one side (same procedure on the other side - the wires are routed under the carpet and behind the centre of the dash) And the final result - the illuminated part shows best in low light but is still quite visible here....
  10. Thanks, he sure is Awww. I'm partial to fluffy cats, as you can tell from my pic. They tend to behave more like dogs than cats and spend a lot of time upside down
  11. The day I realised that never ever, ever, do I want children and can therefore spend all of my money on needlessly powerful cars and other boy's toys
  12. I'm not personally a fan of the later version of the Nismo bumper but I'll be very interested to see how the install goes. Look forward to reading your updates . Presumably you need to buy the LED lights too?
  13. When I was 14 my right leg started to swell badly near the knee. It was left much too long before I was taken to the doctors. He said to my Mum - take him to hospital right now. Turned out I had a very big abcess inside my leg. They put me under, cut open my leg and drained about half a pint of gunk out. Because it was infectious the three inch wound couldn't be sewn up - it had to heal from the inside out. Evey day for about a fortnight a nurse would come into the room and pack the open wound with fresh gauze poking it in with pointy plastic tweezers. To this day that was my most painful experience.
  14. The GTR starter button is a great little mod and very easy to do
  15. Until something decent comes to PS4, Xbox is definitely the console for decent driving games. I have both consoles so not slating the PS4 but Forza definitely beats anything on that console for driving game goodness
  16. Just don't invite them to the divorce party.
  17. I can't work out if you're being ironic but just in case you're not, nobody is suggesting re-maps don't work or having a pop at Abbey. It's just that not everyone has noticed the difference they were expecting or feels that the expense was justified for them.
  18. I don't think I had problem with my zed before remap,but I physically don't see a difference in driving after remap was done! Im not going to be to pretend and say :"yeah,zed drives like a rocket now".This is what this forum is about,discuss things ,either they good or bad or neutral! I really hope remap was done correctly ! Don't see a reason why it should be done otherwise! Indeed. I don't think people should be accused of talking rubbish if they give an honest opinion. Perhaps different driving styles, expectations etc come into play but I frankly don't think I noticed a difference. I think I tried to convince myself I did, but I didn't. There was nothing wrong with my car and I'm sure Abbey did their usual high quality work. Perhaps I was just expecting too much.
  19. You've answered your own question fella. Human decency hasn't gone anywhere. You displayed it, as did the nurse. I've said it before and I'll say it again...most people are thick idiots. Don't let that get in the way of the fact that you did a good thing. I'm sure the bike rider appreciated it and that's what matters.
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