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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Darn you Ekona, you beat me to it. PS I am in the SAS and can do a million press ups on one finger. And I like beer. Grrrrr.
  2. How you are allowed to get away with making up these stories is completely beyond me. In some respects, I admire your sheer nerve but if 50% of your posts had a grain of truth to them you'd have lived the most eventful life of any human being on the planet! Lying or not, If you believe life is sorted out in disciplinary hearings you have lived a very sheltered life, the stories i could tell you about work incidents would have you shaking in a corner. Always got sorted and no one got fired, got to be a bonus surely Interesting that you took such exception to my thicko remark but you dont think it might be offensive to imply that you could reduce someone you don't know to shaking in a corner with one of your 'stories'. If I end up shaking in a corner it would be with laughter at the fact that you've just tried to turn this entire thread into a competition about who the most manly man is. Just as it was wrong of me to characterise everyone who likes JC as thick, it's just too simplistic and naive to imply that anyone ŵho understands that not everything at work can be sorted out in a blokey way is a wimp. What does the inexperienced 18 year old girl whose just started work in an office and finds that she's being bullied and sexually harassed by her older more experienced male manager do? Offer him a fight around the back of the building? Get her Dad down to beat him up? Shut up and put up with it because if she complains and someone investigates, she's just a PC moaner right?
  3. How you are allowed to get away with making up these stories is completely beyond me. In some respects, I admire your sheer nerve but if 50% of your posts had a grain of truth to them you'd have lived the most eventful life of any human being on the planet!
  4. Here's a thought - I'd suggest that generally you don't need to choose between the workplace bully and profit/productivity etc. Why? Because in most circumstances people who behave like that are not the most productive, capable people. They're the people who are using aggression, bravado etc to hide the fact that they're actally not very good. Really good people don't need to act up - their performance and ability speaks for itself.
  5. Yeah I've done quite a few investigations and generally verbals is likely to mean warnings but any form of violence and it's out the door you go. But a succession of more minor warnings will also mean it's get your coat time.
  6. You're exactly right. I had to investigate a fight that took place out of hours at a Christmas party a few years ago. It wasn't on work premises or in work hours but a guy who got drunk and punched one of his colleagues still ended up getting the sack. A major employer like the BBC doesn't lose interest in how it's employees behave once they are off the clock. Perhaps what this thread partly demonstrates is that we all have different work backgrounds and different understandings of what is and isn't acceptable. Let's forget this is Jeremy Clarkson for a second and just focus on the fact that this incident involves a large high profile publicly funded organisation. If you have any knowledge of how those kinds of organisations expect people to behave and how they react to serious breaches of conduct, it really wouldn't seem all that surprising that he finds himself suspended pending investigation. It might seem harsh to some but that's what would happen to any employee of such an organisation in these sorts of cases. And you only have to look to the Jimmy Saville era BBC to see the consequences of people being unwilling to confront someone's behaviour because they're a big and influential star. I doubt the BBC will allow itself to fall Into that trap again.
  7. Exactly. We might never know exactly what happened but common sense dictates that it's very unlikely they would suspend a major star (loosely speaking) and take one of their most high profile shows off air over a verbal argument. The most remarkable thing about this whole episode is not that those of us who don't like Clarkson have reiterated our dislike, it's the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are prepared to support him and call for his reinstatement before the facts have been established.
  8. I've spent most of my working life in the public sector. Twenty years ago you could argue that people were treated pretty leniantly over issues such as conduct and sick etc but that's all changed now. There's very little faffing about when people do things wrong and it's quite common for people to be sacked for misconduct of one sort or another (unlike the large private company my other half works for where they seem to let people get away with pretty much anything). Certainly where I work if you punched or aimed a punch at someone (unless you were you defending yourself) you'd be gone. Quick investigation to establish the facts then get yer coat and get down the job centre.
  9. I hate to break this to you but the issue of violence towards people you work with has nothing to do with political correctness.
  10. I'd like to invite you all to sign my petition to have Jimmy Saville declared a saint. He was a celebrity and I liked Jim'll Fix it.
  11. How utterly hypocritical that you feel its completely acceptable for you to air your derogatory comments on the "forty something thickos" etc but not ok for him to air his views, which he hasnt by the way, just sailed close to the wind with comments that have self righteous people like you leaping to your moral high ground. Let me point out, i am not the least bit offended by being a 40 something thicko etc, in fact for the very reason above i think its quite laughable, i love freedom of speech and if thats what you think, fill your boots, but dont be so quick to have your say and condemn others for doing the same. Four words to rearrange: Cup, in, tea, storm You've admirably proved my point and missed 'the' point with your hysterical post. If you think that punching a work colleague amounts to a storm in a teacup I'm glad I don't work with you! Thank you for taking the time to read not two posts after where i clearly say, i do not condone violence!!!! Till we all know the exact story, best not jump on the media bandwagon like you and start preaching about violence, racial hatred etc etc If he hit someone, he should be fired, simple! There is nothing hysterical about my post either, its pretty simple, you think its ok for you to be slanderous and air an opinion (40 something thickos) but not him, the subject matter is irrelevant. It certainly isnt some inane rantings because of your hatred for JC like your post, your entitled to your opinion, him his, just because you dont like it because it "offends" you, who cares, far more important things to worry about in the world and if the minority stopped being so bl**dy self righteous the world would be a better place, each to their own Find a crusade which actually matters! You'll see that I've retracted my remark. I wasn't out to offend anyone. I'm afraid that you and I will have to agree to disagree about the rest of this. I don't think nearly enough about him to hate him. I have a general disdain for his brand of humour and his apparent arrogance. As Steve Coogan effectively pointed out in his article, it's the easiest thing in the world to dismiss people who speak out against subtle forms of racism, for example, as being overly sensitive or self righteous, but the simple fact is that some of us are just normal people who believe tolerating and defending this sort of thing has damaging consequences. It's an opinion, just like you have opinions, not a crusade. This is Coogan's view and its a view I share (but I'm not taking the rap for the halfwit remark) 'It's not entirely their fault, of course. Part of the blame must lie with what some like to call the "postmodern" reaction to overzealous political correctness. Sometimes, it's true, things need a shakeup; orthodoxies need to be challenged. But this sort of ironic approach has been a licence for any halfwit to vent the prejudices they'd been keeping in the closet since Love Thy Neighbour was taken off the air.'
  12. I'm happy to retract the 'thicko' remark on the basis that I don't wish cause offence to anyone on the forum. Definitely not retracting the comment about Clarkson being an arse and a buffoon though. He is. As for guilty until proven innocent, I'd suggest the 200,000 plus people who have already decided that whatever he did wasn't sufficiently serious to warrant his suspension is the more striking issue. But of course, it doesn't matter if you hit someone if you make a popular TV programme.
  13. How utterly hypocritical that you feel its completely acceptable for you to air your derogatory comments on the "forty something thickos" etc but not ok for him to air his views, which he hasnt by the way, just sailed close to the wind with comments that have self righteous people like you leaping to your moral high ground. Let me point out, i am not the least bit offended by being a 40 something thicko etc, in fact for the very reason above i think its quite laughable, i love freedom of speech and if thats what you think, fill your boots, but dont be so quick to have your say and condemn others for doing the same. Four words to rearrange: Cup, in, tea, storm You've admirably proved my point and missed 'the' point with your hysterical post. If you think that punching a work colleague amounts to a storm in a teacup I'm glad I don't work with you!
  14. The question is not whether his wealth 'matters' it's whether it influences his behaviour. I'd be willing to bet that one of the reasons he felt able to behave in a way that most of us wouldn't dream of at work is because the consequences for him would not be the same as they would for us. If I punch someone at work I get the sack. If I get the sack that has a major impact on my life because I lose my income. If I'm a millionaire I don't have to worry about that. Even if (inexplicably to me) you think the guy is funny, entertaining etc. punching people is not on and the consequences for those of you who like the show (and all the people who work hard to make it) will now apparently be that you won't get to see it. So a lot of people lose out because of one man's arrogance and stupidity.
  15. The guy's an arse and a buffoon. He appeals to forty-something thickos who can't quite get to grips with the fact that racism and misogyny is no longer acceptable. If he's finally gone, good riddance to bad rubbish. Somehow I doubt it though. There will be a cooling off period and he'll be back making unfunny jokes about the fact that he took a swing at someone who probably felt unable to defend themselves because, unlike him, they're not a millionaire and needed to keep to their job.
  16. Welcome to the forum. Even with a number of breathing mods there are differing opinions on whether a remap is worth the expense. Definitely wouldn't bother with just the exhaust.
  17. Welcome. I'm not far from you - in Twickenham.
  18. Ekona I have a Megadrive Mk1, which does play the sound in stereo - you just need one of these leads. I got the Mk1 because it's the one I had as a kid and because the sound chip is supposed to be better. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sega-Megadrive-1-High-Quality-RGB-Scart-Lead-Video-Cable-TV-Lead-STEREO-Sound-/260926939448 And please tidy up those cables!!!
  19. These are a great little mod and very easy to do.
  20. Be interested to hear a bit more about the paint job. And did they manage a good colour match on the wheel?
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