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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Don't think so as it's also a two stage finish.
  2. Some really really nice pubs in Sussex - drive out their most weekends for lunch.
  3. I really like Sussex. I think if we move out of this area at some point that will be the destination. My other half wants somewhere with a paddock, so she can have a horse. Good luck with your search.
  4. You'll need deep pockets for Richmond. This whole area (SW London) is a really nice place to live but it's painfully expensive. Teddington is a nice place, as is Twickenham, both slightly cheaper than Richmond, but still silly money. Example - a bog standard three bed Victorian terraced house down our road (small gardens, no off street parking) would set you back about £700k. One went on sealed bids for £900k recently - bonkers. I'm not rich by the way, we are currently renting. I moved briefly to Warlingham about ten years ago. It's a nice enough place but I felt completely not at home there and quickly moved back to this area. That experience made me realise that you need to live somewhere that feels right to you. Difficult to define what 'right' is but I think you know it when you feel it.
  5. FIFA 15 for the XBOX 360 Came free with a console. Brand new and sealed. I'm asking £20 plus £2 for first class postage. (Currently retails for about £40 on Amazon). PM me if you want it - payment to be made by online bank transfer please. Thanks for looking in...
  6. Me too. I've had a refurb on one wheel that isn't a completely perfect match, albeit that I think it's sufficiently close that nobody else can tell the difference if I don't point it out.
  7. I don't think that's right. KAD is the code for gun metal, but it doesn't alter the fact that the wheels are a two stage finish. If you painted the wheels with that colour you would not get the slightly smokey/two tone effect that these wheels have - you'd get a flat one stage gun metal finish that would stick out like a sore thumb. I'd love to be wrong because refurbishing these wheels is a complete pain. Have you used that colour on your wheels?
  8. I was told by Abbey Motorsport that the big advantage of the Cobras is that they are less likely to cause emission issues at MOT time than the Berks. I've not had any Berks so I can't really compare and I'm certainly not slating them, but the Cobras seemed very good quality and they sound great paired with my Stillen exhaust.
  9. Indeed. The Nismo comes with a reversing camera. I have been thinking about adding sensors too.
  10. It's a slippery slope mate. Having been such a smug twit, I will now feel obliged to check all of my posts over and over again.
  11. ...start: Soon I'll have you posting like a proper grammar nazi Capitalisation directly after a colon, then lowercase 'nazi' instead of captialising the name 'Nazi' ? IMO it should be a semi colon anyway, and yes, the sentence after a semi colon should start with a lower case letter; and the word 'Nazi" should of course begin with a capital N ... but it's not the glaring error I was referring too ! This could get silly, but forgive me if point out that 'semi colon' is questionable at best. Ideally, it should be 'semicolon' or 'semi-colon'; and did you deliberately misuse 'too'?
  12. In that case Mr Octet you may wish to insert 'an' before 'abacus' and replace the unnecessary capital 'A' with its lower case counterpart. I do agree with you though - the general standard of written English on here doesn't say much for our system of education or for people who like Japanese sports cars. Ekona seems to have a good grasp of the language. It's just a shame he uses it to annoy everyone.
  13. You soon get used to a big car trust me Much as I admit I miss driving a small sports car, driving a big fast barge is just as much fun You're probably better at parking than me!
  14. Worth considering the Cobra high flow cats too. Not the cheapest but I'm very happy with mine.
  15. sipar69

    BMW i8

    I saw one driving through Barnes a few weeks ago. Looked very nice.
  16. I love the GTR but I doubt I'll ever buy one because I personally think they're too big. I can see me getting into all sorts of parking related scrapes etc in one of them.
  17. Your other half must love that when she asks if you like her latest haircut, dress etc
  18. What he said. Those colours wheels come on the Black Edition (aka 40th Anniversary Edition), the GT Edition and the MK 1 Nismo. If you want yours done a similar colour don't go hunting for a paint code, as there isn't one. It's a two stage finish with a base coat of black dusted with silver. Best to take a picture of the wheels and ask for it to be replicated.
  19. My Casio was £6.99 off EBay. Love it but guess it means I'm not in the snazzy watch gang.
  20. Not all, just the nismo v1 guys Come on mate, can't you see I'm joking? I said that several times, I really don't care what you think about MY car, why would you care so much about what I possibly think about YOUR car? You've spent so much on it, not to make me like it, but for you to enjoy it. Unless you hate your car too, it really doesn't make any sense being so sensitive about it. Ekona is it really necessary for you to keep saying this? We all have cars we don't like but it seems a bit weird how many times you feel the need to slag off my Amuse TT 370z. Your car isn't to my taste at all but you don't see me popping up on your build thread periodically slagging it off. Oh, wait, but you haven't changed the wipers yet, so no build thread! In fact, you don't even have a Nissan, so what the hell are you still doing here, eh? :lol: You were joking? Well I'm glad to see you finally admit that you secretly love the Mk1 Nismo then I'm not sensitive bud and no hard feelings. I just think some of us are more sparing (aka diplomatic) with our negative opinions than others. Now I promise that really is the my last word on it or I'll get a ticking off from the mods.
  21. Adrian is it really necessary for you to keep saying this? We all have cars we don't like but it seems a bit weird how many times you feel the need to slag off the Nismo. Your car isn't to my taste at all but you don't see me popping up on your build thread periodically slagging it off. We all have opinions but it's getting a bit tiresome now and feels like you're trying to goad people. The trouble is if those of us who love our Nismos start arguing back the mods will rightly tell us to pack it in, so how about you just enjoy your car without feeling the need to have a go at other peoples? And my apologies to the OP for going off topic. My last word on the subject.
  22. We have a disproportionate number of restaurants and pubs, presumably due to that game in which oversized public school chaps chase a peanut shaped ball around a muddy field.
  23. Great models guys. I used to love model making as a kid. Tamiya were the best kits I reckon.
  24. I've been looking into dash cams recently. At the moment this is top of my list. Not flashy, not expensive, but seems to get great reviews. And I like that it's very small compared to some of the others. http://www.carcamerashop.co.uk/mobius-action-camera-dash-cam-version.html
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