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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Detachable cable is a must for me.
  2. For anyone who fancies grabbing a set of some the best in-ear earphones around I will be doing an ad in the for sale section for some of these beauties in the next few days. http://en-uk.sennheiser.com/earphones-high-end-hifi-stereo-passive-noise-reduction-ie-80 They are phenomenal (retail for over £200).
  3. Our wee Aygo with his big brother
  4. Can you elaborate on what that 'something' was plse?
  5. Ok. Be interesting to see what happens when I'm due an MOT as I was definitely told they were MOT proof.
  6. I've gone from being so interested in politics when I left school I did a degree in it, to almost complete apathy in recent years. I don't believe any of the mainstream parties have credibility because whatever they say in their manifestos, they usually fail to deliver. And I'm certainly not voting for the fruit loop U-Kippers. And am I the only person who is driven mad by the way all politicians now start every answer to a question with "Look...."
  7. That's a bummer. Are you in a 370?
  8. No doubt. Don't get me wrong, I like a drink and could do with losing a few pounds myself but he looks like he's been seriously overdoing it. Combined with the stress, that's not a good recipe.
  9. The latest pictures of JC suggest he might not be doing much at all if he's not careful. He looks seriously unhealthy.
  10. Fair point. Certainly where I work, you'd be gone for the violent act, not the extent of any injury it caused. If I hit a colleague I'd be gone regardless of ŵhether it caused an injury.
  11. Didn't he also have a pop at Piers Morgan? I recognise the hypocrisy of this.........I'd have held his coat
  12. No offence fella. I've read other posts of yours and you seem like a nice bloke but you're falling into the same trap as the million odd people who signed the reinstatement petition before knowing what happened. Whether we like or loath him, we just have to accept the facts and not deflect the blame on to the producer. JC got drunk, got annoyed and assaulted a colleague. It was his fault. You can't behave that way. Full stop.
  13. If it turns out he punched the guy over a meal, I can't see what else the outcome would be regardless of who he is or whether you're a fan or not. You just can't people. Simple as that. ( If I punched everyone who annoyed me at work I'd have very sore knuckles )
  14. I was just thinking exactly the same. You are absolutely right of course and even as fan I wouldnt wish any blame towards the producer, however much I feel the situation between 2 men could have resolved far more amicably, dare I say simply. However and not from my part, he Is going to be one hated man. I wonder If they will do the last few episodes, could be a possibility? Something's wrong here - we've started agreeing (I also agreed with you about the Beeb having to take responsibility for airing some of the things that JC has got into trouble over e.g the 'Slope' comment).
  15. If it turns out that he did hit him and gets sacked I hope people don't blame the producer. You have to take responsibility for your actions in life but I can see some of the same people who signed the petition heaping all the blame on the victim (if it's true that Clarkson reported himself he deserves some credit for that).
  16. I must be a bit soft because I feel a bit sad that none replied, so....welcome back. I've done lists of common issues, as have others, so most of that info is around here somewhere. Not sure about the services. Anyway, enjoy the test drive. I've never driven a 350 but most people who have gone from that to a 370 seem pretty happy.
  17. Can't escape Bruce even now. He's immortal!
  18. Seem to recall from a documentary I saw about the battle for Saturday night TV that this happened with good old Brucie and the Generation Game. He got poached by ITV and everyone thought the show would flop but they brought in Larry Grayson and everyone loved it. That's it problem solved Top Gear presenters. Bruce Forsyth. instead of J. Clarkson Larry Grayson. (if still alive) instead of J. May. Freddy Star. instead of R. Hamilton. Job Done... :lol: Nice. I'd watch that!
  19. Seem to recall from a documentary I saw about the battle for Saturday night TV that this happened with good old Brucie and the Generation Game. He got poached by ITV and everyone thought the show would flop but they brought in Larry Grayson and everyone loved it.
  20. Does not compute. Imagine the cars you could buy if you had £80k to spend......
  21. Not sure I'd be fussed about like for like in these sorts of circumstances. I'd be too preoccupied with wanting my own baby back to bother what I was driving in the meantime.
  22. Played a lot of the original Sim City on the SNES back in the day.
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