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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Not hideous but I wouldn't buy one.
  2. Think I read something in one of the papers recently that speed is statistically a fairly insignificant causal factor in accidents.
  3. Great post. I'm biased - I work at the High Court (beautiful building) and like Ekona I would be delighted to sit on any case as a juror. Although the Daily Mail would have you believe otherwise we have one of, if not the, best judicial systems in the World. It's a shame that it's only ever when mistakes are made or decisions are controversial that we get to hear about it.
  4. Isn't it a good thing to contribute something to society, even if it might be a bit uncomfortable, inconvenient etc? I'd be happy to do jury service.
  5. I think that's a fair point but I can see why they take such a hard line on exemptions. Look at it this way, whenever there's a horrible crime e.g. Lee Rigby, everyone's expressing their disgust but look how many people seemingly wouldn't want to give up some of their time to serve on a jury. The problem with restricting it to people who want to do it is you'd end up with the same people doing it over and over again. I do think you should be excused if it means your business would suffer badly though.
  6. There are two possibilities for people who have genuine reasons - deferment and exemption. Changes in the law have meant that very few categories of people are exempt these days. Magistrates, for example, who already give a substantial amount of public service for no pay (minimum of 13 days per year, usually quite a bit more) can still be called for jury service. If you were called and could convince them that it would significantly damage your business to serve at a particular time, I expect you would be able to defer to a different time. I doubt they would exempt you. Once deferred, they would probably expect you to go and make arrangements to cover whatever business obligations you have for when you are next due to serve. I guess the argument would be that juries should be as representative of the adult population as possible, so it wouldn't be desirable to allow every self employed person to be excused. Just my thinking on the logic. I work within the legal system, but I'm no expert on how the jury selection system actually operates.
  7. Trial by jury is a good thing and unless you have a genuine reason to seek exemption (which doesn't include that you can't really be arsed, or it will inconvenience you), people should do it willingly.
  8. sipar69

    Cayman GT4

    Wouldn't dream of arguing about the performance and seems like a bargain price but the looks don't do it for me. Personally prefer the look of the latest Evora S Sports Racer for example. Still, great to see it in a price bracket that real people might actually be able to afford.
  9. I was thinking of this one as it's not very expensive and seems to get very good reviews. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Transcend-DrivePro-Video-Recorder-Built-In-Black/dp/B00GRYT5QI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423220235&sr=8-1&keywords=transcend+drivepro+200 The Blackvue ones look great but quite pricey.
  10. Thanks all. I will have a go at fitting one this weekend (probably won't hard wire it though - just see if I can hide the cable to the 12v connector.)
  11. Surely Moderators should be above lazy racist stereotyping? I've reported the comment, it's not the first time... Not right from a member, but from a Moderator When did the forum become Daily Mail / UKIP sponsored? This is fine but I'd suggest there is a need for some consistency. I'm not gay for example but I personally think that use of the word to describe something negatively is offensive and inappropriate, yet it seems quite common on this forum. Perhaps I should have challenged that before now. I'm not defending any potentially offensive behaviour but we should be consistent. And apologies for going off topic. My last word on the matter
  12. Sounds good mate, cheers. Reckon I'll order one then.
  13. Cheers Ioneabee. Were you able to tuck it in along the top of the widescreen then?
  14. Flyboy are you saying that fitting number three requires some sort of adjustment following fitting, or are these just fit and go?
  15. Hey folks, I've been looking at getting a dash cam but I'm a bit unsure about how easy it is to hide the power cable that has to run to the 12v socket. Anyone using a cam and managed to hide the wires successfully? I'm assuming it's a case of running it around the edge of the windscreen, down the A pillar etc... Cheers
  16. I'm not bottling anything ya cheeky monkey it's called diplomacy. Seriously though, it's horses for courses. Octet has his taste in styling and his seriously high powered Z. We have our mildly modified Nismos that we love to death......and DT has dropped nearly £30k on a car he doesn't seem to like very much at all My only observation is in about six years of knocking around this great forum I've never encountered anyone who bought a car and seems to be so underwhelmed by it.
  17. The most accurate description of the Nismo 370z on this website so far As opposed to twin turbo charged hair dryer covered in super glue and driven through Halfords. I understand, don't worry... Let's speak again after you drive my car :lol: (This is not a joke) I'd be scared to drive that beast. I get told off for by my better half for my driving now. Imagine the trouble I'd get into in yours.
  18. The most accurate description of the Nismo 370z on this website so far As opposed to twin turbo charged hair dryer covered in super glue and driven through Halfords.
  19. Did you test drive? I'm baffled how anyone can be so down on these awesome cars! It's beginning to sound like you regret your purchase.
  20. This car epitomises the friendly debates we have on here from time to time about what we want from a car and what makes a 'good' car for one person or another. It's quite possibly a performance to price bargain compared to my car for example, but I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole because the whole look and identity of it leaves me completely cold.
  21. The exhaust shouldn't protude too much because the Nismo diffuser is larger than the standard car. I had the same experience with my Stillens. My first one did stick out a bit on the standard 370 but not on the Nismo.
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