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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. Slow for me too and I'm on Virgin's supposedly fastest broadband. Pages seem slow to load etc.
  2. Thanks folks. My only concern is having to regularly pull them off to replace them and risk damaging the paintwork in the process. Probs give the front one a go and see how it lasts.
  3. Thanks. Doesn't sound promising...
  4. Thanks. Yep it was the satin ones I was thinking about. I guess even replacing them once a year isn't too bad if they only cost £20. Maybe putting wax or sealant on them would help.
  5. I know quite a few folks on here have replaced their Nissan badges with the Z badges available for sale on here. I'm interested in doing this but I'd like to hear from people about how durable they are. Do they become tarnished after a while or are yours still looking good after a year plus? Cheers
  6. That's what I was thinking... Unfortunately, someone parked a big silver barge in front of it.
  7. Nice to know I'm not the only one awake at this hour on a Sunday morning . I'm not annoyed or irritated by the issue, just sometimes genuinely unclear about when threads step over the line into unacceptable territory.
  8. I wish I understood what is and isn't acceptable on this forum a bit better sometimes. I prefer to say nothing about build threads if I've got nothing positive to say and I can think of only one or two occasions when I've criticised someone else's car, but if I'm reading through one and I see the OP says his car looks better and is faster than a Nismo and I think I've got something relevant to say (because I've owned both variants of the car) am I allowed to say so? I agree this is a member's build thread but as far as I can see he invited the debate with his comment. Or is the problem just when it starts getting personal? If people want to have a sly dig at the Nismo that's fine by me - probably to be expected for the top end variant of the car with only a few owners and looks that divide opinions - but it can't be surprising if people react to those digs can it? Or is that digs are ok but responses aren't? I'm not criticising anyone here - from what I've seen this forum is miles ahead of other car forums..
  9. I had a standard 370 with a Stillen exhaust and an uprev. Definitely didn't feel quicker than my current car. I'm not knocking your car and it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, I'm just not sure you've got your facts straight on that point. Anyway, if you're happy with it that's what matters. It's certainly a head turner
  10. Looks better than a Jag Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I usually specifically tell them not to do any so called 'valeting' for just this reason. I reckon the problem is that a lot of people who work for main dealerships don't care about cars. It's just a job that happened to be going when they were looking for one. My other half had a terrible experience with Toyota recently. - She gets an email offering a discount to fit an integrated sat nav... - She books the car in giving the year, reg, everything...obvious it's a new type Aygo - She takes the day off work and drops the car off first thing. They inspect the car and off she goes.... - Mid afternoon she gets a phone call - car is being worked on, ready soon... - Late afternoon, another call - you can collect it now - Gets to the service centre - "Oh we couldn't do it, we didn't have the right part in. The offer was only meant for older Aygos" (nothing in the email to say this). She threw such a mighty strop that they ordered the part in and did it the next week.
  12. I reckon I get more of a kick out of how it sounds to people on the outside. Don't think I'd want fake sounds.
  13. Cheers. I don't think it's faulty. I'm probably just sensitive to the slight hum.
  14. Anyone use theirs to watch Blu Rays as well as for games? I was until I decided it was too loud - quite a noticeable hum during the quiet moments in films. I've switched to a dedicated player as a result, which is much quieter.
  15. It was just a friendly poke fella not an attempt to restart a debate I was a just a bit confused since you've always said you hated the look of the Mk1 Nismo. The OP has the Mk1 Nismo body kit.
  16. I'm not sure about that. I've noticed that if I'm driving the comparatively big wide Z people seem to be more deferential when it comes to giving way etc than when im in my other half's Aygo. Thing is though I'm nearly always the one who gives way in the Z in 50/50 situations because I think it's the best way to avoid a scrape.
  17. I had one of those young 'down with the kids' trendy lecturers at uni'. He pronounced everything in his normal accent except South American countries, for which he put on a sort of heavy Spanish accent - so instead of Guatemala you got 'Whhhhatemala'. Still bugs me now 20 years later. Idiot.
  18. They should be allowed, I just don't think they should take it. Don't see why not if there is better regulation, after all someone with a more expensive car would be paying more insurance in the first place... maybe some kind of incentive if you downscale possibly? Because every time someone takes an expensive courtesy car, every single person pays for it with their premiums. If folks only ever took the cheapest thing, like an Aygo, then premiums would come down. Not disagreeing but if someone bumps my Jag, why should I drive an Aygo for a month or so? Like I said if my insurance was cheaper in the first place and clearly stated that all I could have is an Aygo then fair enough The system is the problem as 'costs' are claimed against the other persons insurance so people think I will have what I want, same with injury claims. I distinctly remember someone moaning a while back about a $hitty courtesy car, now who was that.....? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Our poor Aygo has tears coming from his headlights now......
  19. Now sold. Could Mods please lock this thread. Thanks
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