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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. I'd call them animals, but I like animals.
  2. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Not if you get the Ark DTS.....
  3. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    I got £900 for mine (2000 miles on it). I was lucky that someone was after one when I was selling.
  4. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    It's recommended but I certainly didn't notice and difference when I got the HKS filters in mine.
  5. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Apart from my single CEL issue a few months back I've been very happy with the Cobra HFCs. They definitely give an extra dimension to the sound, but having said that I wouldn't be too sad if I had to take them off. I was happy with my previous Z's set up, which was stock cats and the Stillen exhaust. Still sounded great, just not quite as raucous.
  6. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    I think it must just be my lack of driving experience (I took my test fairly late in life) that means I don't notice all of these things that are niggling you. I've been grinning from ear to ear about my Nismo since the day I picked it up a year ago. With the exception of the exhaust the only thing that bothers me (I'm a bit OCD) is the way the cloth seats pick up fluff!
  7. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    No problem. You may have seen from other threads that there are mixed views on the value of Uprev on the 370s. Most people seem to think it is worth doing but I had one on my previous 370 and really could not feel a significant benefit. I believe GMan also isn't a fan. I wouldn't say I'd found a workaround as such - just not had a problem save the one isolated incident with the CEL light. I did my mod solely for the sound benefit and I couldn't be happier on that score. Performance wise, the car feels the same. It may be that an uprev would give you a few more HP and improve throttle response but based on my previous experiences I'm not willing to fork out £400+ to find out. The car feels plenty quick enough to me. I'm not an expert on decats but don't they create MOT issues? One final thing, Im not sure that all 370 aftermarket exhausts fit perfectly to the underside of the Nismo. My Stillen required a fairly straightforward workaround to get the tips to line up straight. I believe one of the hanger brackets on the car may be in a slightly different position on the Nismo. Shouldn't be too hard to resolve though if you do have a similar issue with the Cobra.
  8. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Already put a deposit on gumpy's Cobra, that Nismo POS is coming straight off! Was tossing up HFCs or Decats and erring towards the latter. Might also be thinking about some induction mods (don't care if a lose a few horses). Any CEL issues with your stillen / hfc combo? I had the CEL come on just once about two or three months ago. Diagnosed and cleared it with a ten quid dongle and free Ipad app and its not come back since.
  9. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Seems to charge my ageing IPod
  10. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Totally with you on the MPSSs in general. Great tyres. And with you on the chasis. It's probably the most significant improvement over the standard 370 - very flat and poised on the bends. I posted a review of my exhaust upgrade which may be of interest if you've not seen it already. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/83723-my-nismo-given-the-cobra-and-stillen-treatment/ Know what you mean about attention - it keeps coming
  11. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Funny. Mine felels distinctly quicker than both of my previous 370s. Definitely agree on the exhaust. Doesn't do the car justice. I lasted about a month before shelling out for a new system. You might need to manage your expectations of how much difference MPSS will make to the tire roar. I've had 370s with both Bridgestones and MPSS. The MPSS are marginally quieter but not much. Tire roar is just a feature of the 370 you have to get used to. A proper sounding exhaust helps a lot. Enjoy the new car and post up some pics
  12. Cheers bud. Agree re the wheels. I would also have expected it to seem a lot bigger than the Z.
  13. Thanks for the pics. I'm still not very keen on the looks. I think it looks good from the front and back but the side profile doesn't do it for me. Exhaust tips look surprisingly small but I guess that's easily rectified. Nice colour. In the flesh, how did it compare in size/presence wise to your Z?
  14. +1 And in addition to increasing your budget for the car itself you'll need in the region of an additional £1k for the exhaust, unless you're lucky enough to find one that already has an aftermarket system.
  15. Mine definitely does but perhaps that because I also have the HFCs.
  16. Can't comment on the 350 comparison as I've never driven one but the salesman was wrong about the sat nav. The updated sat nav appears in the 2010+ models. There are easy ways to check. If it has touch screen, post code search and a USB port in the cubby between the seats, it's the newer version.
  17. Bloke with sports car complaining about speed humps is unlikely to generate much sympathy. Is it the black plastic strip under the car just behind the lip that catches? If so I believe some people have removed them. I don't object to traffic calming measures but I have noticed that by far the worst drivers around our way are the mummy's racing their little cherubs to school. A lot of them drive hefty 4x4s that sail straight over the local speed humps without having to slow down at all.
  18. sipar69

    370Z Nismo

    Yep. Look great in red. the Mk1 was also available in red in the US but didn't make it here.
  19. Hang on......someone has driven one and didn't like it much? I thought we were all instructed that we had to want this car, otherwise we weren't 'petrol heads'. Not sure I want to be a 'petrol head' anyway - sounds a bit too much like 'crack head'.
  20. sipar69


    That's a good price!
  21. sipar69


    I like the look of em too. Definitely getting another set when my current tyres need changing.
  22. Can't stand it myself, but if it's your thing I think I noticed a GTR in the advert for next week's episode.
  23. "That sports car feeling – even after you arrive at the office"
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