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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Film doesn't look at all funny, but I could look at that pic in th OP's post all day
  2. Sorry to read that. Beautiful Cat. RIP Olly. Yep. Sorry fella.
  3. Ahhhh. Thank you oh wise one. I take that back. On my computer now and still not working.... [media] [media]
  4. Damn you GM I couldn't make it work. What am I donig wrong? [media] [media]
  5. Signed. AP rules. haha signed! Just to show what a farce the 1m clarkson one is!
  6. The comparison has also been made by a certain member in this thread Darn right. I reckon they were separated at birth.... More wrinkles than a 200 year old tortoise, bad clothes, faces that could turn milk sour, comedy hair.... I much preferred your unedited version below: "Darn right. - hit peak popularity when wrinkly as a tortoise and despite being beaten with the ugly stick - inexplicably popular despite absence of talent - comedy hair - wormed their way in with the political elite of the day - featured in terrible TV programmes..... The list is potentially endless....." Far more opinionated, lovely though to be able to freely voice your thoughts without fear of a witch hunt for your scalp The comparison has also been made by a certain member in this thread Darn right. I reckon they were separated at birth.... More wrinkles than a 200 year old tortoise, bad clothes, faces that could turn milk sour, comedy hair.... I much preferred your unedited version below: "Darn right. - hit peak popularity when wrinkly as a tortoise and despite being beaten with the ugly stick - inexplicably popular despite absence of talent - comedy hair - wormed their way in with the political elite of the day - featured in terrible TV programmes..... The list is potentially endless....." Far more opinionated, lovely though to be able to freely voice your thoughts without fear of a witch hunt for your scalp Ha that'll teach me to do my edits faster
  7. The comparison has also been made by a certain member in this thread Darn right. I reckon they were separated at birth.... More wrinkles than a 200 year old tortoise, bad clothes, faces that could turn milk sour, comedy hair....
  8. Solution = Ethel sounds awesome. Give her to me. She can come and live in Twickenham with our four rescue bunnies and two adopted fat lazy cats (who are too obese, cowardly and spoilt to think of taking on a feisty chicken.). Problem solved.
  9. Those supermarket delivery drivers are a nightmare.
  10. I was told that the materials used inside Cobra HFCs mean that MOT fails should not be an issue....got another couple of years til I find out. Fingers crossed.
  11. Seem to recall we're not allowed to post links to US Z forums but if you Google "350Z ruined" there's an epic body shop horror story from some years ago.
  12. Ok. Watched it. Poor car. Gonna need a good bodyshop.
  13. If you have a Sky box I believe the episodes are available on catch up. Will have a watch later.
  14. That is so cool. I want to live your life
  15. I like how the dog with the Orangutang looks so proud.
  16. Jetpilot, have you not 'got' that the only way for managers who were not physically present to establish whether punches were thrown is an investigation? They sit them down. The producer says "he punched me". JC says "no I didn't". What then? I've got an idea. It's the weekend. We have a limited amount of time to spend with our loved ones and doing the things we like to do. We're never going to agree. We're miles apart. Let's just agree to disagree. I need to get stuff done before the town is overrun by rugby fans!
  17. You're contadicting yourself Jetpilot. First you declare that it was a shouting match and they should move on. Then you say that IF punches were thrown there should be an investigation. The whole point of an investigation is to establish what happened. And that is exactly the point of having the kind of process which you have been so quick to dismiss. I'd hardly say that an example of an older male boss bullying a younger female qualifies as a hypothetical situation. It happens. But I'll happily use a real example for you. Jimmy Saville got away with abusing people for decades because nobody at the BBC (and elsewhere) had the guts to do anything about him. He was a big powerful figure, a popular celebrity, untouchable (sound familiar?). Imagine how different things might have been if the BBC then had a culture of respect and people were prepared to properly confront and investigate allegations of improper behaviour. Imagine how many lives might have been saved from permanent ruin. There's no evidence that JC is a child abuser of course but the principle is exactly the same.
  18. We always get rescue animals too. Sorry for your loss. I'm sure you gave him a very happy life in his final years.
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