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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Agreed. Personally I think it's a bargain, much like the M135i is, but I wouldn't want to own an M135i as it's a bit ugly (oh, the irony of that coming from a 6 series owner! ), so I can understand why people wouldn't want one. As a generation of petrolheads though, I think we should all be very excited by this car, what it represents and the value it offers. Much like the GT-R: It's not a car I have any interest in owning, but I can appreciate that it's an absolute stonking piece of kit for the cash. Totally agree. I'm looking forward to seeing them and hearing impressions from people who actually drive them. Doubt I'd buy one though as the overall package doesn't really appeal to me. Evora S is top of my next car wish list (for now).
  2. What if, for example, a person can't stand the look of the thing? I'm not in the camp - I think it looks just ok - but it's a bit odd to imply that everyone who likes cars must want this car without exception.
  3. For the sake of clarity, I believe 97 is fine although the filler cap refers to 98.
  4. A lot of you seem to be very sure that this car is going to be the second coming and cant believe that a few of us aren't completely in love with it already. I just hope it doesn't disappoint when it hits the streets over here. (And I mean that - I'd love to see it do well).
  5. No. People are just have a friendly debate expressing differing opinions about a new car. If your comment about listening to magazines being rubbish was a reference to my post I simply mentioned that there was a review. I didn't say I agreed with it. Like you I've long since noticed that most of the mainstream review sites slag off anything that doesn't have a Porsche or BMW badge on it.
  6. Not sure it's an age thing. I'm 45 and not really into American cars. I've seen the movies and played the games
  7. Managed to find a review of the latest model (albeit not the V8) online today but I can't find the link now. Think it might have been Autoexpress or something similar. They liked the styling but criticised the ride and cabin quality. They also slagged off the engine noise (but that's obviously specific to the smaller engine). Ride quality wouldn't be an issue for me after several years bouncing along in the Z.
  8. You do like to slip in the odd little dig at them from time to time. Seriously though I'm not convinced comparisons with the 370 are much use. They have a completely different identity. I was surprised that I actually started to like the Mustang's look, but I think for a lot of people it won't be to their taste - it looks very big and hefty and that doesn't appeal to everyone, much like the GTR. The 370 isn't exactly a small car (mine pokes out width-wise from most of the cars on our road) but it doesn't have that really hefty presence that cars like the Mustang and GTR have. That's not to everyone's taste. My other half appreciates a nice looking car and her instant reaction to it was "too chunky and very ugly". (I hope she was referring to the car and not me!) Aesthetically you could love the look of the 370 and hate the look of the Mustang, and vice versa. Some people will love the big chunky 'American-ness' of it, but I don't see that most (of the small group) of people for whom the 370 would be serious contender will drop it from their list because this car offers more grunt for the money.
  9. I wasn't personally referring to power, just that I prefer the GTR as an overall package. Obviously the Mustang is a bargain in terms of raw performance for price. Having looked at some more pictures and a video I do quite like it. Be interesting to read reviews and see one in the flesh at some point. They sound good too.
  10. Lots of car for the money but I think if I was in the market for a big square lump with a ton of power I'd be heading to the GTR.
  11. Looks like a great car Steve. Best of luck with the sale.
  12. Looks daft to me. If it actually turned out like that the wheel arches would block much of the driver's view.
  13. Lenders don't actually use any of these services - so Noddle's free service is as good as any. There is actually no such thing as a 'credit score', it's nothing more than a consumer product to make money out of you, based on a very loose set of incomplete data, which may or may not be considered by any potential lender. No offence mate but the first part of your post isn't correct. From the Citizen's Advice Bureau website: Credit reference agencies are companies which are allowed to collect and keep information about consumers' borrowing and financial behaviour. When you apply for credit or a loan, you sign an application form which gives the lender permission to check the information on your credit reference file. Lenders use this information to make decisions about whether or not to lend to you. If a lender refuses you credit after checking your credit reference file they must tell you why credit has been refused and give you the details of the credit reference agency they used. There are three credit reference agencies - Experian, Equifax and CallCredit (aka Noddle). All the credit reference agencies keep information about you and a lender can consult one or more of them when making a decision. As far as I know there are very few scenarios in which an application for credit will not result in a seach of your credit record with at least one of these agencies. It is correct to say the credit scores are of questionable value because lenders take a variety of factors into account but it's misleading to claim that these agencies are not used at all by lenders.
  14. But don't most lenders do their checks with Experian or Equifax? Noddle is fine but if you want to be certain your records are accurate you need to check all three, as the data isn't always consistent across the board (and yes I agree they're a con but you can use the free trial offers to do a one off check and then cancel.)
  15. Took the weight out of my Nismo boot. Worked for a day. Suppose next step is to get the springs replaced under warranty.
  16. I had a fairly irresponsible attitude to credit in my younger years - (I'm talking about 20 years ago when I was in my early 20s when there was a lot less information available about the consequences of missing payments etc). A missed payment here, a default there, can blight your ability to get affordable credit for years. I'm now religious about keeping on top of everything and keeping a beady eye on my credit record. If you use any kind of credit it's worth checking your records to make sure they're accurate - I've had a number of errors corrected on mine in the past. (Also worth being aware that there are three main agencies so even if one record is accurate it's worth checking the others).
  17. Unfortunately defaults remain on a credit record for six years from the date of being registered. Even if the original debt was subsequently paid off the record of the default will remain for that period and can have a very damaging effect on the ability to obtain credit. It's also worth bearing in mind that if you do enter into joint financial commitments with your wife her credit history could have an impact on you, as she will appear on your record as someone with whom you have a financial association. No harm in appealing but it's unlikely to change their mind.
  18. I'm thinking of sneaking out at night and cladding all the pavement in my area too
  19. I empathise with your plans. I paid a significant amount of money to have a scratch on my previous Z's door repaired having stupidly knocked it against the lamp post outside.
  20. Cool. They definitely add to the interior.
  21. I researched a lot before changing my Nismo system GMan. Ark DTS was right at the top of the list of contenders. I say do it. Transforms the car.
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